Posted by LF: Lionesses with specific markings

Minubell (#2156)

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Posted on
2020-03-04 17:57:55
I am starting a breeding project, and as such I am looking for lionesses with VERY specific markings in specific slots. I will buy any lioness who has at least one heat left, and will buy sex changeable males. These markings are the only things I care about, and I am willing to pay with SB/GB (I have ~400GB stashed away) AND apps.

Anyway, I'm looking for the following markings/slots:

Dim Dark Brown (Slot 1) (1/10)
Feline 6 Ginger (Slot 3) (0/10)
Feline 8 Ginger (Slot 3) (0/10)
Feline 2 Ginger (Slot 7) (1/10)
Feline 3 Ginger (Slot 8) (0/10)

Feel free to also PM me! If your king has one of the markings above, feel free to post as well and I will chuck money/stud requests at you regularly :)

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Bilby [Aegean
MR+NHR] (#22185)

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Posted on
2020-03-04 18:28:41
PMing you~

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Minubell (#2156)

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Posted on
2020-03-04 18:50:41
Awesome, can't wait!

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