Posted by Eye Templates + Help (resources)

Birb🐦 (#162941)

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Posted on
2023-12-06 09:29:05
Hey everyone! Hope your day is okay!

I've been getting back into base+eye making again and I noticed the lack of downloadable resources for eyes to make suggestions, so I decided to take it into my own hands and post them!

in this, I'll also go through how to use them

The link to all 3 are here (PSD)

This includes;

And I really like making eyes, so if you don't have a design or don't really know how to make it happen, DM me with a link to your thread and I'll check it out! just please credit me if you use them!

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Edited on 26/02/24 @ 07:53:04 by Birb🐦 (#162941)

cher [ennead
enjoyer] (#434220)

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Posted on
2023-12-07 21:16:42
The links don't work

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Birb🐦 (#162941)

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Posted on
2023-12-07 23:55:42
ah thank you for letting me know! I'll fix them in the morning it's currently 2am

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Birb🐦 (#162941)

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Posted on
2023-12-09 09:12:58
okay switched from to dropbox, should work now

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cher [ennead
enjoyer] (#434220)

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Posted on
2023-12-11 21:40:42
So before I download the files, are the eyes of the UI template transparent?

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Birb🐦 (#162941)

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Posted on
2023-12-11 22:59:24

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cher [ennead
enjoyer] (#434220)

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Posted on
2023-12-11 23:10:50
Ok thanks!

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SmallWaterNuts (#462203)

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Posted on
2024-03-12 08:30:10
Hi, i don't want to make a big stink and make extra work for you, but the art program i use doesn't accept prelayered stuff, if that makes sense?
Is there a possibility that you can make the eyes transparent w/o using layers? Or put something where people can download the layers 1 by 1?

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Birb🐦 (#162941)

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Posted on
2024-03-12 09:34:27
oh thats fine! i'll have to do that when i have the time. if you're using MS paint or another binary-based program i can do that for you as well, turn it in to a pixel version

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SmallWaterNuts (#462203)

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Posted on
2024-03-12 10:07:31
Nope, i use Ibispaint X

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Rogue | Project (#171739)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-20 20:55:52
Ibis paint x actually does support downloading layered files like Photoshop files and stuff. You can google how to do it.

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Stick (#286504)

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Posted on
2024-07-01 19:16:25
Hello! Using the eye template if that's okay!

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