Posted by a newbie in need

JaeBird (#291195)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-16 22:33:53
so how do people make html tables? i have edited other peoples codes but i want to learn to make my own (note im on mobile most of the time)
also is there a way to make den css on mobile? or is there some way someone could explain it to me
i have seen templets before in stuff but id prefer to have someone help me understand more.

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Ficus (#299958)

Monster Slayer
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Posted on
2022-07-21 15:37:32
Hey! Don't know if you still need help, but I'll be damned if I don't use that middle school HTML class somehow.

To answer your second question, all you need to code css is a .txt editor that's capable of saving files as .css and a cloud storage account. There probably is a mobile editor like that out there, and I recommend using Dropbox as a cloud.

Anyhoo, this is the basic knowledge you need to have to code HTML tables.
Note: I'm putting asterisks in my tags so that you can read the code but your browser doesn't just render it. Remove them.

Tables are fairly simple. What you need is to just put a bunch of baby <*td> tags into some bigger <*tr> tags and put those into one big mama <*table> tag.

Like this:
<*table border="1"> - this opens up your table. "border" lets your browser know how thick the border should be
<*tr> - this starts a Table Row, as in rows and columns
<*td>this is a bit harder to remember. Iirc, it means Table Data. It's always been easier to remember it as "table down" for me, as in "downward column". Anyhow, it encodes a singular cell in your table row<*/td>
<*td>You can make as many cells as you want in a row<*/td>
<*/tr> - just remember to close your tags
<*tr> - you can also put in as many rows as you need
<*/td>and put some more cells in them<*/td>
<*/table> - this signals to your browser that everything else is not related to your table.

There's the additional fourth tag, <*th>. It works basically like <*td>, but it lets your browser know that this cell is the header and thus gets treated the way it treats headers, whatever that is. Usually, it makes the text bolder or BIGGER.

Let's see if I can make a forum post render a basic crappy table...

Explaining this visually
HTML tables are counted
row by row
top to bottom vvv
In these rows, there are table data cells coded as <*td><*/td>.
They are counted left to right ->>>
Each table row must contain at least one data cell
but there's no max limit
but your willingness to type several tags

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JaeBird (#291195)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-21 15:38:50
Thx I might use and modify this one day

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Ficus (#299958)

Monster Slayer
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Posted on
2022-07-21 15:41:05
You're welcome!

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