Posted by Reserve a Barked Hybrid Heat for February!

ecco (#275125)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-11-27 14:10:24

Reserve a Barked Hybrid Heat for February!

Hi all!

So, as Lioden would bless me, I have 3 Hybrids! Two Leopons and one Tigon (hopefully more to gain in the foreseeable future!) Because of this, I figured I would allow people to reserve heats from each respective one! Please note that, as they are not First Gen hybrids, they will only have a 5% chance at passing their mutation!

-You can reserve either a full heat or a split heat! When reserving a full heat, it means you are entitled to every cub within the litter, save for the ones you don't want! When reserving a split heat, it means you are only entitled to about half of that litter!
-Split heats are split based on how many hybrids are born within the litter! If one hybrid is born, it's yours, followed by any other cub you want to pick (should you use a buffy, this option is not available if there are only two cubs born). If two hybrids are born, you will have first dibs on only one of said hybrids, the one you don't pick will be mine. If three hybrids are born, you will have first dibs on two of the three hybrids, and the last one will be mine. If four are born, you will have first dibs on two of the four, and the remaining two will be mine.
-When purchasing a split heat and the split heat has more than one hybrid, please note that you cannot abruptly try to switch to a full heat because of it. The other hybrid(s) that you don't pick will be mine, and if you want them, it WILL be treated as a sale that is entirely separate from the split heat itself (meaning you will be subjected to the prices that come with purchasing a hybrid).
-These heats ALL require the use of an IBF + aging stones for every cub in the litter. Split heats require the use of a buffy or grain of paradise to ensure cubs can be split. Full heats are not subjected to the same requirement, but it would prove to be very helpful in increasing the odds of said litter having a hybrid within it.
-You are entitled to use any mutation item you may have on each of the lions, however there is a slight additional fee for the use of CRB!
-If you choose to use a CRB (Cotton Root Bark) on any of the hybrids, it is an additional 5 fee followed by an additional 3 barks to speed up the cooldown process! The reason for this is due to the fact that CRBing a hybrid is usually not recommended, as their mutation always rolls first on the mutation roll order, therefore meaning the litter they had prior to being CRBed may have had a hybrid(or hybrids) present in it.
-My Hybrids bases CAN be changed if you are attempting to get a combo base hybrid, however please note that if you request to have their bases changed, you must; provide the applicator for their original base so it can be changed back (unless i like the look of the new base on them, which I will inform you if that's the case!), followed by the applicator for the base you wanted it changed to OR the to be able to purchase one of said applicators. The latter half of this can be ignored if you are requesting it to be changed to a base applicator I have present in my hoard (a list will be provided for you to know) but you will still have to provide their original base applicator for the change to be reversed.
-My Hybrids will not be leaving my den for any reason (except to be frozen!), meaning they are not open to be sent to you for traditional breeding! All breeding will either be done from traditional breeding on my end (should you choose my stud or have an outside stud yourself) or reverse breeding!
-I will cover stud fees up to 800 !
-Split heats will only be done from traditional breeding on my end! If you pick your king, I will send a stud request to your king with my hybrid (if your king is all out of stud slots, I will provide a cape bulrush + an energy boost if you are out of energy)! All of my hybrids have an Angelic Blessing applied to them, meaning you won't have to worry about the drainage of energy! This is also so I can AMP check the cubs (as you cannot AMP check cubs that are not in your pride to my knowledge, which includes your end) and then send you a collective list (plus links) of every cub within the litter for you to choose from.
-Full heats will be done either from traditional breeding on my end (should you choose my stud or a stud that is not your own) or reverse breeding! You can also make the option to select traditional breeding from my end regarding your stud, where I will send a stud request to your stud after payment has been sent my way. You are free to keep the you gain from the stud request if you'd like to. Like split heats, I will go through the process of AMP checking every cub in the litter, and providing a collective list (plus links) of every cub.
-Please note that some hybrids may be open to natural heats, it will be marked with . They will have a specific cap of how many natural heats that can be reserved (both before and after February). Please also note that the natural heats will only come after every reserved barked heat is done and over with, to ensure that nobody misses their heat due to waiting for the natural heats to come up. Natural heats will also be priced at their regular heat prices, unlike the discount for barked heats.
-During the month of February, barked heats are discounted! They are half off their natural heat prices, to make sure that you all are not spending a lot of in the same way you would spend for a natural heat.

