Posted by Roleplay Stories

Daiphanous (#431755)

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Posted on
2023-10-05 12:04:49
Just some stories I rped with people. Listing them here so I can keep track and not lose them when I delete messages

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Edited on 05/10/23 @ 12:17:43 by Daiphanous (#431755)

Daiphanous (#431755)

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Posted on
2023-10-05 12:10:53

The trees are stunted and bare, their leaves and branches turned yellow and crisp. The air is choked with the dust from the dry, crumbling ground.

As Uzuri walks through the forest, her pawsteps sound loud and echo among the empty trees. The forest is eerily quiet, with only the occasional chirp of a bird or the rustle of distant leaves. There is a sense of foreboding in the air, as if the forest is holding its breath waiting for something to happen.

The path she walks is barren and dry, and her pawsteps kick up small clouds of dust with each step. The air is dry and hot, and she could feel the moisture being sucked from her skin. It feels like an eternity since she have seen any sign of water.

As she continues through the forest, the sun beats down on her with searing intensity. Her skin feels like it's being broiled alive, and Uzuri longs for the shade of the trees. But there is no relief, as the trees are bare and offering little coolness.

She was exhausted. The weight of the sun on her fur and the burning ground made her groggy and the need for water made her delusional. She plopped down next to a decaying tree. It offered no shade but it was something. She closed her eyes and let sleep overcome her.

She woke up to the noise of something nearby. Something big. Then a loud thud as something hit in the ground, inches from her nose. Her nose twitched, and immediately her once dust sealed eyes opened and she dug her fangs into the elephant calf's corpse. She tore into the meat, relishing every juicy bite. When she looked up she saw two grey eyes staring back at her. A figure seemed to melt out of the shadows of the trees and it was massive.

A black gryphon with its fierce, piercing gray eyes stands a few feet away, its talons dug into the stone of a giant rocky outcropping. Its feathers are sleek and glossy, reflecting the moonlight like a mirror. The griffon's neck and chest are muscular and powerful, and its beak is sharp and curved, covered in the blood of the elephant.

The griffon's eyes narrow, as if sizing Uzuri up. Its deep, rumbling growl echoes in the still night air. But the growl wasnt threatening. More like a terrible attempt at purring.

It watched her carefully, waiting for her to eat the rest of the carcass it had brought for her.


Uzuri hissed slightly at the Gryphon, barely finding the energy to do that either. She slumped back down onto the tree and let out a defeated growl to the Gryphon, her purple pelt clumping together in dry, stained spots.

The Gryphon blinked at the polycaudal lioness, expecting her to eat more. She just shook her head and leant her head back into the hollow trunk of the tree, the sun blaring on her already sun-kissed face. It took a step forwards and let out another rumble to Uzuri - who was oblivious to the fact that the Gryphon would easily tear into her flesh, similar to what she did with the elephant.

A few flies gathered around the elephant carcass, buzzing in sync and rubbing the hands together. Eagerly wanting to lay their disgusting eggs in the flesh of the carcass, forever spreading on their stinky legacy. Uzuri tried to bat them away, but instead the creatures gathered around her bloody paws and maw, sucking at it lightly. Ew.



the gyphon flicked his tail before hopping down beside her, spreading one of his massive wings over her body,

"Eat. You wont survive the journey if you do not. I can bring you to an arroyo if you eat."
His voice was hoarse as if its never been used before and he swishes his tail across the carcass, shooing several flies away


Uzuri hissed at him, think saliva flying from out of her teeth.
`` I do not need assistance. `` She was weak, and one could see her ribs if she took a deep enough breath. `` You're.. A freak of nature. I am the porephetess of Aliyechaguliwa. I do not need help. ``


The gryphon's feathers ruffle,

"Perhaps you are. But what will you achieve living out here starving to death and soon to be picked apart by vultures?"

He nudges the corpse towards Uzuri with his paw.


`` I- I must show J'ba FoFi wrong. I must be able to survive in The Barren, spreading the word of Aliyechaguliwa. `` She spat, baring her blackening teeth to the Gryphon.


The gryphon sits down, the shadows of the trees flickering over his pelt, making him disappear briefly.

"Then let me help you. Tell me about Aliyechaguliwa."


Uzuri seemed surprised, but immediatly sprung back to life at the mention of Aliyechaguliwa.
`` Aliyechaguliwa is a serpent. The Mountain Dwellers live on a serpent names Jyoti. Eons ago, Jyoti and another snake named Mwenye caused chaos. But then hunters drew and killed lots of them. But Mwenye, Jyoti and Aliyechaguliwa survived. I am the twin of Aliyechaguliwa. That is why I have a second tail. Aliyechaguliwa is me and I am Aliyechaguliwa's prophet. The Mountain Dwellers do not believe me when I talk about Aliyechaguliwa. So they exiled me. ``


The gryphon locks eyes with her, a low growl coming from his chest as he attempts to persaude/motivate her.

"So what will you do right now, Aliyechaguliwa's prophet?"


`` You leave. Aliyechaguliwa will tell me what I shall do next. They are my leader. ``



The gryphon takes a deep breath and stands, the shadow of his massive wing slowly fading away. He looks at her with understanding, knowing the weight of her decision.

"Very well," he says, "But if you ever change your mind, simply speak the my name - 'βœβ€βŸ’βŽ' (Orev) - to any bird nearby, and they will guide you to me. Remember, a prophet is nothing without an audience to preach to."

He spreads his beautiful wings, preparing to take flight. "I can give you followers. But the choice is yours."


`` Wait! `` She huffed, lifting a paw. `` Lead me to water, and I shall disclose my wishes. `` Uzuri groaned, waiting for βœβ€βŸ’βŽ to fold his wings and stay. The sun had now moved closer to the horizon, and she scuttled to the shade.



βœβ€βŸ’βŽ stops and looks at her. He quietly nods before walking over to her. No warning at all he snatches her like a mother would to a cub and he shoots into the air, gliding above the cloudless sky. A few hours pass of him moving slowly through the air before they notice a faint outline of a building. He then angles his wings and gracefully lands on the ground in front of a small ruined man-made temple where snakes were carved into the sides like they were trying to pull it into the ground.

βœβ€βŸ’βŽ carefully sets the small slender lioness down and nods to inside the temple where a man-made water source was. The water was unnaturally clean and not a speck of dust was in it, despite all the debris around it.

"I figured this was better than an arroyo. Theres a chance the arroyo is dried up anyways."

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Edited on 06/10/23 @ 12:07:37 by Daiphanous (#431755)

🎩Fancy fork [12
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2023-10-05 12:15:34
(love the rp)

do you perhaps know vance? I roleplay with them too ^^ just knew cause I helped with Uzuri's lore a bit

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Daiphanous (#431755)

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Posted on
2023-10-05 12:17:00
Oh hi! lmao I didnt think people would respond to this. Its honestly just so I can keep track cause its hard to thru messages lmao

But yes this rp is with Vance

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