Posted by Project R.M / rosy moths

No Idea (#426072)

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Posted on
2023-04-02 19:47:06
Project R.M ( or Project Rosy moths ) is a Project dedicated to breeding lions with certain genetics

Necessary genetics:
Pink bases ( Green and yellow bases also can work lf your lion has alot of Pink markings )
Any shade Rarity , etc

Necessary markings :
Any Green , Pink or yellow marking any slot

Additional Decors :
Moth wings ( top and bottom )
Moth Antennae
Faux barbary mane ( any color is ok but l would prefer obsidian or White)

I currently have a heir that Just needs a Pink base to be ready however l would have to wait a really long time to king him ( l Will spring foward so it won't take that long ) so this Project won't 100% start until 16 or 15 weeks ( after l spring foward ) ( but lf you wanna Help donating lions with Pink bases and the ldeal markings or the items )

This is how he looks like ( Link since l don't know how to post images yet and my brain capacity is low )
But yeah basically the objective is to breed rosy moth like lions! ( l also plan on making a group one day lf this Project is succefull )

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