Posted by 🌠 Pride Purge 🌠

recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2023-03-17 20:48:17
Hello everyone! I'm starting a new Breeding Project and am selling everyone currently in my pride.

All lions in these dens are up for sale:
Den One

Den Two

Prices are now in each lion's name.

Thank you!

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Edited on 19/03/23 @ 13:33:43 by adamant [g6 1200+ ogdoad rlc] (#260420)

Pine (#193746)

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Posted on
2023-03-17 21:45:04
Interested in:

Not sure what you’d be looking for tbh, I’m super new. 500sb for idk, 100sb for the abandon cub, and 300sb for the lioness? Or 1GB for all?

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recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2023-03-17 21:48:29
@Pine (#193746)
Hello Pine! Welcome to the game. I think those prices are pretty accurate!

I can definitely accept those prices for the first two. However, this girl, is worth more than 300 because she's a groupie (heritageless) with a Duat (Special) base. Probably going to sell her for ^^

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Pine (#193746)

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Posted on
2023-03-17 22:02:32
Ah, I see! I had thought she was a NCL^^

Can you send the first two over to #428200, my main?

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recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2023-03-17 22:03:57
@Pine (#193746)
Sure thing! I'll send over a Private Trade for the first gal. After the Anjeer male is able to be weaned (in two days), I'll send his trade over. :)

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𝓱 🫧 (#131967)

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Posted on
2023-03-18 17:53:22
Kirsti how much

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recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2023-03-18 18:11:49
@🫧Hannah🫧 (#131967)
I'm personally trying to get an RLC before I end up selling her. Are you okay with waiting until her next heat (in two days) before I sell her off? :)

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𝓱 🫧 (#131967)

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Posted on
2023-03-18 18:13:52
Thats fine. How much would she be before I buy her!

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recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2023-03-18 18:32:43
🫧Hannah🫧 (#131967)
Give me a minute to price check with some people! <3

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𝓱 🫧 (#131967)

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Posted on
2023-03-18 18:41:42

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recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2023-03-18 20:58:46
@ 🫧Hannah🫧 (#131967)
So her value is at about 300 since she’s on the older side and a common RLC. I’m willing to haggle as well! <3

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𝓱 🫧 (#131967)

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Posted on
2023-03-18 21:04:44
Oh damn I only have 150GB currently and was wanting at least 2 girls with it😭

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recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2023-03-18 21:06:13
@🫧Hannah🫧 (#131967)
If you've got some items, I'd also be willing to take a look at that! And you were wanting at least two girls? If you're willing to add some items, I could also add another girl (depending on who it is) as an add-on if you were interested. :)

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𝓱 🫧 (#131967)

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Posted on
2023-03-18 23:13:47
Can I look tomorrow? Trying to my mini toddler to sleep

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recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2023-03-19 01:09:22
@🫧Hannah🫧 (#131967)
Take all the time you need!

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recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2023-03-19 13:33:21
Prices are now added to each lion's name. :)

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