Posted by WindClan

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-06-12 17:31:12
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Current Event
Season: Spring
Today: Sunny with a few clouds
Prey: Plentiful

Cats allowed to Rp on this thread
-AdderStar (Leader | 9/9 lives)
-NightClaw (Warrior)
-SunPaw (Apprentice | Mentor: NightClaw)

-All lioden rules apply
-Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13 please
-Hate the character, not the player. This is a safe thread for everyone, and we must respect everyone.
-Be able to write AT LEAST 5 sentences per post. Give others something to work with.
-In this Rp, cats CAN DIE. I will be using a randomizer to make situations in the clans, or to a specific cat. For example, if the randomizer chooses a flood, each cat has a 5% chance of death and a 10% chance of injury. If you get an injury, there is a 5% chance of it being a crippling injury. Or, the randomizer could choose a specific cat that something will happen to. Then it will choose a situation for the cat. For example, there could be a fight with a dog, or there could be a storm. Same rules apply, but to that specific cat only.
-There are also situations where a cat could hear something, such as mewling. They could choose weather or not to investigate. If they don't, the Rp will continue as normal. If they do, they could find something like abandoned kits, and have options to help them or not. If they choose to help the kits, I will let others Rp as the kits if they want. Otherwise, I will Rp as them. Or they could find fox or badger kits and be attacked by the mother. There is ALWAYS a risk of death, in every situation.
-Put your favorite animal in the "Other" section of your form.
-No complaining if your cat dies. I can't grant you a special revival, its not fair to others. However, if your leader, you have nine lives, and if you die, you will have more lives. You can have a max of 3 cats, and you can make another one. However, if your cat dies and you make a new cat, it cannot be the same cat and must have a different prefix.
-Thats all I can think of right now, but I might add to the rules, so keep Updated!

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Edited on 25/06/18 @ 06:42:23 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-06-13 07:04:43
NightClaw | Female | WindClan | Age: 20 moons | Apprentice: SunPaw | Mate: None | Kits: None |

NightClaw lay sunbathing on the soft grass next to the warrior's den, her black fur soaking up the heat, making her muscles, usually tense, relax. She purred contentedly. Spring was her favorite season. She was usually a very serious cat, quick to criticize and snap at someone, but it was well-known around camp that she often was warmer in personality during the spring, when it was warm and stomach's were full. NightClaw shifted in position, so that she lay on her back instead on her stomach, so that her belly was exposed to the warm weather.

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Muggsie (#148690)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-06-13 07:12:32
Sunpaw slowly crept forward, her belly pressed low to the moor's ground, her pelt blending in almost perfectly with the tall, tan grass. She had to concentrate to keep her tail from lashing and stirring up the underbrush as she narrowed her eyes on her prey: the tip of Nightclaw's tail. Her mentor seemed unaware of her presence as she lay basking in the sun, giving Sunpaw the perfect opportunity to strike. She took another step forward, her whiskers twitching is satisfaction when she successfully inched forward without making a sound.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-06-13 07:16:55
NightClaw | Female | WindClan | Age: 20 moons | Apprentice: SunPaw | Mate: None | Kits: None |

NightClaw shifted once more, so that her tail lay on the open ground, and she lay on her side. Her eyes closed, NightClaw purred once more. She used one of her hind legs to scratch her pelt, then unsheathed her claws and pawed at the grass. It was a satisfying feeling. Her ear flicked, but she was distracted and oblivious to her surroundings.

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Muggsie (#148690)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-06-13 07:26:09
Sunpaw gathered her haunches, remembering last second not to wiggle before she pounced. With a ferocious growl she sprung forward, landing square on her mentor's tail. Sunpaw let out a triumphant shout upon securing her prey under her front paws.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-06-13 07:34:15
NightClaw | Female | WindClan | Age: 20 moons | Apprentice: SunPaw | Mate: None | Kits: None |

NightClaw let out a yowl of surprise, jumping into the air, her fur on end. She landed on all fours, whirling around to face the threat, letting out a sigh when she saw it was her grinning apprentice. "SunPaw....." NightClaw said sternly, staring at her apprentice with her intimidatingly blue eyes. " What have I said about disturbing the peace simply for fun? If you would like to train, you simply must ask, not scare me out of my fur." NightClaw gave a sigh and sat down, flicking her tail.

