Posted by Search by name in Equipper

DIVĀ (#232219)

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Posted on
2023-07-07 13:05:20
So what I just noticed is the MASSIVE amount of decor I got over the years. I have more than 400 decor items.

When I open the Equipper there is a long list of decor icons. I've noticed they are alphabetically in order but at the same time they're not.

For example there is 'Jewelry: Bloodstone Earrings'. This is next to the other decor from crafting labelled as 'Jewelry: xy'.
Other earrings however are not labelled in the same way and are harder to find.
It would be great to simply type in what type of decor you want on your lion and it shows you similar results.

Eg. if you type in 'Bodywear' all decor items containing that word would come up.

I know this is similar to searching in hoard but that way the items would lose a use if they didn't look as nice as imagined.
It would be nice to experiment with different designs first. Yes I know that could be done in wardrobe as well but it's not nearly as practical, fast (!) and easy.

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