Posted by The Dovahkiin - A Skyrim RP

Theo (#133864)

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Posted on
2018-05-05 21:18:00


It is 4E, 202 in the vast province of Skyrim. The normally peaceful province has been consumed by dragons, and the Civil War between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks hasn't helped the situation. Several people have turned up in Skyrim, through various methods, with one thing in common - they are all unknowingly Dragonborns, of various personalities, statuses, shapes and sizes, ready to drag Skyrim from the mess they're in. They will need to work together to unlock their Dragonborn abilities, fix the Civil War and slay as many dragons as possible to restore the peace. Some may, along the way, choose to split off and go join a faction or adventure around the province in order to gain more skills.

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Helpful Information - Skim Read

Dragonborns are mortal people with the soul and blood of a dragon. They can slay dragons to take their souls, to understand and learn shouts. Shouts (Thu'um) are in a Dragon tongue, and when certain words are shouted by a Dragonborn, it will unleash the same effect it would if a dragon said it. Dragonborns have the natural ability to learn shouts, unlike the average mortal, who would need to undergo the long process of meditation and learning of the words.

There are many races in Skyrim.

The native Nords are used to the colder region of Skyrim, and look much like humans - though they generally have pale skin, and any other features. They have a 50% resistance to the cold as a result of this, and excel in smithing, blocking, one and two handed weapons, and light armour. Many Nords side with the Stormcloaks, who want for them to be allowed to worship the Man-God Talos, whom the Thalmor (who were forcibly allied with the Imperials) are stopping them. Don't really get a choice in what side of the Civil War they choose. (1/4)

Imperials are from the neighboring land of Cyrodiil. They are human like as well, usually with tanner complexions and darker hair and eyes. They seem to be able to calm their enemies once a day, and always seem to find more gold then others. They are skilled in restoration and destruction magic, heavy armour, blocking, one handed, and enchanting. The Imperials make the bulk of the opposing side of the war - obviously the Imperials. They signed the White-Gold Concordat in order to stop from being completely wiped out, allowing for the Thalmor to enforce their rules over Skyrim. They don't really get a choice in which side of the Civil War they choose. (0/3)

The homeland of the Redguards is Hammerfell. The Redguards have a 50% resistance to poison, and can give themselves an adrenaline rush once per day. They have an even darker complexion than Imperials. Redguards are skilled in one handed weapons, archery, blocking, smithing, destruction and alteration magic. They are considered neutral in the war - they may choose their side. (1/2)

Bretons reign from High Rock, and have human and elven ancestry. They look similar to an Imperial, sometimes with lighter hair and eye colouring, and in rare cases, slightly pointed ears. They are skilled in speech, alteration, illusion and restoration magic, and alchemy. They can absorb 50% of an opponent's magicka once a day, and their blood gives them a 25% resistance to all magic. They are neutral in the war. (0/2)

The Orcs (Orismer) are from the small area of Orisinium, a mountainous kingdom between hammerfell and Skyrim. Orcs are tall, though not as tall as an Altmer, have medium to dark green skin, and usually dark brown to black hair. They are well known for their heavy armour, smithing, blocking, enchanting, one handed and two handed weaponry skills. They can go into a berserker rage once per day, allowing them to seemingly do more damage and take less damage. Neutral in the war. (0/2)

The warm sands of Elsweyr is where a Khajiit calls home. Khajiit are humanoid felines, and they range from looking like housecats to lynxes and tigers, though the few who reside in Skyrim generally have thicker fur to keep warm. They can have human features such as facial hair, hair, piercings and war paint. Khajiits are brilliant at sneaking, archery, pickpocketing, lockpicking, alchemy and one-handed. They have claws which they can use if they are disarmed, and can see in the dark once per day. Many other races do not like them, often using racial slurs including "rug", "carpet" and "cat", as many are considered assassins, Skooma dealers (Skooma is a narcotic), or thieves. Most cities will not let Khajiit in, and they are considered one of two "beast" races. Neutral in the war. (1/2)

Argonians are the second "beast" race, originating in Black Marsh. The Argonians are humanoid reptilians, with scales of green, reddish or brown colouring, and sometimes slight horns on their heads, and are also humanoid. Argonians are skilled in lockpicking, light armour, sneak, pickpocket, alteration and restoration magic. They have claws they can deal some damage with - not as much as a Khajiit, - they can breathe underwater, can heal themselves up to 10 times faster one a day, and have a 50% resistance to disease. They are also distrusted, to an extent - unlike the Khajiit, they are allowed to enter cities. Neutral in the war. (0/1)

Bosmer (Wood Elves) are from the forests of Valenwood. They are tanned, with lighter brown hair and eyes, are one of the shortest races and have the sharp elven features - most notably, the pointed ears. The Bosmer are the best archers in all of Tamriel, and also excel in alchemy, light armour, lockpicking, pickpocket and sneaking. The Bosmer prefer to live simply and in harmony with the land and animals - they can make any animal their ally for a short amount of time once per day. As well as this, they have 50% resistance to poison and disease. Few live in Skyrim, and many that do work as indentured servants. Neutral in the war. (0/2)

