Posted by Misc. BO Marks Pack from Serval

🌻 the serval
spots (#98320)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 11:45:30
Even more breed-only marks because this site has a whole lot of marks but only ~25% of them are BO and most of that is recolors of the same shapes. The point of these is to introduce new shapes in BO 'niches' that don't already exist. All marks are previewed in White on Onyx base, or Onyx on Clear White base.


My mockup is rough, so it should be touched up/altered. That's the rough draft for it. Firmly Tier 2 because of the lack of patterns other than Feline/Margay/Panther, this one comes in Black, Blue, Briar, Brown, Cimmerian, Dark Brown, Fallow, Gold, Henna, Lilac, Noctis, Onyx, Red, Scoria, and Seal. It also has four Tier 3 NCL exclusive year-round breed only marks (Cinnabar, Clay, Copal, Marigold). This makes a good breed only mark because the only similar patterns available are Feline 9, which is a lot more body-covering, and Outlaw Cheetah.


Another ultra low-coverage unders mark. A light tracing of the very edges of the lion's silhouette. Believe it or not, we don't have something this plain already- of the breed only unders marks, the lowest coverage are either some of the Marigold/Cinnabar marks, Stratosphere Undertone, Rims, or Underfelt, and there's not one that's even lower coverage. I made one that purposely doesn't cover the eyes/cheeks to save the patterns of marks like Margay and Feline 2. I would imagine this one goes on top of a darker rosette or Soft Unders or something similar to finish the design off.

Reverse Shepherd

Yet another mark in the same vein as Inverted Cover. This is White previewed on Onyx base- it's an inversion of the Shepherd marking that caught my eye because of its brushstroke pattern. The second image is a marking mockup showing how it would look over a design- that's Onyx base, Feline 2 Noctis 100%, Frostbitten Coat 50%, Cimmerian Margay 100%, Celestial Splendor 50%, White Reverse Shepherd 100%, Noctis Ticking 100%. This is a very unique unders pattern and so would work great. My suggestion is for it to be either yearround T3 NCL BO like Inverted Cover, and so come in all its colors (Almond, Bone, Cinnabar, Coral, Cream, Marigold, Quartz, Royal, Saffron, Shell, Silky, and White but I would also for sure sneak Fallow on there) or else just be Tier 2. Also, this would probably look good in darker colors because of its texture and the fact that it leaves the paws and muzzle open for more unders, so maybe it could come in Cinnabar/Clay/Copal/Marigold as well to match Clay Shepherd, or it could come in classical darker Tier 2 colors like Noctis/Onyx/Cimmerian/Seal as well, and such. I don't really mind which colors.

This suggestion has 65 supports and 0 NO supports.

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HeraldofHares (#111045)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 12:21:49
Love the Servaline markings! Would be cool to see them in Ebony too I think!

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Rango (#334921)

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Posted on
2023-08-24 17:49:40
Super cute! I love the tail stripes of the first one. Support

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