Posted by -LOCKED - [REJECTED] Crashing tc price level|stimulate the g

Leonid MR (#129704)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 09:18:52
I have been playing this game for four years and over the past year I have noticed that the average price of everything in tc has been decreasing. As a result, breeding has become increasingly difficult to the point which the game has become a burden, because the investment into breeding and the reward simply doesn’t match up. Therefore I have come up with some suggestions that might be able to enhance the gaming experience.

(Everything below is my personal opinion and I’m by no means a professional)

I think the decreasing market price is a sign of deflation which is a result of there’s an excess of goods in-game and not enough money around. There are new items, apps, and bases added into the game all the time, however, there is not really new opportunities to get sb and gb. Nobody can afford to buy anything, and consequently, breeders and item hoarders have to lower their buyout price to sell their stuff, as a result, people’s earnings decrease and they can afford to buy even less stuff (you get where this is going……). I am a breeder and I have to rely on my art sales to supply my projects, I can’t even imagine how breeding is for players who don’t have extra income by selling art and designs :(

In order to bring back the market price, I think the main solution is to allow players to get money a bit easier, and the new July event is an exact example of what is really not helpful in this situation. I’m not going to talk about the storyline issue here because I understand that the development team needs time to write it. My real issue here is the difficulty and complexity of it. You have to explore to get currency which is used to enter another explore in which you have to defeat enemies to get the currency and then, finally, buy the applicators. And the drop rate of the two types of currencies are really way too low. When it’s really hard to get items and you can’t even resell your item and lions for a decent price, it just becomes very frustrating. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting to make stuff that is originally rare not rare anymore, I’m just saying that you need to find a way to increase players’ purchasing power to put the market back into a healthy cycle.

Here are two possible solutions that I can currently think of:

1. Seasonal/Occasional gb sales
This is just a very straightforward solution to the lack of money in circulation.
2. Add a way to earn sb/gb in game
In some events maybe there could be a section where you have a chance to get some beetles? For example, in the Rise of the Serpent event, there’s a very small chance for 1 golden beetle drop in explore (because of the Egyptian theme? Idk). Or maybe add mystery crates that can be earned through some monthly event or all-year-round event.
3. Add games/events that require sacrificial of lions
Adding these challenges can increase the demand for lions. There is already one (gorilla encave) and I think adding another one or lowering the cooldown will be beneficial to boost the demand for lions. Also more difficult ones and make them day/night/dry/wet only similar to the flood pit, and requires the player to like "sacrifices a certain combo base lion/ a lion that has at least two rosette", and in return gives a really handsome reward (perhaps exclusive app or items).

I’m sorry that I don’t have any other ideas at the moment, but my main point is that I think there need to be new ways to earn sb/gb in game in order to inject money into the game because the ratio of items/lions and currency in game is already unbalanced.

Edit: I also get that gb probably should remain a currency that could only be bought through real money. But I think the failing economy requires demand-side adjustments (because by trying to suppress supply will only shrink the market size, which means less variety and lower activity, people will have a hard time in both selling and buying). If you have other ideas to increase players' purchasing power, you are very welcomed to leave your thoughts.

This suggestion has 9 supports and 11 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/08/21 @ 11:00:36 by Chidori_ASaki|Clean Gen 2 (#129704)

Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 09:55:09
Sorry but no support, especially for GB drops in explore.

The main reason lions are worth so little isn't because of a lack of available currency among most players, but rather a complete over-supply of lions. There are sooooo many cubs bred that they're never going to be worth much; same with studs. The only exception is when something is extremely new/rare and therefore valuable. The only way to increase value overall would be to drastically decrease the number of cubs floating around, and that'd be wildly unpopular since a lot of people already complain about the small litter sizes.

I already find of all the games I've played LD is pretty much the easiest to get currency. It really is extremely easy to gain just by playing semi-actively. Breeding/selling lions has never really been one of the good moneymakers; not unless you have something exceptional (extremely high stats, multi rosettes, brand new special bases, etc). I don't think that's ever likely to change - it hasn't in basically all the years I've been playing. But there have always been plenty of other, far more effective ways to make money.

