Posted by Pride & Glory ║ RP Thread

Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 14:34:17


Pride & Glory

It was once believed a single alpha male and one or two subordinate males who ruled a pride. No longer is that witnessed to be true. The genders are suited to different roles, of course; the females specialize in hunting and raising cubs, while the males protect the territory within the pride resides. All are equal, working toward a similar goal; survival and thriving.
For years, the Pride of Isocrates lived with this equality. Though it is not to say equality meant peace; more often than not, disputes over heavy decisions for the pride result in fights. When young, bull-headed males challenge the experience of wise, older lionesses, they are usually taught a lesson by a few mature lions.
This will always be the way.


Bão (0/4)
Male guards who remain with the pride for protection

Marquis (0/6)
Males who patrol borders of the territory in three pairs, marking them to warn off other predators

Wassa (3/∞)
Huntresses, very rarely joined by a male if numbers are low
Malai ♀ Ohnicio
Mbali ♀ Lumiere
Nzuri ♀ Taehyung's Face Enthusiast

Moa (0/3)
Broodmothers; lionesses who have recently had cubs, or females who care for the cubs of the pride. There will always be three permanent Moa who care for the cubs; new mothers are moved into this status temporarily

Cubs(1 - ∞)
Cara ♀ GoldQueen

Wasi (3 - ∞)
Adolescents training in desired future ranks in this stage
Wazi ♂ Bizarre King
Atieno ♂ Tawny
Renn ♀ Devin

Chihiro (4/4)
Four lions, male or female, who patrol inside the borders of the territory, keeping an eye out for any possible threats
Kadek ♂ Ohnicio
Roho ♂ Vespertine
Candice ♀ Skazzle
Dakarai ♂ WinterPup

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Edited on 21/04/18 @ 17:10:14 by Ohnicio (#86486)

Devin (#141123)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-21 14:44:39
Renn basks in the bright sunlight, eyes closed, the warmth radiating through her shiny coat. Slowly, she stretches, her arms high in the air, and her back touching the rough soil. Slowly, she rolls over onto her side, her tail draped over her hind paws.

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Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 14:58:08

Male ʬ̥ Chihiro ʬ̥ 3 years

Location: Cave

Enjoying the sunlight, the young male stretched out on the flat, hot rocks in front of the prides cave. He had slept in and once the heat hit him, he decided to snooze; not like he and the others would need to patrol any time soon. At first the warmth was nice, but after a while it was irritating. Kadek got to his paws and shook off his fur, trotting to the bushes surrounding the cave and licking its leaves as he hoped to catch some dew on his tongue. No luck.

Time for drastic action. With a huff to the others, indicating he was leaving, Kadek began to make the trek towards the waterhole.

Female ☼ Wassa ☼ 4 years

Location: Waterhole

Amber eyes darting back and forth, Malai's rough tongue lapped at the cool water beneath her paws, keeping a careful watch out for crocodiles and anything else that may sneak up on her. This time of year, the crocodiles tended to inhabit the jungle's river. But she would rather be safe than sorry.

The tan lioness lifted her head and stood, slowly scanning the horizon as droplets of water dripped from her maw. She was considering the evenings hunt; something she and Mbali could take down. Perhaps she could rope in some of the Wasi to join them, if they didn't prove to be too useless.

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Edited on 21/04/18 @ 15:00:23 by Ohnicio (#86486)

Devin (#141123)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-21 15:59:02
Renn, squinting through the sun, sees Kadek leaving the cave's area, seemingly in the direction of the waterhole. She gets up onto all four paws and shakes off the layer of soil she attracted from rolling on the ground. She takes a few steps forward, enjoying the serenity of the pride. Then, smiling, she trots in the general direction she saw Kadek go.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 18:43:44

- [ Roho ] -
7 Years • Male • Chihiro
Location: Watering Hole • Direct Mentions: Malai

Morning light bathed his tan pelt and Roho sighed softly, relishing the warmth. Despite the frigid temperatures that often came with night, he had chosen to sleep beneath the stars once darkness fell, memories of his former mate Subira keeping him awake. It wasn’t sorrow that had kept sleep at bay, but rather fond memories. For perhaps the first time in a long time the mere thought of her didn’t hurt his heart. Extending his limbs in a luxurious stretch, the large male headed toward the watering hole to quench his growing thirst, Malai's golden coat catching his eye as he arrived at the water's edge. "Good morning," he called brightly. "It's a lovely day, isn't it?"

