Posted by Original Species Description (SHROOM/MUSHLINGS)

FancyFork (#391201)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-29 09:47:51
So, I've made a new species of mythical creature that comes in two different types (three if you count the pack Elders). And I decided to describe it.. so, if you're not interested in this, don't comment on it saying "I'm not interested in this", just leave, thanks. Now that's over with, lets get on to the stuff!

(Note from me, the amazing creator: These guys are open for you to use. Just PM me and tell me you're using them first so I know lol- also give me credit cause I'm epic)

Species name: no clue. please suggest.


Shroomlings are tall, reaching about 8ft in height. They have long, powerful back legs and their anatomy is similar to that of a raptor's. They wear mushrooms on their heads that are either used for show or defence. Often they have thick furs that come in a variety of different colours, most are flashy and vibrant, but often plain with no patterns. They have two pairs of bunny ears on the sides of their heads, so one pair on one side and one pair on the other. On their back there are large leaves that act like a sort of spine, and they also have a large leaf on the tip of their tail that they use for camouflage. Their tails are spotted, and sometimes they will have mushrooms growing on parts of their body, this is affected by their age, the older they are, the more mushrooms.

Haven't done yet cause it won't let me put in the image..

Mushlings are smaller versions of Shroomlings. They are much leaner and are normally around 4ft in height on average. They have fuzzy fur and long claws, and often the mushroom on their head covers their eyes and they are seen with different hats to find one that fits. Basically the exact same as Shroomlings, but they're small. They have duller pelts for hiding. Basically it. Not providing a picture since I'm lazy.

Shroomsaurs are large creatures that reach up to 15-18ft tall. They have massive bodies and walk on all fours. Their legs are muscular and powerful, and they have long tails capable of snapping a human body in half with ease. These creatures are prehistoric and the only remaining ones are up to 2000 years old! They have huge claws, and their heads are long and faintly similar in shape to a Torvosaurus. Shroomsaurs have thick spikes made of bone on their tail, resembling the tail of a prehistoric dinosaur called Stegosaurus. They have paws like a tiger's, and their large mouths are filled with teeth, some sharp and some flat like an omnivores, though still capable of ripping and crushing a smaller being.
(working on adding pictures.)

It is unknown whether they lay eggs or give birth like mammals.
The males catch the female's attention by spreading the leaf on their tail and chirping sweetly. Sometimes males fight over females, and the winner gets her, but often times competitive fights will be ended by the elders. Females will then make a nest in their den/hut. It takes 8 months for the baby/egg to be born/hatch.

Social groups:
They live in massive packs that can have up to 1000 members at once! All members live in either burrows or houses depending on what they like. There are often celebrations, like almost 10 every year. Its fun.


Most of the species is welcoming and generous, not having much fear for larger creatures since they have barely any natural predators. They are kind, and often are seen giving gifts if they feel they did something bad. These creatures are highly social, and love being in groups. Despite this, they are very defensive and stubborn, and love to watch any drama going on around things. They are extroverted and loud often times, but there are some exceptions since all have different personalities and views.

The Shroomsaurs are quiet and calm creatures, who prefer peace and quiet instead of fighting. They will try to do anything to avoid a fight. They give gifts to those they believe need it, and they are very wise creatures who will do anything to protect their pack. They are understanding and gentle, treating most creatures like a mother would act to a child, although they can be stern sometimes with their pack, creating boundaries and walls to keep things safe.

They normally make camp in swamps or forests where there is much plant life and dense trees. The area they settle in will be quickly transformed into a sort of Oasis, with large mushroom/tree houses and burrows aligned neatly in rows. Their territories often expand to the size of five football pitches to accommodate the growing populations.

Often times the leader of a pack is a Shroomsaur female, since they are more powerful than the males and are capable of dealing with the pack better. Shroomsaur leaders are called Pack mothers or Pack guardians, since they care and treat the pride with respect and warmth.

The next in the hierarchy are the Elites, a group of powerful Shroomlings and mushlings trained to protect the pack from harm. Members with this role are often sent out to patrol the territory and/or hunt.

Then there are the Spies, small Mushlings who sprint through the forest and gain information about the territory. EVERYTHING they find will be passed on to the elder. They report threats, new plant life, visitors, and specific places they could expand their camp into.

Last but not least, there are the members. This group consists of Mushlings, Shroomlings, and Shroomsaur elders who have been retired or didn't get the chance to become Pack mother/gaurdian. the members live in the pack and form houses out of old trees or dig burrows in the ground, they sell goods and share with their friends. This is the most common role, and there are over 700 members!

(More info I couldn't find a name for)
They live for up to 2000 years! These creatures can get so old, that when one member dies before they hit 500 everybody is upset and saying they died too young.

Every one of them is unique! They all have different pelts and mushrooms, sometimes one can even have fuzzy mushroom hats!

As a defense mechanism, these creatures can release poison spores from their mushroom hats, and the hats also create a smoke screen when they are panicked.


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Edited on 01/02/23 @ 06:54:55 by Pm me with 'melon' (FancyFork) (#391201)

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