Posted by (+90) Ancient View (Eye colors)

Scorpioness (#225561)

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Posted on
2022-01-02 10:05:15
Long story short... I was challenged to make Ancient Egypt themed eye colors... so here we are!

As a color palettes I used pigments that were used in the ancient times, to precise i went with blue, green and yellow. These eye colors could be rewards for completing the June event or just June NCL exclusive.

Wahdj eyes (literally translates to green)

Irtyu eyes (literally translates to blue)

Khenet / Qenyt eyes (khenet translates to yellow, but qenyt translates to yellow-red pigment)

This suggestion has 99 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 20/07/23 @ 15:47:02 by Scorpioness (#225561)

FlameHeart (#233839)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-01-02 10:09:13
I love this! Great for June, too.

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3 momma boys (#221238)

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Posted on
2022-01-02 10:10:13
I love it

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➵ sprout [2] (#185506)

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Posted on
2022-01-02 10:13:23
i’m torn between hoping they’re breed-only and hoping they’re applicator eyes. on one hand we NEED more pretty green-toned breed only eyes. on the other we also need more pretty yellow/orange applicator eyes. full support either way!!

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Zodiac(G2 Ice Echo
pie) (#212956)

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Posted on
2022-01-03 05:47:02
full support:)

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