Posted by Looking for a project partner!

Cobalob (#120760)

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Posted on
2022-07-06 05:30:05
Hello everyone, my name is Cobalob, but you will often see me as ClaribelRose on other websites. I am currently working on the idea of there being a dog breeding sim with advanced genetics and beautiful artwork but the only problem is, I need some help.
I know rudimentary HTML and CSS but I’m looking for a developer who is experienced or looking for experience. I am an artist myself but have only ever worked traditionally and I now have the means to go digital will be slowly producing possible sketches for the game. Please message me for more information and I hope to build a team of people who have a spark of determination in them to make this happen.
*this is only an idea no where in production yet but with some hard work I think it could happen*

Kind regards

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