The Hybrids


(Image is clickable!)

Novalunosis is a clean, G4 Leopon
His base is Haruspex, which can be changed to any base requested.
His markings will likely also vary starting from December, as I will be trying out new apps on him!

For reserved bark heats, his prices are as follows;
20 for a split heat
40 for a full heat

For reserved natural heats, his price are as follows;
35 for a split heat
60 for a full heat

For reserved natural heats, Novalunosis will have 2 before February (and can be any heats, with the exception of his current utmost one, as it is taken) and then 2 after February. His heats are all marked down in his bio, so you are free to request whichever heat you want (starting from third and up!) Please note that the reservations before February are FIRST COME FIRST SERVE, meaning whoever asks for it first will get it first.

Natural Heats Before February;

Natural Heats After February;

Reserved Feb Heats:
(more to hopefully be added)


(Image is clickable!)

Serendipity is a dirty, Inpu based Leopon (she's dirty pretty far back) with Mottled Rosette. Due to her age (10 yrs 5 months), she has been frozen on another account in order to keep her from dying before February comes. She only has about 2 or 3 heats left, so, because of this, she is not open for natural heats.

Like Novalunosis, her base is able to be changed, but you must provide the applicator to revert the change following it being made.

For reserved barked heats, her prices are as follows;
15 for a split heat
30 for a full heat

Reserved Feb Heats:
(more to hopefully be added)


(Image is clickable!)

Sonne is a very young, but sadly, very dirty Brimstone based Tigon. Like Novalunosis, her base can also be changed, and her markings may be subjected to change following December due to the marking applicators coming out (if you have marking recommendations, go ahead n shoot!).

Because of Sonne's age, she is completely open to natural heat reservations with the exception of her second one (claimed for personal use!). So, like Novalunosis, you are free to request to reserve a heat. In total, she will have 3 heat reservations before February and 2 after February. Please remember that the heat reservations before February are first come first serve too!!

For reserved barked heats, her prices are;
15 for a split heat
30 for a full heat

For reserved natural heats, her prices are;
35 for a split heat
50 for a full heat

Natural Heats Before February:

Natural Heats After February:

Reserved Feb Heats:
(more to hopefully be added)

(please note that this post may be updated with more hybrids i come into possession of! so if you're hoping for a clean gon, please keep note that that may happen! :>)

Alternative Payment Methods

Both before and during the month of February, I do accept alternative payment methods to reserve a heat with! These include a variety of applicators and breeding items! they will be listed in the two boxes below this post, along with their equivalent! In the left box, it will show the items I accept at their prices before February, and in the right box, it'll be the items and their prices during February! Providing these items will be a big contribution to me (but you don't have to provide!), so, thanks!
Before February
CRB (Cotton Root Bark) - 1
Yohimbe Bark - 30
Buffalo Scrotum - 38
Crunchy Worm - 25
GMO Cow - 45
Grain of Paradise - 21
Lion Meat - 7
Red Cock - 600
Lion Scrotum - 60
Applicators (please inquire!)
During February
CRB (Cotton Root Bark) - 1
Yohimbe Bark - 3
Buffalo Scrotum - 10
Crunchy Worm - 45
GMO Cow - 55
Grain of Paradise - 5
Lion Meat - 7
Red Cock - 600
Lion Scrotum - 10
Applicators (please inquire!)
html layout by honey (#30473). do not remove credit.
mountains header by Mairu-Doggy on deviantart.

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ecco (#275125)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-27 14:13:43
reserved for future use

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