Posted by Toxic forest

Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 17:51:30
There was a huge toxic outbreak. The outbreak reached a mysterious forest, and the toxins stayed there forever. Every living thing(including plants) that comes within the borders of the forest mutates within seconds, growing extra limbs, growing bigger, getting smaller, etc. Some of the less fortunate became the undead died due to the mutations. While the fortunate came to rule due to their mutations. Some creatures are feared, while others are faced with pain. They either work together or push each other away. Whatever is best to defeat the undead.

Undead creatures: Tiffic(Me)

Living creatures:Szek(Me)

Rules: Crushes and relationships are allowed but there is no 18+ scenes. Cussing is allowed but keep it down a bit. No out of character drama or fighting. If you want to permanently injure another persons character you must ask them for permission. If any of these rules are broken it will result in banning whoever broke them. you have been warned already, no second chances.

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Edited on 06/07/19 @ 18:23:26 by Tori (#179394)

Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 19:44:27
Gemini blinked her eyes open. She yawned and stretched her legs, standing up. She walked outside and admired the light emitted by the plants. It never got old. She walked down to the lake to take a drink. She looked at the water, which also glowed. She never missed the daylight, even though she hadn't seen it in years. It was always night in her part of the woods.

She bent down and and lapped up some water. It made her coat glow even brighter, in soft, slow flashes. She sparked a small blaze of sorts, which was a beautiful creamish white. She tossed it at the water, watching it bounce across till it reached the middle. It them flew into the air, dissolving. She smiled, noticing the deer fawn across the lake. It was a pretty one, with multicolored spots which changed color and lit up. She walked back to her den, grabbing a mushroom on the way. She lit another fire in her palm, lightly roasting the mushroom. She then ate it. She yawned. She was still tired, so she went back to sleep.

She was woken by the sound of shouting moment later. She grumbled, walking to the edge of the forest. She almost stepped over boundary, but didnt. She knew there were consequences. She saw a human walking around the borders, visibly upset. She decided to take the risk, and stepped over the border. What was the worst that could happen, anyways? She walked over to the human, who was clearly frightened by her appearance. She looked ta the sun. She supposed it was nice to see it again.

Kit looked up at Gemini. "Can you understand me? " Gemini nodded slowly. "Yeah, what are you doing here? " Kite shrugged. "Well, I was trying to find out if it's safe to go in there. It looked so gorgeous and I'm a photographer and journalist, so I wanted to, well yeah, you get the idea. " Gemini shrugged. "No ones entered here in who knows how long. I would assume the toxins are gone by now. " Kit looked ta the forest then at Gemini. "I guess I'll take the chance. When they first leaked they didn't.. Kill anyone, did they? " Gemini shook her head. "Not that I know of. " Kit bit her lip, but started to walk to the forest. Gemini followed close behind, unsure of what lay ahead for her either.

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Edited on 06/07/19 @ 21:19:21 by Anubis (TEAMMENHIT4LIFE) (#179190)

Beetle (#179394)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-06 22:20:46
Szek watched the birds, they all had their differences. Either in mutations or personality. He knew that if he was seen they would fly off, he tried not to make any noise. But, when he tried to adjust a stick under him snapped and the birds fell off. Szek grunted. "Every time."

Tiffic flew onto the top of a large and steap hill. Looking around for something to eat. She quickly swooped down and picked up a large buffalo that had grown an extra leg. It squirmed in her grasp.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-07-07 06:34:23
Gemini walked up to the edge of the forest. "Are you sure you want to do this? " Kit nodded. "Yeah." Gemini crossed the border. She started to feel uneasy. Kit's head started pounding. She felt dizzy. She looked at Gemini, clearly angry. "YOU LIED TO ME YOU HOLE! " Gemini started to turn into the very fire she was able to produce. "What on earth... " Kit swung at gemini. Upon contact, Gemini vanished.

Kit's condition started getting g worse. She felt like she was going to throw up. She fell down. "This isn't funny! " She looked around. "Hello? " She groaned. "Well, I guess I'm going to die alone. " She lay down. "Anyone there? You can eat me. " She sighed, blinking slowly. The forest started to spin.

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Edited on 07/07/19 @ 16:11:48 by Anubis (TEAMMENHIT4LIFE) (#179190)

Beetle (#179394)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-07 18:11:44
Szek heard kit and walked towards the area. He groaned. "What's up with you?"

Tiffic swallowed the buffalo whole. She then looked around, seeing blood.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-07-07 18:42:05
Kit looked at Szek. It looked like there were six of him. "A lot. " She made a sound half way between a gurgle and a laugh. She lay her head back down, stretching her fingers then curling them into a fist. "My head hurts. " She threw up on the ground next to her. "Ow.' She looked around. "Where'd the wolf go." All of a sudden, claw like like bones started to poke through her skin.

Kit started screaming. "HOLY S***! " She immediately scramble to her feet still screaming. She started running from Szek, collapsing only a few feet away. She stopped screaming, gasping for breath. "OH GOD SOMEONE HELP ME!!! " She squirmed around on the ground.

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Edited on 07/07/19 @ 19:35:19 by Anubis (TEAMMENHIT4LIFE) (#179190)

Beetle (#179394)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-08 08:58:36
Szek walked over and picked her up. "You need help."

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