Posted by HUGE hoard clearout!

mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-02-18 23:42:40
simply putting it- i want my entire hoard sold bc i want money to buy art LOL
taking only gb or sb offers!! i will be going by branch and trade center prices to determine value, but feel free to offer on anything. **also interested in art!! pm with examples and what kind of art you're offering for desired items**
(warning: text heavy spoiler toggles)



Custom Decor:



my conversion rate is 1gb=1000sb

Additionally, check out my branch with more items not pictured here.
Check out all my trades here.

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Edited on 18/06/24 @ 11:36:57 by mace (#30862)

Floss™ [HM] (#116511)

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Posted on
2020-02-18 23:46:25
How much for the lions claw, carcass BG, much love, pink pigeon, jealous wife scar and thicket gorge?

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-02-18 23:56:12
lions claw- 500sb (lowest branch is 750sb)
carcass bg- 20sb per
much love- 2gb (lowest branch is 3gb)
pink pigeon- 250sb (lowest branch is 300sb)
scar: jealous wife- 200sb (branch prices are insane for this one for some reason lmao)
thicket gorge- 10gb (lowest branch is 12gb)

please feel free to offer on the last two!! the prices seem very inflated branch wise. willing to go a bit lower especially on the bg.

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Luka (#59604)

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Posted on
2020-02-19 00:05:43
How much for the melanistic serval cub, snarky tiger cub, or snowy forest bg?

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-02-19 00:18:20
melanistic serval cub- 3gb
snarky tigon cub- 4gb
snowy forest bg- 1gb

prices not set in stone, feel free to offer :)

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Luka (#59604)

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Posted on
2020-02-19 00:22:17
Okay, if you are willing to reserve, could you save the melanistic serval cub until I get GB? I will be getting some when I sell certain items when tier 3 opens. (really hoping they open soon)

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Floss™ [HM] (#116511)

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Posted on
2020-02-19 00:24:16
Could I snag 1 carcass BG and the pink pigeon please?

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-02-19 00:25:39
luka- sure i can reserve it for you, just the cub? and same here, im waiting on a good chunk of gb to come out of a bunch of balls haha.

floss- sure! i'll set up a trade now

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Edited on 19/02/20 @ 00:26:00 by Mace (#30862)

mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-02-19 01:04:25
(bump) added lowest priced items on my branch!! custom decor, rare backgrounds, and more.

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TsukiTanuki (#170351)

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Posted on
2020-02-19 05:29:22
How much for the cloudburst stains?

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-02-19 10:21:43
metro- 4gb but i'd take 3gb and some sb (500 or so) if you want ?

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TsukiTanuki (#170351)

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Posted on
2020-02-19 13:48:07
I can do that, pm?

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-02-19 13:52:36
metro- sure, give me one second

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Swift (#193548)

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Posted on
2020-02-19 13:56:05
Could I get Survivor? (2uses)

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-02-19 13:57:57
swift- lowest branch is 4gb for 4 uses, so i'd sell mine for 2gb ?

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Luka (#59604)

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Posted on
2020-02-19 13:58:13
Oh yeah, just the cub. Thanks!

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