Posted by -LOCKED - Intersex Lions

Timo (#53555)

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Posted on
2021-08-19 11:48:04
I know this has been suggested before, but I haven't heard anything about any of them, so I thought I'd toss my hat into the ring and offer an alternate idea for them.

Now, intersex lions don't exist in the exact same way that people do. From what I can gather, more often it's a hormonal imbalance in both males and females that causes them to look and act like the opposite sex, but that's still super interesting, and I think that something cool could be done with it!

I'm mostly going to be basing my thoughts off this ( article. If you want to read it, go for it, but if not, lemme give you the basic rundown.

Essentially, researchers in Botswana have recorded lionesses growing manes and acting like males for the first time. That's not to say that this is the first time it's ever happened, of course, it's simply the first time it's ever been able to be recorded (note, this was written back in 2016, so it's not really NEW anymore!)

These lionesses are roaring like males, going on patrols like males, growing manes, and even try to mate with other females like males do. I find the whole thing fascinating. Here's what I was thinking for the mutation bit of it.

It would be similar to the mane mutations already present on Lioden, but there's more added onto it. These lionesses would have different art (I'll try and do a sketch later for what I had in mind.) and would be able to do some of the things that males on the site would do. They'd be able to be sub males, but not pride leaders (In the wild, these lionesses have been seen acting out sub-male roles, but never leading prides). They'd be able to patrol, and not hunt. Whether they'd be able to breed? I'm not sure. I imagine they'd still be fertile, but if the articles I've read are anything to go off of, then they might not let males mount them (though, males have been seen mounting each other in the past, so who knows? I'm more than open to suggestions!)

Now, I'm not entirely sure this is even possible. I'm not sure if this would have some hefty implications for the game's code already, but I figure there's not really harm in throwing it out there! Lemme know what you think, and please offer suggestions if you have them :)

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Posted on
2021-08-19 14:16:57
Hi there! A similar suggestion has already been posted here. In the future, we ask that you please be sure to use the "Search Boards" feature before posting a suggestion to ensure it hasn't already been made.

As this topic is a duplicate suggestion, we'll be locking this.

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