Posted by Indra [40k Stat|Slender Pie]

Flower07 (#11396)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 17:28:48

Roll date: 7th sept

Normal: 30gb
Traditional: 28gb

Double Uterus: 60gb
Double Uterus Traditional: 58gb

Rules/Traditional: [Below first page for accepted items]
• First come, first serve is for studs through his slots.
• Paying by items is done through traditional
• Traditional requires an Instant Birth Feather
• Feel free to pm me questions.

If an item is over his stud value, I can either-
‣ Send the extra gb back
‣ You can use the extra gb for a future stud
‣ I can use the extra gb for IBF/ Zebra heart/ Oasis breeding item.

5gb #10183
8gb #147932 Salt Queen (Orchid Ferus)
3x #185770 Sanrael(HibiFiss 5.6k 3Ros)
1x #174090 Kamari

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Edited on 07/09/23 @ 08:33:45 by Flower07 (#11396)

Flower07 (#11396)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 18:50:24

Items as payment

Bold= Current months items.
No price= Not accepting rn

not updated yet

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Edited on 19/07/23 @ 19:26:58 by Flower07 (#11396)

bubblebee (#143026)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 18:38:06
How much is the stud fee? :3

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Flower07 (#11396)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 02:32:54
15gb|18k sb

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Edited on 18/09/18 @ 22:32:40 by Flower07 (#11396)

Ax9BOG1}👑 (#84858)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 16:10:41
Next time he rolls and is up for stud could I stud to him with a DU for 15gb and an Ochre Gnawrock? :3

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PikaPiiChu (#141607)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-18 22:17:48
Ooooh! I'd definitely be interested in purchasing a stud. Are you interested in Pure GB, or just the items?
I understand if you don't roll him often.

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Flower07 (#11396)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 22:31:42
@Queen of the Gays
Yup! no prob

Either one or both, I don't mind x)
I may roll him soon.

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{DHS}Seria - |Primal
Lilac 4K| (#10183)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 22:32:45
avxjascjhabvcj subscribing and bookmarking ; v ;

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mintea [PM #148843] (#147367)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 22:36:11
*runs to thread*

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❄️Polar Expresso
[G1Primal (#25037)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 22:37:14
ooohhhh subscribing

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PikaPiiChu (#141607)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-18 22:37:19
Awesome! Ty for responding. I'll be sure to dig through my hoard. I have quite a few of those items.

*Excited screaming*

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Flower07 (#11396)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 22:41:57

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{DHS}Seria - |Primal
Lilac 4K| (#10183)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 22:45:10
I've got a 2K babe for him in 15 days and a 1.7K in 10 days o 3 o

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Flower07 (#11396)

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Posted on
2018-09-19 02:34:58

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Edited on 19/09/18 @ 02:35:53 by Flower07 (#11396)

❄️Polar Expresso
[G1Primal (#25037)

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Posted on
2018-09-19 06:06:38
will it be in the next few days? sorry i'm very excited because I haven't roleld my main for a long time ahhahaha

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Wolfie 🐺 (#142778)

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Posted on
2018-09-19 06:19:36
I know it isn't listed, but do you have any interest in the sunset mark app?
If not, I can pay in GB.

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