Posted by Make a Wish!

MoistSock | G2
Wicked NRLC (#307968)

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Posted on
2022-09-12 09:45:42
Hello! Though this is similar to other gifting things, this is more focused on getting people their dream items, so it may be rare-er items. I've never made one of these, so here we go.

Bad list

Easy: Dwarf
Medium: Hybrid
Hard: Gmo cow, gnawrock, zebra heart

Good List
Easy: Underbrush, guinafowl feather, any food
Medium: 400+ SB, snake skin
Hard: Mutie, oasis item, GMO cow


You ARE allowed to say you get benefits (such as free studdings) if they give you a specific item. If you are skipped please tell me.

Make sure to specify if you're okay with surprises! If you're not sure where to place something, put it on both difficulty's.

If you have not been responded too for a while, I may see if I have what you need.

If this gets big enough, I may make a clan so it's easier to manage.

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Edited on 09/07/23 @ 21:12:09 by MoistSock | G2 Ice Rift CREST (#307968)

Lexie (The Mutie
Dumpster) (#206054)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-12 10:58:18
Sending decor!

Fuchsia Flowers(1/10)
Shiny red rocks(1/60)
Large Leaves(1/10)
Large Rocks(1/10)
Check out my hoard sale! Clicky!

20+ Amusement items
Stud requests(14/15 slots)
Muties(Female only)
Special based females

500+ SB
3+ GB
Lion scrote

Do not send me male lions!
Surprises are ok, just no explore decor!
Lions in my pride with names |Rarity Color| are free to offer on! I need them gone!

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TokinoCasIno (#317902)

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Posted on
2022-09-12 11:16:55

i really need umgamu ;-; or Gnaw rock

sb (+300)
gb (+1)
any marking or base app
any gorilla enclave item
any oasis item
decor (non-explore and no eagers)
breeding items (any is accepted)
lion and elephant skulls

join my raffle ;)

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MoistSock | G2
Wicked NRLC (#307968)

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Posted on
2022-09-12 20:05:50
Sending Umgamu!

food/toy bundle,
Bolbaffer beetle,
lots of explore decor,
guinafowl feather

1 GB
Snake skin
lion skull
200+ SB
non-explore decor

Hard: Hybrid/DU (Free studs to my king for life), 1+ GB, PF, 1000+ SB, any other mutie.

I prefer clean/low-gen lions, however you don't have to follow that. No surprises please!

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Cass (#348254)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-12 20:24:08
Sent: Lion skull

Easy: Cheap decor items, anything at all.

Medium: Less cheap decor and items items, SB and GB

Hard: Applicators, Pose changers, event currency for October, Mane mutation Ladies with Diabolic or Hellraiser mane type, Seduction mane applicator

I'm going to try and grind for October and get my main male an Incubus mane and eventually the goal is to breed him to Hellraiser and Diabolic mane muties for the chance of Succubus mane or just passing on the mane mutation.

I love surprises!

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Edited on 13/09/22 @ 13:23:29 by Cass (#348254)

TypicalPlayer (#335642)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2022-09-12 20:28:12

- decor
- sb


- muties
- gmo cow
- hybrid [ not expecting this one, ignore it ]

I'm okay with surprises, as long as its pleasant

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Lexie (The Mutie
Dumpster) (#206054)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 03:36:13
Sending SB!

Fuchsia Flowers(1/10)
Shiny red rocks(1/60)
Large Leaves(1/10)
Large Rocks(1/10)
Check out my hoard sale! Clicky!

20+ Amusement items
1 GB(or ICD/IBF)
Stud requests(14/15 slots)
Muties(Female only)
Special based females

500+ SB
3+ GB
Lion scrote

Do not send me male lions!
Surprises are ok, just no explore decor!
Lions in my pride with names |Rarity Color| are free to offer on! I need them gone!

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Jeylen (#284145)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2022-09-13 13:06:04

-Any Noctis or Kilimanjaro marking app***
-75> sb
-Any Breeding Items**
-Any MoD (Pie or Patch pref)**
-15+ uses of food

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Livvy (#339150)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 13:14:50
Sending SB!

I am on a journey to build up my mutie collection, and I currently have 2. If anyone has unwanted muties, mutie breeding supplies, or SB/GB to buy that, I will be eternally gratefull!

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👑 (#338540)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 14:17:16
Sending you a Mutie!

I'll be real I also want muties, my very favorite is Dwarfs but I'm not gonna breath for one! I also enjoy Pies and Pons or Gon's, but I'll honestly be happy with just about anything! Only mutes I'm not really a fan of are the overgrown tongue and both claw mutes!

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MoistSock | G2
Wicked NRLC (#307968)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 15:45:14
Sending primal!

food/toy bundle,
Bolbaffer beetle,
lots of explore decor,
guinafowl feather

1 GB
Snake skin
lion skull
200+ SB
non-explore decor

Hybrid/DU (Free studs to my king for life),
1+ GB,
1000+ SB
any other mutie.

No frozen lions unless it's a hybrid.

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Azuriizt (#339364)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 19:46:03
Sending underbrush and some explore decor!

400+ SB
Cool decor/backgrounds (NOT EXPLORE)
Any female muttie
Any Harbringer Shop items
Marking remover
GMO cow

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Raptor (#295267)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-09-13 21:41:49
sending sb !

sb (500+)
females mutties (dwarf, felis, ferus)

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Horsecatdog (#309836)

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Posted on
2022-09-14 01:49:05
Sending Shiny rocks

Food/Toy Bundles (or just food im LOW)
Large Leaves
Large Rocks

Any Decor (i dont have much of anything)
Pangolin Scales

Stud Offer
Lionesses with +5 markings
Art of my OC's
Pregnant lionesses

Don't send me male lions please!
Surprises are ok!!

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Edited on 14/09/22 @ 01:49:56 by Horsecatdog (#309836)

MoistSock | G2
Wicked NRLC (#307968)

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Posted on
2022-09-14 06:39:16
Please make sure raptor got a gift!

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Lexie (The Mutie
Dumpster) (#206054)

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Posted on
2022-09-14 07:27:38
Jeylen never gifted me

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