Being active during events and selling event items is a pretty effortless earner (and a HUGE earner at that, particularly in certain months). Likewise frequent exploring, hunting, etc all results in food and items that can easily be sold for good amounts of currency.

The game also has to make money somehow - to meet its running costs and provide income for artists/staff working on it. And in order to do that enough people need to be persuaded to still pay real money for GB. There's already the Black Friday sale which provides more GB for your $ as well as exclusive items.

In my opinion adding in more ways to gain currency in game would simply result in inflation, which doesn't solve anything and just makes the issue much worse in the long run :(

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Edited on 27/08/21 @ 10:01:26 by Myriad (#76)

Leonid MR (#129704)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 10:09:39
@Myriad (#76)
Thanks for the detailed reply. And I want to say that stimulating inflation is exactly what I'm hoping for because the market is in fact deflating, the price level is dropping quite drastically to a point where I think is influencing game experience.

Yes, I agree that there's an over-supply of trades in tc, and I think that's why more currency needs to be injected into the market - to match the supply. I don't think decreasing litter size is a good idea because it adds an even heavier financial burden on breeders, it leads to a sequence of results: The possibility of getting valuable cub decreased → Player gets less money by selling cubs → Player can't afford to buy items/lions → Purchasing power and therefore demand decreases → more deflation.

I don't have a perfect solution to this issue yet, but I think "a complete over-supply of lions" is the reason why we should try to increase demand by increasing purchasing power.

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Nny (#257)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 10:30:32
Personally, I don't think adding more easy ways to make money is a good solution especially since like Myriad said we already have super easy ways to make SB / GB. I for example just sell extra food to the monkey and make a really good amount depending on the size of my pride at the time.
And you technically can make money from games by selling the items you get or whatever if I'm correct? I don't play games too much so idk most rewards lol

If people aren't buying lions now when they're cheap, why would they buy them when prices raise due to inflation? I already have a decent amount at the moment but I don't buy any lion if I don't like it, which I think a lot of people do as it seems most people stick to things they like. Adding more money isn't gonna make people buy more lions than they do now I think.

All adding more GB / SB will do is raise prices of other, more desirable items.

edit to add cuz forgot: I wouldn't mind a sale maybe another time of year though, I can't buy GB during Black Friday cuz it's too close to holidays and I have no extra money then so even a small sale at another time I would love and probably try and buy from lol

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Edited on 27/08/21 @ 10:35:12 by Nny (#257)

Leonid MR (#129704)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 10:41:48
@Nny (#257)
By making money I don't mean by in a personal pov, I mean by from the market's pov. When you trade, it works as the money goes from one player to another player, the total amount of money in the market doesn't change. And my point is that the rarer items and lions should be more expensive because it requires a huge amount of money to breed or get those items/lions. For example, a triple rosette cub is now sold for merely 50 gb, and that doesn't even make up for the price of the crunchy worm and buffy ball used. When a person can't earn enough money, it makes them unable to afford to buy other valuable items, which leads to other players need to lower their prices because nobody are buying them and the situation just spirals down.

I'm not sure if what I have said is the best solution, but I think deflation is a thing that this game should deal with. I think maybe we should make a poll to ask players what's their thoughts on the current price level in tc and what keeps them from buying valuable items/lions?

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Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 11:01:28
Like @Nny I guess I just fundamentally disagree that there's an overall issue with lack of purchasing power that needs to be solved; imo there's plenty of currency already circulating in the system and it really isn't difficult to come by here, not even compared to WD for instance. Certainly not once you've been playing a little while and know how the market works and where easy money is to be made. For instance I personally choose to sell very few of my own lions for various reasons, but that hardly affects the amount of SB/GB I'm able to gain in plenty of other ways.

Since you often won't make a profit on selling triple rosettes compared to the price of gnawrocks to breed them, in your example, the obvious solution is to sell gnawrocks instead. Except not next month of course; time of year matters hugely. The reduction in multi rosette cub values has been going on for several years, partly because they're so common these days, I don't think that's a recent or concerning development.