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Edited on 22/04/18 @ 23:41:05 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Bizarre King (#81586)

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Posted on
2018-04-22 21:58:22


Location: Pride Territory ~ Outside caves Mentions: None ~ Open

The pale rebel bounded through the tall grass with a confident pep in his step. He was growing to be a rather bulky lion, gaining more muscle now as he grew, and he was putting on more weight due to his new diet that didn't consist of dried bones and measly grub. Having been accepted into the pride wasn't so far fetched of a feat as he thought it would be. The leader here was a formidable force, but he was a just ruler in Wazi's eyes- and that was saying something, because it was hard for the young lion to harbor adoration toward authority. Alas, food seemed to always override his taste for deviancy. Consequently, he was beginning to fall into the more chubbier side, but it seemed he was lengthening out quite a bit to compensate for his weight gain. Nonetheless, his added weight equipped him with a bulky step, adding a hefty bearing to his otherwise elegant gait. His chuff was also deeper now, puberty hitting him like a boulder with all its newfound changes. However significant they were, he didn't seem to notice all that much except for his blooming beginnings of what would turn out to be quite the impressive mane. It's undergrowth around his neck and atop his head were just as white as the rest of him, save the longer tufts growing at his underside, which were darkening toward a shade of taupe. It was the only physical change he seemed to feel accomplished about, and with a stretch of his body downward, the young lion lurched onto his backside. From afar it would appear he had disappeared into the long sea of grass, of course if it hadn't been for his paws dangling above the swaying blades as he writhed his body back and forth against the cool ground. His tail flicked with mirth, maws billowing with breathy chuffs as he took in the high morning sun's balmy rays.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Location: Waterhole Mentions: Roho ~ Open

Graceless paws carried the clumsy little ball of fur and claw on her quest to seek out the mass of muscle she called father. Upon waking it didn't take long for her to realize that he had run off again. He was always sneaking off without her! She made a mental note to scold him, but first he had to be found. For Imani, it wasn't hard picking up his scent and starting out on a trail, it was more the distance she had to travel. The waterhole wasn't very far from the dens, for an adult, but for a tiny cub it was going to take a little more effort- and vigilance. Imani was not yet fit to defend herself, and here in Africa were plenty of predators out on the prowl that would look to her as an easy meal. She seemed much more confident in her abilities, however, to even consider the dangers that lurked among the savannah. It was a naive conjecture, but nothing unusual from an inexperienced cub.

Thinking herself invincible, Imani trotted right through her pride's lands with head high and tail erect, her miniature nose twitching at every smell that invaded its nostrils. She could see the waterhole in the distance now, and with a soft giggle, bounded toward it. Her sprightly legs began pumping fast when she spotted Roho, a squeak of a roar parting her jaws as she lunged out and clasped her paws onto one of his legs, claws unsheathed. Her tiny mouth could barely fit about the muscled limb, but she managed a few nips with her needled fangs.

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Edited on 22/04/18 @ 22:03:07 by Bizarre King (#81586)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2018-04-22 23:37:43

- [ Roho ] -
7 Years • Male • Chihiro
Location: Watering Hole • Direct Mentions: Malai, Imani

Roho lowered his muzzle to the murky water after pleasantries were exchanged, eyeing the surface for any ripple of movement that might signify a predator lying in wait. After a satisfying amount of the refreshing liquid rushed down his throat he stepped away from the bank, a large paw rising to wipe at his dripping chin. His pale gaze settled on Malai for the second time that morning, a desire to stretch his legs and accompany a hunt nearly voicing itself before a delighted squeal, the vocalization quite familiar to the white lion, had his eyes widening in alarm as his head snapped toward the rapidly approaching cub.

“Imani!” He rushed to meet her, panic fueling his heavy limbs as he frantically pushed himself to reach Imani before anything else could intercept them. They collided within seconds, her tiny paws wrapping around one of his legs, her teeth playfully meeting in his flesh. He winced as needle-sharp fangs and claws pierced his skin, but ignored the sting of it as he leaned down and examined his daughter closely, searching for any sign of injury though he scented no blood upon her fur. When he first woke he had found the dear child still curled in sleep, asking one of the Moa to care for her until he returned from the watering hole, a request that was clearly not heeded. Mingled anger and fear twisted his stomach, the intense emotions fading once he realized she was unharmed.

He swiped his tongue across her back gently, puffing in relief. “My cub!” He groaned in exasperation. “What have I told you about wandering off without someone to guard you? This land can be dangerous for one so young. Too dangerous to traverse alone! Promise me you will never do such a thing again!”

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Edited on 22/04/18 @ 23:40:17 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

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