Posted by November event NCL marks: tribal

they/them (#307131)

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Posted on
2023-09-15 20:15:19
I thought tribal markings would be cool and it fits perfectly with November event so. I made some.
There are rough concepts and would definitely need to be adjusted/ cleaned up before being made a proper marking, but I like them.
Other names: painted, adorned (suggested by squimple)
Maybe shamanic?

Tribal markings (face):

Tribal markings (legs):

Tribal markings (torso):

Tribal markings (combined):

I think the best colours for these would be: Noctis, henna, red, blue, white, Steele and onyx.
Other good marking colours could be: marigold, cinnabar, auburn, black, brown/ dark brown, cream. Mainly, natural-ish colours that could be found in natural pigments, like tribal paints to match the markings. Just an idea.

They could be piety markings or event NCL markings

This suggestion has 60 supports and 13 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/10/23 @ 14:53:35 by 🎃🥭MangoCrow🥭🎃| they/them | RLC (#307131)

frosty #2 🪶 (#230480)

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Posted on
2023-10-20 13:51:52
these would likely be more fitting as body paints, but markings would also be super cool great suggestion!

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo Khnum (#127995)

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Posted on
2023-10-20 13:54:21
Super fitting for Novembed, would love to see them

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🍈 bouny / ripe (#435045)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 14:05:17
why is this called tribal? is there a specific tribal group (i’m assuming from africa, but this still applies regardless of where they may be from) whose practices (ie applying bodypaint for rituals, etc) or designs inspired these marks, or was tribal a name you wanted to use even without doing any research on real-life tribal bodypaint? i like the shape, but the name seems a little insensitive if you don’t have a tribal culture to reference it from (but i’m sure this was unintentional, no worries)!

maybe “painted” would be better, if not? obviously not making you change the name - but i’d heavily suggest it, something like painted/adorned/etc would still be fitting

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they/them (#307131)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 14:08:03
I called it tribal because it was based on the November event, which kind of focuses on lion tribes? I made the marks sort of based on some of the NPCs. But good point, I’ll add those as other name suggestions.

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🍈 bouny / ripe (#435045)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 14:09:20
november focuses on shamanic practices/shamanism at large, iirc - thanks for consideration, just trying to do my part and educate

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they/them (#307131)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 14:10:00
I appreciate it! Maybe shaman/ shamanic markings could be a good name?

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🍈 bouny / ripe (#435045)

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Posted on
2023-10-21 14:29:24
shamanic practices vary from culture to culture, since shamans are a widespread concept for many (native americans, african tribal groups, etc) - i’d stick with something purely visual, like painted or adorned, just to be safe! but shamanic might work, since they’re being suggested as piety

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