Posted by Lots of awsome items

Sylvie (#366115)

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Posted on
2023-09-03 12:40:24
Hi, I'm Sylvie
If you have questions feel free to ask me, I'm quite open minded and friendly.
If you don't understand this format feel free to message me about certain items

------Nesting material---in stock: 20
50 each
13 for 1

-Sacred fur---in stock: 2
1000 OR 1
-Fossil fur---in stock: 1
800 OR 1
-Supernal fur---in stock:1
1500 OR 1
-RMA---in stock:2
1300 OR 1
-Gregarious Mark---in stock:2
3500 OR 3
---ANY 2 FOR 1 apps
- brawl---in stock: 2
400 each
- grunge---in stock: 2
400 each
-inverted blemish---in stock: 2
400 each

-Abandoned Cemetery---in stock:2
10 uses each
1000 OR 1

Just tell me how many uses you want
-Food bundles are 95 or 5 for 1
12 each use
40 uses is 1

-----Amusement items
Just tell me how many uses you want
20 each use
30 uses is 1

-Ticks body & face---in stock:1
5 uses each
-Amber Fox---in stock:1
8 uses each
-body paint:swirls---in stock:1
6 uses each
-Hairy Slit-Faced Bat---in stock:1
5 uses each
-Jewelry: Charming Chains [Ammonite]---in stock:1
5 uses each
- Jewelry: Glass Shard Necklace---in stock:1
5 uses each
-Skull Pauldrons---in stock:1
5 uses each
-Loving Leoponess---in stock:3
2 uses each
-Small Shrine of Thoth---in stock:1
5 uses each
-shrikes---in stock:2
3 uses each
-shrikes in thorns---in stock:2
3 uses each

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Edited on 22/11/23 @ 11:40:39 by Sylvie (#366115)

Hellsqueen (#333648)

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Posted on
2023-09-04 03:12:03
Hi do you have any underbrush

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Sylvie (#366115)

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Posted on
2023-09-04 06:57:07
Right now I don't have any srry

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Hellsqueen (#333648)

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Posted on
2023-09-04 06:57:49
No problem ❤️

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Yikka (#346976)

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Posted on
2023-09-06 08:06:11
Do you happen to have any Giant Stick Insects?

How much was the Charmed Dwarf Lioness? I'm having trouble reading with my horrible eyesight. (I need new glasses, I'm really sorry)

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Sylvie (#366115)

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Posted on
2023-09-07 11:46:30
Your good
Each use is 18 sb

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Edited on 11/09/23 @ 19:03:34 by Sylvie (#366115)

Nova -
PRIDE (#364200)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-09-17 14:02:03
Hi ! I'm a bit confused on the nesting material prices?? If they're 55 each , why does 4 of them cost 1 instead of 220 ???

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Sylvie (#366115)

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Posted on
2023-09-17 14:03:16
Srry bout that I will fix that

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