Posted by Hoad Clearout!

ashcat73 (#463456)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-02-03 18:45:26
Hi everyone! I'm clearing out my horde. I'll update this when I get new stuff.

- 1,000 SB = 1 GB

- If there's not a multiplier, there's only one of that item


Rainbow Stones (3)

UAV Search and Rescue (2)

Human Bones (x5)

Poacher Gun (x2)

Medlar Fruit

Malachite Sunbird Feathers (x4)

Large Rocks (x10)


Black Ram Mask

Injured Zebra Foal

Sphinx Idol

Albino Sphinx

Sphinx Mask

Cozy Waterhole

Wild Waterhole

Apophis The Serpent of Chaos

Common Raven (3x)

Fancy Guinea Pig

Muddy Paws


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Edited on 10/03/24 @ 12:58:08 by ashcat73 (#463456)

ashcat73 (#463456)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-03-10 12:58:24
Updated with new items!

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