Posted by [SPOILERS] Treasure Hunt Answers! [With Links!]
Fraekinn (#55800)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 02:03:18
I am pretty good at riddles and I am offering help with them via PM.

Please note that they vary by account and are NOT in order.

In the pulse of society's views,
A glimpse into what the public pursues. - Game Polls

To find the answer that you seek,
Look inward, where your thoughts run deep. - Kings Page

With a curious heart and an open mind,
Exploration reveals treasures to find,
A treasure trove of discoveries anew,
For those seeking adventure and a different view. - Go to Explore and click on Level 1 Biome.

A treasure trove of guidelines to show,
For those seeking knowledge, so they know. - Code of Conduct

Among the currently active few,
Lies a treasure trove of insights new. - Online Players Page

From A to Z, a world to explore,
An encyclopedia of items to adore,
A treasure trove of knowledge and facts,
For those seeking the world's artefacts. - Monkey Business Item Catelog

In the world of digital space,
A contract of rules and terms in place,
A treasure trove of guidelines to show,
For those seeking knowledge, so they know - Terms of Service

In the pulse of society's views,
A glimpse into what the public pursues. - Game Polls

With a lion's pride and a regal view, A summary that gives a clue. - Pride Overview

From curious minds come questions great, With answers found at every rate. - FAQ.

In the earth, where treasures lie,
A secret stash that's hidden by,
A treasure hunter with a plan in mind,
And a trove of riches yet to find. - Buried Items in your Hoard.

With gentle nudges and playful paws,
A mother lion educates her cubs with claws,
A treasure trove of knowledge to gain,
For those seeking the lion's teaching domain - Cub Training in Crossroads!

With a serpentine hiss and a cunning mind,
The reptile gives trials that are one of a kind,
A treasure trove of challenges and puzzles to solve,
For those seeking adventure and the serpent's resolve. - Questing Snake

With grace and might and a predator's stride,
Nature's creatures capture their prey with pride,
A treasure trove of instincts and skills,
For those seeking the wild's secrets and thrills. - Hunting

With a watchful eye and a vigilant beat,
A defender safeguards their turf from defeat,
A treasure trove of skills to protect and preserve,
For those seeking the ways of a sentinel's nerve. - Patrolling

Paths diverge, a choice to make,
A chance to find what's at stake,
The treasure's hidden, it's up to you,
To follow the trail, pure and true. - Crossroads

With a primate's care and nurturing hand,
A young one's future that's oh so grand,
A treasure trove of lessons to learn,
For those seeking the primate's wisdom to earn. - Gorilla Enclave

In the seeker's lair, clues are kept,
And plans are made before they stepped - Your den

With branches strong and leaves so grand,
A tree of gifts that's oh so grand,
A treasure trove of surprises galore,
For those seeking presents to explore. - Giving Tree

From the latest events to happenings new,
A treasure trove of knowledge for you. - News

With spinning reels and fortunes made,
A game of luck that never fades,
A treasure trove of prizes and fun,
For those seeking a chance to stun. - Slots

With contours and markings that lead the way,
A map guides the explorer through night and day,
A treasure trove of landscapes to explore,
For those seeking adventures that they adore. - Explore Map

With a stone so ancient, and wisdom so old,
The future's path that it does unfold,
A treasure trove of insights and lore,
For those seeking answers that are in store. - Scrying Stone

A bounty of treasures, rare and fine,
For those who seek the unique and divine. - Oasis

A space where threads of chatter flow,
Where treasure's hidden, don't you know. - Chatter

With a mandrill's colorful and striking hue.
A shop of treasures that's quite a view.
A treasure trove of curious finds.
For those seeking a mandrill's creative minds. - Monkey Business


-> I can't find it!
Its there, I assure you, scroll around!

-> What am I looking for?
It looks like a clump of dirt/fur!

-> Where do I start?
Right here!

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Edited on 13/03/23 @ 16:29:38 by Fraekinn (#55800)

(Poop me!) (#187276)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-13 03:01:25
How do you start the hunt? I can't figure it out and I feel dumb

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(Poop me!) (#187276)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-13 03:01:26
Double post. Ugh idk how this happened. So sorry

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Edited on 13/03/23 @ 03:02:44 by TheMisplayQueen (#187276)

(Poop me!) (#187276)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-13 03:01:38
Triple post? My phone is royally.messing up

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Edited on 13/03/23 @ 03:02:13 by TheMisplayQueen (#187276)

Fraekinn (#55800)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-13 03:02:13
Its on the Events Page :)

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(Poop me!) (#187276)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2023-03-13 03:03:04
Thank you, I have no idea how that posted not twice but THREE times.

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Fraekinn (#55800)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 03:03:39
Lag probably lol

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ZeLeak (#299031)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-13 03:13:55

A treasure trove of guidelines to show,
For those seeking knowledge, so they know. - ???
That might be the FAQ page or a subpage on it.

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Fraekinn (#55800)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-13 03:18:29
I think you're right, I have sent people that way but no ones actually confirmed for me if it is!

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sprig 🌷 (#92661)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 03:19:06
A treasure trove of guidelines to show,
For those seeking knowledge, so they know. - ToS

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Mouse - PaintBomb
Leader (#423630)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2023-03-13 03:22:09
With grace and might and a predator's stride,
Nature's creatures capture their prey with pride,
A treasure trove of instincts and skills,
For those seeking the wild's secrets and thrills.

Any ideas? I tried hunting, exploring and patrols, neither worked

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Edited on 13/03/23 @ 03:22:35 by Mouse (#423630)

💛💙 (#262799)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 03:24:22
Where is game polls at?

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♥Sinful Salem
~ Mass
Breeder♥ (#187263)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 03:26:33
i'm stuck on:
With a watchful eye and a vigilant beat,
A defender safeguards their turf from defeat,
A treasure trove of skills to protect and preserve,
For those seeking the ways of a sentinel's nerve.

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Mouse - PaintBomb
Leader (#423630)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2023-03-13 03:28:46
Scrying stone possibly?

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Random❧ (#166486)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 03:29:04
From curious minds come questions great, With answers found at every rate. - I found this in FAQ not Game Help

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♥Sinful Salem
~ Mass
Breeder♥ (#187263)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 03:29:06
It was patrolling^^

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