High end items are always inevitably going to be worth more than the lions produced by them (see also dwarfs and buff/lion balls, or special-base lions like Solaris compared to the price of the app for that base, etc etc). Because most people would obviously rather have the items themselves - and therefore the flexibility to use them in their own way to create their own lion as desired - rather than buy a 'ready-made' lion someone else has used the items to produce. Especially if the resulting lion is easy enough to reproduce with items, and there's no luck - and therefore no risk - involved. After all why would I buy (for example) a dwarf someone else has bred, if I can breed one myself for the same price using the stud etc of my choice? I wouldn't. Hence why lion buyers are mostly looking for something that saves them money compared to the cost of items.

Obviously it's a little different with brand new players - it can take a few months to find their feet and figure out a profitable system - but that's to be expected in any game. I don't see much of a problem beyond that once people have a bit of experience.

For a lot of active-ish players I know, purchases - especially of lions - are limited far more by available time and energy to spend on LD instead of other jobs/hobbies/real life stuff, rather than by a lack of currency.

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Leonid MR (#129704)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 11:02:29
[Notification] I have added another suggested solution

3. Add games/events that require sacrificial of lions
Adding these challenges can increase the demand for lions. There is already one (gorilla enclave) and I think adding another one or lowering the cooldown will be beneficial to boost the demand for lions. Also more difficult ones and make them day/night/dry/wet only similar to the flood pit, and requires the player to like "sacrifices a certain combo base lion/ a lion that has at least two rosette", and in return gives a really handsome reward (perhaps exclusive app or items).

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Leonid MR (#129704)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 11:15:02
@Myriad (#76)
I think I can understand your point. I guess we are just disagreeing on the fundamental part of the issue, as you have said, because I think that the main problem isn't that we can't get money at all, but it is that the total amount of money in the market doesn't match up to the overall amount of supply, and there are tons of people who have a really hard time selling their stuff to provide for their clan (at least that's the experience of mine and a lot of my friends).

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Edited on 27/08/21 @ 11:15:38 by Chidori_ASaki|Clean Gen 2 (#129704)

Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2021-08-27 11:20:23
I had a whole reply up but I accidentally deleted it and I can't go back to it so I'm just gonna summarize.

I think mostly I'm still confused as to how adding more money will make people buy lions at more expensive prices instead of now when they're cheap if that makes sense? Like I get the frustration of lions not being worth that much, I myself breed lions that if I wanted to sell probably aren't worth much.
It would probs suck to breed a nice lion but the market just doesn't value them as much as a person may want, but unfortunately that's how the market is and why I feel people need to just kill/chase/delete any 'not valuable' lions they don't want to keep. (though valuable is subjective so hard to tell really)

Myrad pretty much said what I thought on apps/rosettes, and in a much better way so I won't add tht here xD

A poll or like forum thread for opinions / viewpoints would be an interesting read I think though. It might give more insight to how people view lions/buying vs items and such? :3

A way to delete lions and get rewards all year would be nice, I personally hate the murder stone is only available 1 month a year lol, but I already just delete any cubs that are ew imo so I probs wouldn't use it that much as they gone from my pride the moment they born xD
I think it might bee too similar to gorilla cave though? But if it's for all lions then it might be a neat idea given it's balanced for everyone I think.

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Leonid MR (#129704)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 11:40:18
@Nny (#257)
Ah, yeah that happens and that sucks ^ ^;

I get that why this is confusing, so here is the logic in a nutshell :
People can only sell their stuff for a low price because otherwise, it won't sell
→ Seller gets low revenue
→ Seller can't afford to buy the breeding items/apps required to breed those lions and other valuable lions
→ Other sellers have a hard time selling their stuff because those guys in the previous sentence can't afford
→ Other sellers have to lower their prices as well
→ Loops
So if the markets continue like this, the price will continue to lower and people gets poorer and poorer.

If we inject some money into the market:
People have more money but the market price is still low
→ Those stuff gets bought out soon
→ Sellers can now afford to buy more of other people's stuff
→ Demand increases and there's not that much excess supply now, therefore even when price increase people are still willing and able to buy until it reaches the equilibrium

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