Posted by April event exchange shop! (MoD’s/apps/200gb
xbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-06 11:34:16
I’d love to exchange all this for either roasted lambs or EE. Roasted lambs are higher value to me atm. Just comment what items you’re interested in and i’ll give an estimate if how much roasted lambs or easter eggs I want! <33 Tysm for taking the time to look at this!

239/120 Roasted lambs
1378/5000 Easter eggs
(will close once goal is met)
Also if someone offers more/higher lambs or Easter eggs on the item you want, they will get it instead. You can always offer more, or back out^^; trading items for high value items, i’m def gonna choose the highest offer

P1: i would like to offer 16 roasted lambs for your cherry lips applicator.
P2: I would like to offer higher for your cherry lips app, 22 for your cherry lips app.



6HP= 1GB
40EE= 1GB
(willing to haggle to 1=30EE)


Applicators in written list

Breeding Items

Items that can be outbid on:
2/2 Lion Scrotes - 1600EE
1/2 Cherry Lips - 13 roasted lambs

must offer min of 40+ EE or 1 roasted lamb on items that are available for Bid

ex p1: i would like to bid 15 roasted lambs for ___
ex p2: bidding 16 roasted lambs on __

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Edited on 17/04/23 @ 12:45:35 by xbloody 3178EE/5644EE (#262035)

xbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-06 11:34:38
Easter Egg List! A.K.A Easter Egger Givers:

(#139157) Current Offer on Scrote 1 :( 800EE)

(#103799) Current Offer on Lion scrote2: 800EE
(#426231) Current offer on Taste of Merlot: 800EE
(#415592) Current Offer on MOD: Fringe : 2600EE
(#360869) Decennial Markings : 1800EE

Hare Point list! A.K.A Roasted Lamb Plugs!:

(#139157) Lion Scrote 1 offer: +3 Roasted lambs

(#426231) 2 buffalo scrotum- 36 roasted lambs

(#410809) 1 Buffalo scrotum - 18 Roasted lambs

(#260420) 1 Buffalo Scrotum - 18 Roasted Lambs

(#315654) Haliotis Base & Marking app - 90 Roasted Lambs

(#360869) Decennial Markings - 4 Roasted lambs

anon: I want your Haliotis marking app? How much roasted lambs would you want for it?
me: I would like ___ amount of lambs for it!

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Edited on 06/04/23 @ 09:25:17 by xbloody 2196RB/2800RB (#262035)

Alexx HIATUS my
apologies. (#379539)

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Posted on
2023-03-06 20:59:17
I’m interested in the Buffy and barks and mods how many Easter eggs would you like?

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xbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-07 07:45:48
depends on which mods you want!

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Posted on
2023-03-07 07:54:05
I am interested in Cherry Lips!

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xbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-07 07:56:45
would you like to exchange easter eggs or roasted lambs? Roasted lamb reservations get priority x

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Posted on
2023-03-07 07:58:43
Roasted Lambs!

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xbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-07 08:04:49
i’d be okay with 13 roasted lambs

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Edited on 07/03/23 @ 08:05:28 by xbloody 412RB/2800RB (#262035)


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Posted on
2023-03-07 08:05:13
sure! And these are reservations for april correct?

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xbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-07 08:06:10
yep! i’ll have you down for then. you get a major discount rn bc roasted lambs r worth like 3GB rn !! But prices will vary when april comes

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Posted on
2023-03-07 08:07:31
okey dokey

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Alexx HIATUS my
apologies. (#379539)

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Posted on
2023-03-07 08:25:16
I’m interested in the patches fringe mod

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xbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-07 08:27:40
2200-2400 EE for it

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ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

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Posted on
2023-03-08 11:02:15
how much for a Buffy and lion ball?

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xbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-08 11:34:30
offering EE or roasted lambs?

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ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

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Posted on
2023-03-08 11:43:10
can I do 50/50

if not then lambs

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Edited on 08/03/23 @ 11:43:34 by linku (#139157)

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