Posted by A Complete Guide to Earning SB and GB 2.0

River Ripple (#76991)

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2024-01-17 23:39:49

Are you looking to line your pockets with those yummy beetles? Would you like some pointers on how to squeeze out every last bug you can? Look no further; this is the guide for you!

Welcome aboard, my friend! Today I am going to be showing you how to collect as many silver and gold beetles as your heart desires! I have plenty of experience in a bunch of different ways that have proven to be worthwhile, and where's the fun in gatekeeping my secrets?

Art Sales!
I have absolutely no talent when it comes to art, but that doesn't mean that you don't! Charge what you feel you deserve for your hard work and let your skill do the talking! This is an easy way to earn big bucks if you even have the smallest bit of talent or creativity :)

Starting at square one: 0 SB and 0 GB
Whether you just started playing or you're starting fresh; these are some good tips on how to earn money without putting anything down at all; no investments in this section at all!

Moving up: 10 GB [You can also do this step with 5 GB!]
Note: you shouldn't give up the above methods once you are at this point! Try to get as much money as possible by continuing to use the methods at square one!

You Made it! 50 GB+
Congratulations! You managed to work hard and save up, and now you can move onto the higher risk, higher reward situations!

What are you waiting for? It's time to get those delicious and shiny beetles!!

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