Posted by [Feb] Notif adjustment?

Bakusatsu (#148039)

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Posted on
2019-02-02 21:15:24
Is there a way to tweak the notifs for this event so that clicking on the [x] on them won't automatically bring you to the event page?

It makes sense if you just want to slap some overeager dudes, but if you can't flirt again anytime soon getting linked back to that page over and over again is somewhat of a pain. I can't count all the times I missclicked and landed back there when all I wanted was to scroll past the notif so that I can continue with some other gameplay (particularly annoying if you have been trying out stuff in the wardrobe.)

An option to just close the notifs as read and take care of them whenever one wants would be great!

This suggestion has 54 supports and 0 NO supports.

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dark dragon (#4756)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-02 22:32:29
Please they are sooo irritating! 1000% support from me!

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Chaos!! (#456574)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-02-01 13:20:55
PLEASE I accidentally missed a lone lioness in explore when trying to close the notif-

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