Posted by Guardians of the galaxy roleplay

WheelJack (#430107)

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Posted on
2023-10-06 10:48:06
Hi, I'm looking for someone to do a Guardians of the Galaxy roleplay with. You can call me Quill or Harry. Here's some information about me and the roleplay:

- I have seen all three movies but if you have only seen movies 1-2 then that's fine. I can work with that.

- Romance is welcome, but I'm not good at FxM, If you want romance we can do it but I won't be perfect when it comes to it.

- Please be able to write more than one paragraph. Two paragraphs is the minimum.

- Please do not message me after you reply just to say "Your turn" I really hate that. You're welcome to message me if you don't hear from me for at least three days.

- OCs are welcome but Canon characters are preferred.

- I prefer to play Quill and have Yondu and Kraglin around, and on board Quill's ship.

- I also prefer to have a fatherly bond between Yondu and Quill, as well as a brotherly bond between Kraglin and Quill.

- I also prefer a lot of humor/family/action and adventure in roleplays with GOTG roleplays.

- Please be over 18, I'm just more comfortable roleplaying with people around my age. Nothing personal to as Yondu would say "youngins" I'm just a lot more comfortable roleplaying with people my age.

- If you're interested in roleplaying please message me, we can discuss it more in details in messages.

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