Posted by free clan css

Archeologhost (#19753)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-01-16 20:06:31
do you have a clan that needs css, but don't have the funds to pay for it? look no further, because I do css and need a clan example. I'll probably only do one or two, so it's first come first serve. Den example pics below :D

shameless advertising of my css shop also.

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Edited on 16/01/24 @ 20:09:08 by Archeologhost (#19753)

Strigoi [Rolling
Infrequently] (#402175)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-01-26 18:16:01
Hey! Could I please snag a clan CSS for maziwa mayhem?
Ive tried making my own and using some of the free to use ones but I am having difficulty with finding one that all users can see and read.

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/15 Styx NRLC] (#44125)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-03-02 19:47:25
Omg I would love one for my hoarder clan ! (if ur still doing them ofc!)

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WindyFields(side) (#419249)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-03-10 00:51:55
Are you still doing this? I have a food amd toys clan with a css, but the css broke and I cant fins anyone to fix it! Evem though it says free id be willing to pay up to 100 SB for you to make me a new one (or a buffalo scrotum!). Please? I really need one!

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