Dunmer (Dark Elves) originate from Morrowind. They have dark greyish skin ranging from blue, green or purple, red or black eyes and dark brown, black or white hair - but still have the elven features. They are skilled in magic, especially destruction. Other skills include alchemy, light armour, sneaking alteration and illusion magic. They have 50% resistance to fire and can create a wrath of fire that will give close targets fire damage. After the explosion of Red Mountain, many fled to the College of Winterhold to gain a better grasp on their magickal abilities, while others fled to Winterhelm, where many dislike and distrust them because they are refugees. Neutral in the war. (0/1)

Altmer (High Elves) are from Summerset Isle. They are the tallest race in Tamriel, and look like the Bosmer - with pale golden/tan skin, and almond shaped eyes that are amber, green or yellow. Many are arrogant or disdainful when talking to other races. They are the most skilled in magic, even more so than Bretons, with their skills in illusion, alteration, conjuration, destruction and restoration magic, as well as enchanting. They are sided with the Imperials, as they make up the Thalmor. (1/1)

There are multiple factions in Skyrim - they are the Thieve's Guild, the College of Winterhold, The Companions and the Dark Brotherhood.

The Thieve's Guild is located in the sewers of Riften. They do exactly what it sounds like - steal, deal with underground shady deals and the like. They offer Septims to entrepreneurs in the hopes of having a favour from them, offer protection or expose others in exchange for money. They are prominent in politics as they can bribe and intimidate Hold Guards and even officials by using their greed or fear of being exposed. They have a communication known as "Shadowmarks", which can be found on walls and more hidden places on buildings advising a thief on the loot inside the building, if there's an escape in a jail cell or whether on the other side of the locked door something wants to kill you. (1/3)

The Dark Brotherhood is a group of assassins that carry out contracts for oftentimes a good price. Those who wish for their services must perform "The Black Sacrament". If one wants to join, they must be contacted directly, and must be willing to kill mercilessly. An assassin is generally paid between 500-1200 Gold Septims depending on the contract. Their Sanctuary is located in Riften, but they must finish a phrase to be given access to it.(0/2)

The College of Winterhold is a College for those who wish to learn more about magic. Many mages come here to learn magic spells, enchanting and alchemy. The College itself is built on an ice formation that isn't connected to Winterhold itself, with only an old, broken bridge leading to it. To get in, one has to perform a spell of the warden's choosing before being allowed into the college. On campus is several Halls; Hall of the Elements, where students did most of their practical learning; Hall of Attainment, where the Apprentices lived; and Hall of Countenance, where the senior mages lived. The Arcanaeum is the library, where a vast collection of books are kept, and the Midden is the dungeons underneath the College, where many members go to perform magical experiments. (0/3)

The Companions are a warrior guild in Skyrim. They are based in the mead hall Jorrvaskr, which also happens to be the oldest building in Whiterun. They are often hired for things such as cleaning out places full of bandits and capturing escaped criminals, but do not partake in any political business. They are generally valiant and honourable warriors. (0/5)

There are limited spaces for the Factions - not very character will have a faction. I am open to adding one more slot to each if necessary, and only one per RPer (eg. If you have 2 characters, only one may join a faction UNLESS I open them).

Helpful Links

Helpful links for those who have never played the video game before.
Skyrim Civil War
Dragon Shouts
Dark Brotherhood
Thieves Guild
The Companions
College of Winterhold

Rules For the RP

- Don't godmod against other RPers. You may against NPC's, which can be created by anyone in most situations.
- No overly perfect characters, they're annoying - and no one will be starting with a fully enchanted Daedric set. Also tone down the dramatic backstory if possible, not everyone has a super dark past.
- If you wish to have a vampire or werewolf character, please PM me, and they must be associated with the right group (eg. werewolves must be a companion). They will be limited to two of each, for now (1/2 werewolf, 0/2 vampire).
- If you have any side plot ideas then please mention them in the Discussion Thread.
- I would prefer if you had average grammar and spelling, and a minimum of 4 sentences per post. If you have writer's block or are simple having a quick conversation, then 2-3 is permitted.
- If there are people who haven't played the game well enough to know what's what, I recommend playing it (if readily available to you), or at least skim reading the races, holds, armour, clothing and weapons of the helpful links so you may have some basic knowledge of the game and plot of this RP. Also, if there are terms you are unsure of, feel free to ask or google them - particularly armour sets and the like.
- Have as many characters as you can handle. If you cannot handle them I will ask you to remove them or they could become adoptables or something of the sort.
- Have fun :)

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Edited on 08/05/18 @ 00:37:42 by Becsameme (#133864)

p e r i z o n a (#140145)

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Posted on
2018-05-07 13:46:55
deleted bio -- reposted in the roleplay boards.

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Edited on 14/05/18 @ 13:39:42 by p e r i z o n a (#140145)

jamie (#128792)

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Posted on
2018-05-14 05:47:55
;; ignore this

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Edited on 14/05/18 @ 05:56:28 by jamie (#128792)

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