Posted by Primals

𝔬𝔡 G2 (Frail)
ICE (#305368)

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Posted on
2022-09-15 23:00:04
I'm still pretty new to this game as I've only been on a couple months so sorry if this is posted in the wrong area!

My question is: Do I have a better chance at breeding a Primal if both parents are primal or is it the same chance if one parent is primal and the other isn't?

Recently I was able to get a bare base primal male, customize him how I want, and then king him. I've bought several high stat females to start with my breeding project to breed a nice high level primal as a future king but I also bought a bunch of nice primal females. I'm just wonder what I should prioritize buying and breeding or one or the other even matters. Thank you!

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Lily (#281258)

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Posted on
2022-09-16 01:04:21
Only male primals can pass theeir mutation but there is an exception. Primal (Ferus) are the only primals that can pass their mutation if they're a female.

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