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Muggsie (#148690)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-06-13 07:37:31
Sunpaw rolled her eyes. "Well if I had asked to train, you wouldn't have jumped in the air like a rabbit scared out if its. . ." Sunpaw trailed off upon meeting her mentor's eyes. "Um, well, I guess I could- could we train?" she asked, smiling a too-wide smile while she glanced nervously from side-to-side.

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Edited on 13/06/18 @ 07:43:02 by Emily (#148690)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-06-13 07:43:01
NightClaw | Female | WindClan | Age: 20 moons | Apprentice: SunPaw | Mate: None | Kits: None |

NightClaw cocked her head to the side, her eyes trained on her nervous apprentice. "Yes, we may." She finally replied, tearing her eyes away, instead focusing on the forest. "Come now, you seem to have your hunting technique down, or at least the basics. We will try battle training now. I know you've been quite eager. " NightClaw said, getting up and padding to the forest. Though most cats had not mastered it yet, NightClaw walked without a sound, herself being trained as to never make a noise, not even when she walked.

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Muggsie (#148690)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-06-13 08:05:02
Sunpaw bit her tongue as she followed her mentor, trying unsuccessfully to copy Nightclaw's silent walk. Upon realizing that she couldn't, Sunpaw slumped her shoulders in defeat before perking up and bounding forward ahead of her mentor to the training ground. She was pretty decent at fighting, she liked to think. And she knew she could improve to be the best fighter WindClan had ever seen!

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-06-13 08:09:07
NightClaw | Female | WindClan | Age: 20 moons | Apprentice: SunPaw | Mate: None | Kits: None |

NightClaw walked into the training grounds, seeing her perky apprentice had made it there before her. She positioned SunPaw on one side of the grounds, and put herself on the opposite side, facing Sunpaw. "I'm going to evaluate you. Come at me with all you've got." NightClaw commanded, tensing her muscles, crouching into a fighting stance, her eyes piercing through SunPaw.

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Muggsie (#148690)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-06-13 17:27:22
Sunpaw swallowed, studying her mentor's stance. Nightclaw was crouched, so trying to knock her over would probably prove fruitless. The only way Sunpaw imagined she could gain the upper paw was if she managed to catch Nightclaw off guard and hit her from behind, or perhaps manage to jump on top of her. Sunpaw pursed her lips, making up her mind. She slowly began circling her mentor, then suddenly darted the opposite direction and flung herself at Nightclaw with a pushoff from her powerful hind legs.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-06-13 17:35:24
NightClaw | Female | WindClan | Age: 20 moons | Apprentice: SunPaw | Mate: None | Kits: None |

NightClaw flipped over onto her belly, a dangerous move, as the stomach is a very vulnerable part, but used her hind legs to kick SunPaw away after her pounce. Then she flipped back over onto her paws, her claws unsheathed, baring her sharp, pointed fangs. Her tail flicked eagerly, and her lips twitched at a smile. "Good! Again!" She commanded, this time circling around SunPaw, awaiting her move.

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Muggsie (#148690)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-06-13 17:49:31
With a sudden ferocity, Sunpaw darted forward without warning and swiped her mentor's back leg out from under her. With Nightclaw caught off balance, Sunpaw barreled into her mentor's side in attempt to shove her into the ground.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-06-13 17:55:39
NightClaw | Female | WindClan | Age: 20 moons | Apprentice: SunPaw | Mate: None | Kits: None |

NightClaw felt herself being shoved by her apprentice, and she shoved back, harder. She pushed her apprentice to the ground, then used her front paws to pin her to the ground. In normal circumstance, she would be scowling at her apprentice for failing, but instead a rare smile was plastered on her face. She purred. "Well done. You did very well, SunPaw. Im very proud."

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Muggsie (#148690)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-06-13 17:59:44
Sunpaw puffed her chest out with pride, well aware of how rare a compliment from Nightclaw was to anyone. The apprentice sprung to her paws, her tail lashing excitedly. "I don't suppose you think my skills were. . . warrior-worthy?" Sunpaw glanced to her mentor put of the side of her eye.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-06-13 18:06:23
NightClaw | Female | WindClan | Age: 20 moons | Apprentice: SunPaw | Mate: None | Kits: None |

"Your certainly getting close." NightClaw chuckled. She lashed her tail. "But you still have a ways to go." She got up and started padding back to camp. "Be here tomorrow morning. We'll do some more training, and improve your technique."
The smile disappeared, replaced by her usual neutral face, but her lips still twitched at a smile.

(Alright, imma get off. Be on Tomorrow tho)

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