Posted by lion in dynasty disappeared?

hoot ✰ (trying 2 b
active!) (#115085)

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Posted on
2023-09-19 01:15:01
hi so I had one of my favorite lionesses retire and I distinctly remember saving her to my dynasty and removing her decor... but she's not listed and when I check on her offspring, it just says she's deceased. im really confused, I definitely saved her but she's just gone....

is this a possible bug/glitch? I'd really like to get her back if possible, she was really special to me.

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Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2023-09-19 01:29:34
You could check your user log with a keyword search to be certain - any time you save a record you would have an entry like this: "Stored the records of a Former Pride member - (view)."

And for deleted records: "Destroyed the records of a Former Pride member - ID #."

So searching for just the word records should bring it up. Unfortunately if it wasn't saved, or was subsequently deleted, I'm not sure there's anything staff could do. My understanding is that once deleted, lions are fully gone and can't be recovered at all. But modbox could presumably tell you for sure one way or the other.

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Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2023-09-19 02:57:36
Aw I’m sorry :(

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-09-19 06:48:55
Have you retired her with a 10 SB button? Its really easy to confuse with it but, this is only a step 1 of saving a lioness; after retiring, you NEED to go to the Dynasty page and click Store button, manually, she does not get stored automatically, even if you do the 10 SB retire button.
This is a confusing moment, and it could have been the issue here? Just retiring is NOT enough, you must still go and press the Store button separately regardless if she dies on her own or you retire her with a 10 SB button.

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Edited on 19/09/23 @ 06:50:55 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

hoot ✰ (trying 2 b
active!) (#115085)

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Posted on
2023-09-19 01:37:19
Lioness: Ponderosa (#794166427946) died and wasn't stored. [2023-09-16 03:31:28]

ugh, it seems I somehow didn't save her.... I really, really remember doing it so idk what happened there. maybe I was distracted. thanks for your help <3

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hoot ✰ (trying 2 b
active!) (#115085)

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Posted on
2023-09-19 21:25:38
yep, I know! thanks though <3

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