Posted by [FEB] Older king and lioness encounters in explore

Missooni [G1 2xRos
Sid Patch] (#54807)

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Posted on
2024-02-17 21:00:55
Outside of the sub-male encounter, I don't believe there is a lot of representation for older lions and lionesses in the Aphrodisia event. It would be nice if there was at least one encounter for male and female elders.

Some interactions I can think of as examples include: Asking for advice from an experienced king/queen; Spurning their advances due to their age; Being able to to flirt or admire them despite reproductive cessation; Accompanying a widower/widow while the season has them feeling lonely.

In general, I think it makes sense that players with older lions should be able to find companionship from characters in their own age demographic.

Thank you all for the time spent reviewing my suggestion.

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Watashi wa star ⭐ (#36229)

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Posted on
2024-02-19 13:09:37
oh this is so sweet.

to be honest we breed our lioness 1 last time at 14 years old.

They still got it !

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