Posted by ~ Lioden Random Extended Player Guide and Advisory

Kashyda (#146107)

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Posted on
2018-05-16 09:27:07
(to let everyone know I know there are many others out there, if this needs to be taken down its okay I was just bored and wanted something to do )

After Entering Lioden

When you first enter you might notice you need to do a quiz, if your here Im guessing you've done it.

What is the explore ?
Its the first step in my memory.
Exploring can end in you finding a Lioness, food, beetle larvae, and gaining EXP or SB.


Go to the top, the three lines that represent the menu are to be clicked.
Go to CrossRoads. Then go to Exploring.
I know they are all lined red, its confusing !
Pick the zone that reads Level Zone 1

This is the only one that is available for level 1 Users.

Consistently click the explore button, notice your energy is going down and that words are beginning to appear on your screen.


Wooing a lioness

To woo a lioness or claim them, you need to look at their responses to previous tactics.
Are they king -or evil ?
Are they liking the aggressive? Or the kindness ?

After a few tries your bound to get one.
But don't worry about it since you can always buy a cheap lion off of trades...wait...TRADES ?


Trades are items or lions that are offered for a buyout price or a trade.

You can type in specifics but be aware that at the starting point you only have 100 silver beetles, getting silver beetles is simple but saving enough to by a decent lion is difficult.
So be wise.

I think its obvious how to get there, but if not I will explain.

Crossroads, trading, scroll all the way down for recent to old posts, or put in specifics.

There are free ways of getting a lion that require little effort.

The Giving Tree

The giving tree is a place where you can go and in trade of a item can claim a cub or a adolescent lion.

Once you have them you can name, sort, feed, and raise them to be a productive member of your pride.

Cub Training

You can train CUBS at cub training in CrossRoads !


Your territory originally has 2 slots,NOT COUNTING YOUR KING !

The slots all count for adult lionesses, subordinate males need their own slots, and cubs and Adolescents don't count until they are adults.

To get more you can buy them.
But a much easier way is to build up your stats, (experience, skill) and fight other lions.

Why is this useful ?~~

It gets you territory faster, and trust me you'll need it.

How ?~~

Go onto crossroads. Territory. And select along the boxes until you find a lion with equal or lower stats then you,over 2 territory, and that hasn't been attacked recently.

Attack them for territory. If you find a lion you can consistently win with .
Bookmark their page. And wait . wait and then continue attacking at every chance you get.

Its much simpler then paying for territory which gets very expensive.


Breeding lions is easy, usually free, but to keep your cubs safe you must nest the female.

To make sure they survive I would recommend a brood mother.

And to get the best cubs use studs.
I recommend to always save up for studs at the beginning. Or else you'll get normal, useless cubs that will take food, time and wont get you ant profit from their own offspring.

Get some cheap lions to start with or claim FREE ones.
and wait until they are in heat.
I know for the tutorial you get yo breed.
But for future breedings save for studs with markings, or mutations.

Your king is a starting newbie king and has little to no value in his future cubs.

To newer players you can get up to 10 or 20 silver beetles usually for a decent marked cub
But I would say a normal cub is only worth 5 to 10 silver beetles even if they are often sold for more.

Silver beetles

Silver beetles are the common currency on Lioden. Though hard to accumulate to a number that can get a decent lion or item, they are still the regular no real money currency.

Want to get some? Scroll down for more information.

Golden beetles

This is the premium and hard to get currency. You can pat tons of silver beetles for it.
Buy i for real money.
Or somethines manage to get i other ways. Like saving tons of valuable items, carcasses, lions, maybe mutated lions .
And then asking for some in return.
If you don't have a Leopon or VERY valybale items, this method is rarely going to get you GB.


Mutations are abnormal lions,some are apparent at birth and some are hidden until adult hood.

Some are more common then others and some like the Leopon are rare and very valuable.

To get mutations there are items . but a cheaper but very uneffectice way is to use low fertility lionesses for breeding.
And by low I mean VERY LOW.
10% at least.
Your very unlikely to get a Leopon in any mutated offspring these lionesses produce, but if you do good job.

The items to make your lions have a higher chance of having mutated offspring are extremely expressive without the use of GB.

You can make them misscary which will heighten their chances.
You can give them lionmeat.
Or a GMO cow.

Its all up to you. But use a low fertility female.


The Leopon is by far the most popular in my opinion, its different ,its even bordering on something other then a lion.
Everyone Ive talked to wants one.

I mean its a leopard / lion.
Though in the game its a simple mutation that is probably more similarly related to a dog born with markings much different then its parents.

They are very expensive. Hard to get. And very valuable.

I do plan to get a credit card. Buy tons of GB.
Accumulate all the Leopon and breeding items I can.and make a pride full.
I want to sell any Leopon offspring at a significantly lower price then anyone else does.
Say 1000 silver beetles ?
Say 100 ?
Say 20 ?

Ive done this before in another SIM and it was hilarious to see peoples reactions.

Advice On Making SB

Making silver beetles seems hard but its not.
Doing minor trades.
Selling cubs/lions are obvious ways.

Selling to that monkey is another one.

But getting good at games, fighting everything you see in explore, and selling event only items are also good ways.

Buy something for cheap that is obviously worth more.
Sell for more then you bought it.

Putting males up for stud is another one. Save -save -save.
Sell carcasses and meat you don't need.
Sell items.

Advice On Saving Beetles

Out of site out of mind is greatly true and should be used in this instance. Bundles can be found in Hoard. You bundle a sum of sb or GB and its like a bank.
Whatever you do act as if they no longer exist once they enter the "bank"and continue to do this until you have enough to get what your goal is or just...keep saving. Within 3 days I had 500 silver beetles. Im sure if your active. Smart. And kind. You can get more.

Well that's it, if you need anymore help Im sure a user guide has it out there. I think Im going to add alot more to this.

If something doesn't seem right feel free to tell me.

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