Posted by [JAN] Food Pit QOL + Incentives

[ heartbroken ] [ G2
] (#209190)

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Posted on
2024-01-25 11:16:41
There are already a number of suggestions out there for adjustments to the Food Pit and food donation for this month, and for good reason- it's a slog to open tiers with carcass donation requirements. I've been thinking about some potential solutions myself and have decided to post this as a two-part suggestion addressing both quality-of-life changes to make food donation easier, and an incentive to encourage players to actually donate once the first tier is open.

Quality-Of-Life Changes
- Streamline donating food through the hoard;
- Add a feature allowing donating food directly from the Food Pit page itself, for easy mass-donation

The first point regarding food donation through the hoard is mostly to address donating stacks of carcasses. When donating a single carcass, upon being sent back to the rest of the hoard, it's automatically filtered back to Food, so it's easy enough to pick another carcass or stack and keep going. This doesn't happen when donating whole stacks, so players have to select the Food filter manually. Changing this to align with single-carcass donation would be a small but appreciated improvement, and would make donating carcasses from the hoard a bit less of a menial process.

The second point is the addition of being able to mass-donate carcasses from the Food Pit page. Instead of selecting a single carcass or stack at a time through the hoard, a flexible search/select menu of all a user's unburied food items on the event page itself, allowing a player to donate all their unwanted food at once, could be extremely helpful and much easier and faster to use. Functionally it would be like setting up a modified version of an item transfer, with up to 200 Food items selectable per donation.

Incentivizing Donation
Much of the playerbase doesn't really care about unlocking further tiers of the Food Pit or Boneyard, since the Boneyard's best rewards are already accessible from the first unlock. Adding a reason to donate after the Food Pit's tier one is already open would make those further tiers unlock much more quickly, so the players who really do want those tier two and three Boneyard decors and backgrounds aren't stuck waiting until the end of the month. Functionally, this could work like December's gift and poop challenges: after the first tier of the Food Pit is unlocked, the Food Pit page will display a count of how many uses of food you've donated. Reaching a certain total of donated food uses would grant a reward. Uses donated before tier one is unlocked would NOT count towards this, and the counter starts fresh from 0 each year upon the first tier unlocking.

Potential rewards could include the Overgrown Fur MoD, since it's a valuable item later in the year and costs 4000sb to purchase during this month. Alternatively, like the Festive base app, a new applicator could be an excellent reward, only accessible by reaching the donation goal. (Since it fits the theme so well and is excellently designed besides, I personally would love to see Marai #59710's Flesh base added in this capacity, but other applicator suggestions are welcome)

A canonical explanation for this could include a starving NPC, who has arrived at the Food Pit because of the enticing smell of so many gathered carcasses. The starving lionesses + cub encounter (devastated family) could work for this. Potential flavor text is in the spoiler-

After a player has reached this goal, the lionesses would have some new flavor text showing their appreciation, and maybe some different art showing them looking a little less emaciated and more hopeful. Similarly to the Festive Gift base and 888 gifts December quest, the reward would be granted immediately in a popup upon donating enough food uses, either through the hoard (single carcasses or stacks) or on the event page itself.

Feedback is appreciated!

This suggestion has 34 supports and 0 NO supports.

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grassman side 🌱 |
pearl (#243884)

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Posted on
2024-01-25 15:05:14
i think itd be nice if they could implement a set tier opening date, iirc theres another event (i dont remember which one) that has tiers open (or maybe im making that up idk) if the goal isnt met after some time

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[ heartbroken ] [ G2
] (#209190)

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Posted on
2024-01-25 15:42:56
@grassman I know for some events that have tedious-to-open tiers it's the admins manually unlocking the tiers once it gets too close to the end of the month lol

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πŸ”₯ King Jupiter
πŸ‰ | G2 Ra (#282095)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2024-01-28 17:03:04
100% Support. I've been thinking that the Food Pit needs some serious reworking because it's a pain to donate food and there's not really an incentive to unlock further tiers. Usually for events theres some big incentive to unlock further tiers such as apps but for the foodpit/boneyard there's just decors and people aren't nearly as motivated to unlock for that. Plus since we get Giant tortoise, Leopard orchid, lion meat AND primal mod from tier zero boneyard, it actually probably makes people less motivated to unlock further tiers because doing so would introduce more options for what you get in your boneyard which lowers the chance of getting these high value items.

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