Posted by ✩Natural RLC heats for sale ✩

Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2023-04-07 14:49:21
Items needed for each heat
⊱ Crunchy (that's the whole point )
⊱ stud fee for the chosen stud (if you're not uding your king)
⊱ 20 yohimbe barks + aging Stones for the cubs you want to keep (if barked heats)

Accepted as payment
⊱ pure
⊱ Crunchy Worms
⊱ Buffalo Scrotums / GoPs / Yohimbe Barks / Lion Scrotums
⊱ Ochre Powders
⊱ IBFs (if you hoarded them or sth)
⊱ CRBs

The RLCs available - short list
💮Orchid from 12/1/23 RARE! -> next heat in 17 days
🌿Bushveld from 4/29/22 VERY RARE! -> next heat in 16 days
🍋Citrine from 4/9/21 -> G7; heat in 17 days
🕊️Rose Gold from 2/25/22 -> G5; next heat in 3 days
🌫Smog from 1/13/23 -> G5; heat in 15 days
🦦Ripe from 9/16/22 -> G5
💮Orchid from 2/19/21 -> G4 & G5
🎠Modified Orchid from 2/19/21 -> G4

Time to meet the girls!

Orchid RLC - RARE!
✧ Pinkuanbā ✧

💰 Price is 120 for natural
60 for barked

Number of times she cloned: 1

Bushveld RLC - VERY RARE!
♥ Dragone di Giada

💰 Price is 100 for barked
200 for natural - I'm not reeeaaally sure if I want to sell them but for that price - it's okay with me (remember that clones sell for 800gb)
Number of times she cloned: 3

Ripe RLC
Baby Otter 🦦 [in the freezer right now]

Citrine RLC
🍁 A Leaf On The Wind 🍂

💰 Price is 20 for natural
Number of times she cloned: 0 so far

Rose Gold RLC
🕊 Hato 🕊

💰 30gb natural
Number of times she cloned: 0 so far

Orchid RLC
✧ Nenya ✧ [in the freezer right now]
her mother ✧ Galadriela ✧ [in the freezer right now]

Smog RLC

💰 Price is 30 for natural
15 for barked
Number of times she cloned: 2

Modified Orchid RLC

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Edited on 15/06/24 @ 04:45:43 by Magnituda|G2 Torn Orchid,14BO (#200075)

Wisteria [G1
Elysian] (#262868)

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Posted on
2023-05-10 13:16:54
Hi I was wondering if I could reserve the heat of the G4 rose gold RLC and I was wondering if I could pay with a hibiscus base or possibly halitosis marking app?

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2023-05-20 11:31:20
You can :) Halitosis marking app is fine but I'm not really interested in hibiscus so do you have something else? Ideally Lion Scrotums from Champion shop?

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2023-05-20 11:31:20
Double post

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Edited on 20/05/23 @ 11:31:31 by Magnituda [pearl project] (#200075)

Wisteria [G1
Elysian] (#262868)

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Posted on
2023-05-20 11:47:04
Can I pay with the haloitis markings and pay the rest with GB? Or a lion scrot?

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2023-05-20 12:26:12
Since cheapest Haliotis mark app on branches is 19gb then I'd prefer pure GB So app + 21

Do you want to use reverse breeding feature or outside stud?

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Wisteria [G1
Elysian] (#262868)

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Posted on
2023-05-20 12:44:28
Ok I need sell some of stuff to get the GB but I should be able to sell it before the heat in 6 days :D

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Wisteria [G1
Elysian] (#262868)

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Posted on
2023-05-21 06:25:07
Hi I have enough pure GB for the heat price and all the things needed for the heat :D

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Wisteria [G1
Elysian] (#262868)

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Posted on
2023-05-21 06:25:22
So I don’t need to pay with the markings app

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2023-05-21 10:35:02
Great It's reserved for you

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Wisteria [G1
Elysian] (#262868)

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Posted on
2023-05-21 10:40:38
Ok I can’t wait :DD for the day of the heat should I message you here or should I pm?

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2023-05-21 10:47:23
I'll PM you the day before ;)

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Wisteria [G1
Elysian] (#262868)

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Posted on
2023-05-21 11:29:43
Ok thank u! :))

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Wisteria [G1
Elysian] (#262868)

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Posted on
2023-05-21 11:39:49
I was also wondering if I could use a different king since mine G3 and not a combo factor and I can use aging stones so I can get all the cub out of ur way

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Edited on 22/05/23 @ 10:21:27 by Wisteria [G3 Frail, Ice NHR] (#262868)

Wisteria [G1
Elysian] (#262868)

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Posted on
2023-05-25 18:48:06
Hi I just wanted to send a list of what I want to send for her heat tomorrow :) I have 40 GB for heat, crunchy, buffalo scrot, salts for eyes and skin, lion meat, nesting material, IBF, and stud fee (if the stud is not available when ur available I can use my side account) lmk if I’m missing anything for the heat :3

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2023-05-25 19:52:49
Oh, yeah I forgot to write to you, even though I remembered just before RO 😅 Please send me everything as soon as you read it along with the link to the stud. And specify if salts are for the lioness or the stud.

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