Posted by Genetics Tracking Project

joyfull (#262989)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-05-03 18:14:03
hi! welcome to my 'genetics tracking project'! :)

As i joined lioden in february of 2022, i knew that i wanted things to be more difficult, yet fun.

in games i play, i always seem to make a collection aspect out of it, that is also what i did for lioden.

i created a massive google spreadsheet for all bases, manes, skins, eyes, markings, mutations, and more!

it was truly a hellish process to make and navigating the wikis took a long time, with the help of two good friends (permission pending for name reveals :)), i completed a 'beta' draft. as new markings are made often, im unsure if it could ever be fully 'finished'

I have begun filling it out, tracking how much i have truly unlocked of the game, and having a blast in the process. i really wanted to share this, as it is something i am truly passionate for.

i write down lion names, their basic genetics, and then log them in the giant sheet. i find all their colors and such and log markings (truly the hardest part, its so big!) by their color. i highlight the collected sections in a pastel pink (personal preference) to make it stand out more. I am in the process of doing the same for said two friends, who are the reason i joined this game!

i make it a rule to mark lions only if they have been in my pride (even for an hour) and they must be named. I cannot build a spreadsheet with 'ncl' all over the place, after all!

I am not even CLOSE to being finished, but it is truly so much fun for me, and I hope to share some of it once more has been filled out!

if you are also a big collection fan, let me know! i would love to hear about it and how you incorporate it into the games you play!

stay sunny!

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