Posted by More Pei'Kai

Birding (#406914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-05-24 10:19:34
IF YOU DOWN VOTE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHY! It's more productive to know why someone doesn't like it so I can learn what I can do better!

I love Pei'Kai, she's a strong female character and I'd love to have more of her. I think it'd be cool in future May events to have Pei'Kai be an option over the brothers.
Just imagine:

You hear loud cheering from the edge of your territory. Going closer to investigate you find that the May championships have begun! You see a hyper young lion, eating fermented marula fruit and yelling with his friends. Another figure catches your eye, a young lioness pouting away from the crowd, obviously upset about something.

*go to V'Kai
*go to Pei'Kai

*go to V'Kai
this would take you down the usual event path and the event's usual story line. No changes.

*go to Pei'Kai
You approach the young lioness, asking her what is bothering her. She goes on a rant about how every year, she's turned away from the championships because she's a smaller lioness. Pei'Kai goes on and on about how unfair it is.
*agree with Pei'Kai
*"It's for the best, you'll get hurt!"

*agree with Pei'Kai
she smiles, relieved that another lion finally understands her frustration. "That's what I'm saying! Hey, how about we train together? We can show those fools that lionesses can fight as well as lions."
*choose Pei'Kai's quests
*"Actually, I'm busy..." go back to regular storyline

*"It's for the best, you'll get hurt!"
Pei'kai growls at you that you're just like the others. "Spend time training with me, I will show you I can fight."
*choose Pei'Kai's quests
*"No thanks." go back to regular storyline

Quest ideas:
Defeat 5 lionesses
Win 5 PVPs
Win in the arena once
lose in the arena once

Pei'Kai helps your lionesses hunt more efficiently
Hunting time is cut in half for 1 rollover

Let Pei'Kai teach you to flirt
+50 impression progress

idk, I'll have to think on this one


You find Pei'Kai in a heated argument with a larger lion. You can roughly make out what it is about.
*step in and back up Pei'Kai
*stay out of it

*step in and back up Pei'Kai
You speak up and the lion, you now recognize as the fierce Vashkartzen, turns to you. "Are you the one encouraging her to get herself killed?" Vashkartzen started coming closer, his eyes freezing you in place with fear. "Listen here you idiot, there's no reason you should be encouraging her to-" Pei'Kai jumped in between you two and snarled at Vashkartzen.
*cower behind Pei'Kai
*shake it off

*stay out of it
You watch from further back as they get meaner and meaner. Vashkartzen spots you and asks your opinion. "Do you think this small lioness can really fight, or are you with me?" You freeze for a moment, unprepared to be put on the spot.
*Cower behind Pei'Kai
*Shake it off

*Cower behind Pei'Kai
"Ugh." Vashkartzen looked at your display of cowardice in disgust. "You should train with me. I'll show you how to really fight, and how to not cower behind lionesses."
*Train with Vashkartzen
*"Get lost!"

*shake it off
You shake off the scare and puff up. "Pei'Kai and I have been training together since the start of the championships. She is very capable." Vashkartzen rolls his eyes. "Whatever that lioness can teach you, I can teach you better. Train with me and I'll show you how to really win the championships."
*Choose Vashkartzen
*"Get lost!"

*"Get lost!"
Regaining your courage you puff out your chest and tell Vashkartzen to buzz off. He huffs and leaves.
*check in on Pei'Kai
*go for a walk to clear your mind

*check in on Pei'Kai
"Thanks [NAME] for trying to stick up for me. But you still need some work. How about we keep training?"
*choose Pei'Kai
*"Maybe later"

*go for a walk to clear your mind
*"Maybe later"
You go for a walk toward the latest tournament. You see V'Kai there cheering for his favorite. V'Kai spots you and runs over. "OMG! You're that one dude!" He gushes over your last battle, saying how his friends have dubbed you the "Lady Killer" due to your constant training sessions with Pei'Kai and your excellent flirting tactics. "Do you wanna hang out with us? Dude I'd love to have you around!"
*Choose Pei'Kai
*Choose V'Kai

This suggestion has 47 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/05/23 @ 11:02:32 by Birding (#406914)

cher [ennead
enjoyer] (#434220)

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Posted on
2023-05-24 10:25:26
That actually sounds neat, I wonder would it could be tied into the brothers storyline since that's the main part. Maybe she has a bad run-in w/ Vash because he thinks she's not good enough for the championships?

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Birding (#406914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-05-24 10:31:22
I love that idea!

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[G2]🍁 (#426231)

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Posted on
2023-05-24 10:32:53
Okay, I did not support, and here is my reason

I'm not really against the idea of Pei'Kai getting a larger role, in fact, I love Pei'Kai. But for now, it does seem like they're planning on adding story around Pei'Kai and the other two lions introduced in encounters. Maybe this is their way of teasing a whole new May event, maybe it has nothing to do with that, I don't know. But for now, I don't think your suggestion will work as the Lioden team very likely already has a role for all of these lions in mind, along with the fact it would prioritize her over the other two new npcs.

My second big reason is that I feel like the whole point of the May storyline is the brothers. The brother's fight, their rivalry. So, at least in my opinion, throwing another character in there who is almost entirely unrelated is not only somewhat unnecessary but would take away from the preexisting characters and storyline. Plus, almost everyone sides with V'kai for the groupies anyway, so even though many people like Vash, they're going to go with V'kai just for groupies.

Again, I'm not against the idea of more Pei'Kai encounters, story, etc, but I feel like the best way to give her a larger role is not by making her one of the options to side with for May.

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Edited on 24/05/23 @ 10:33:11 by 🍁Sundrown (G2 Pie x5 Dawn)🍁 (#426231)

Birding (#406914)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-05-24 11:13:41
@🍁Sundrown (G2 Pie
x5 Dawn)🍁 (#426231)

I didn't think of that, thank you for commenting! I agree with many of the points you made! I am still going to keep this up however because I think it would be a very relatable storyline for many women who deal with discrimination over their gender. I don't recall any of the other events that have storylines that follow the struggle women face in settings like this. I do, however, understand the want to skip this storyline which is why I'm making sure there are many chances for people to change the storylines and the options so it isn't forced. I think it would add more depth to the may event and it would make people think.
Instead of just "Oh lions are fighting each other to prove themselves!". It would show a side that says "These lions have views that are like humans and they think more like humans. They have social norms and there are struggles that lions face with other lions in social settings."
It'd be a more impactful message.

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[G2]🍁 (#426231)

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Posted on
2023-05-24 11:55:05
Yes, I do agree with that. As a woman who plays sports, especially more male dominated sports such as basketball, I think that seeing female representation in stuff like that is very important, and definitely something to be considered if they decide to expand upon Pei'Kai's story/personality in the future :)

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