Posted by 11 pages of apps for your hs!
Rumshop | G2 Jelly
Felis (#227300)

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Posted on
2024-02-18 07:34:19
Hi friends!

I have 11 pages of apps in alphabetical order and a wagon-load of hoarded decor and backgrounds (by request, I'm not typing up all 35 pages lol) . Shall we do a deal? Going by lowest branch price for everything :) 10 HS/1GB

LF mainly barks and scrotes, base apps, also birds, and the little mothy things

Ammonite Body: x3, 20 hs each

Ancestral Body: x3, 50hs each

Ancestral Fur: x3, 10hs each

Angelic Core: x1, 80 hs

Applicator: Lycaon Heavy: x1, 40hs

Applicator: Lycaon Heavy Inverted: x2, 20hs each

Applicator: Lycaon Scarce: x2, 20hs each

Applicator: Lycaon Scarce Inverted: x1 10hs

Applicator: Mottled Fissures: x2 180hs each

Applicator: Neutron Markings: x5 20hs each

Arctic Circle: x1 40hs

Arctic Crevasse: x5 80hs each

Arctic Frost: x1 100hs

Ardor Elegance: x1 180hs

Astral Fire: x1 30hs

Atlas Markings: 5x 20hs each

Atlas Titan: x3 20hs each

Aufeis Layers: 1 30hs

Aufeis Sheet: 1 80hs

Augur Prophecy: 1 20hs

Azalea Mane: 1 100hs

Blazing Corpse: x5 100hs each

Blazing Fur: x2 150hs each

Blazing Sigils: 1 60hs

Blood Moon Body: 1 90hs

Blood Moon Mark: x3 150hs each

Blue Poinsettia Fluff: x2 120hs each

Blue Poinsettia Patterns: x3 100hs each

Blue Poinsettia Scent: x5 40hs each

Burning Embers: x4 20hs each

Chatoyant Carvings: 1 50hs

Chatoyant Enamel: 1 20hs

Cretaceous Body: x4 20hs each

Cretaceous Fur: 1 10hs

Curse of Divine: 3x 60hs each

Demonic Core: 1 70hs

Demonic Mane: 1 40hs

Diceros: 1 20hs

Dicey Ice: 1 70hs

Dust: Bloodstone: x2 50hs each

Dust: Hematite: 1 50hs

Dust: Howlite: x2 30hs each

Dust: Kunzite: 1 80hs

Dust: Labradorite: 1 100hs

Dust: Meteorite: x2 200hs each

Dust: Moonstone: x2 40hs each

Dust: Moss Agate: x5 80hs each

Dust: Nuummite: x3 50hs each

Dust: Rhodonite: x3 60hs each

Dust: Rough Opal: x3 70hs each

Dust: Rough Ruby: x2 50hs each

Eldritch Ritual: x6 30hs each

Esker Markings: x3 40hs each

Ethereal Body: 1 30hs

Eye Applicator: Confetti: x3 20hs each

Eye Applicator: Doom: x2 20hs each

Eye Applicator: Intense Blood: 1 50hs

Eye Applicator: Intense Gold: 1 70hs

Eye Applicator: Intense Salt: x3 50hs each

Eye Applicator: Omen: x4 50hs each

Eye Applicator: Reptile: x4 20hs each

Favour of Anubis: 1 300hs

Favour of Seth: 1 300hs

Feast of (April's) Fools: x2 30hs each

Festive Gift: x5 60hs each

Fragments: Amethyst: 1 30hs

Fragments: Carnelian: x2 10hs each

Fragments: Celestite: 1 90hs

Fragments: Dioptase: 1 30hs

Fragments: Garnet: 1 10hs

Fragments: Jasper: 1 100hs

Fragments: Peridot: 1 40hs

Fragments: Star Ruby: x2 50hs each

Fragments: Tanzanite: 1 30hs

Frostbitten Paws: x3 90hs each

Frostbitten Skin: x3 90hs each

Glacial Facial: 1 60hs

Glacial Special: x2 80hs each

Glass Dust: x2 80hs each

Grace of Anubis: 1 250hs

Grace of Seth: 1 250hs

Grace of the King Cheetah: x2 60hs each

Harbinger Body: x3 50hs each

Harvest Moon Body: x4 50hs each

Harvest Moon Fur: 1 none listed make an offer

Harvest Moon Marks: x3 140hs each

Haunted Mark: 1 140hs

Heavenly Serenity: x4 30hs each

Hirola Mane: 1 40hs

Hirola Markings: 1 40hs

Hoarfrost Markings: x4 30hs each

Infernal Blood: x4 80hs each

Ivory Carvings: 1 40hs

Jacana Markings: 1 20hs

Mane Applicator: hyena: 1 10hs

Mane Markings: Whisper: x3 30hs each

Marking Applicator [Firn]: 1 40hs

Marking Applicator [Icefall]: 1 50hs

Mistletoe Markings: x4 20hs each

Murex Base: Haliotis: x2 100hs each

Mutie On Demand: Patches (Cross): x2 300hs each

Mutie On Demand: Patches (Fissure): 1 750/obo

Mutie On Demand: Patches (Murky): 1 210hs

Mutie On Demand: Patches (Nebulous): 1 300hs

Mutie On Demand: Patches (Panda): 1 350hs

Mutie On Demand: Patches (Spotted): 1 700hs

Mutie On Demand: Piebald (Frail): 1 950hs

Mutie On Demand: Piebald (Magpie): 1 600hs

Mutie on Demand: Piebald (Ticked): x2 90hs each

Mutie On Demand: Piebald (Wrapped): x2 350hs each

Mutie On Demand: Primal: x2 90hs each

Nacre Carvings: x2 20hs each

Nacre Lining: 1 50hs

Nautilus Body: x2 20hs

One with the Giants: 1 110hs

Ornate Body Frame: x2 40hs each

Parhelion Body: x2 20hs each

Parhelion Fur: 1 10hs

Pelt Heavy with Sparkles: x5 160hs each

Phantom Body: x3 30hs each

Pose: Evil [F]: 1 10hs

Pose: Good [F]: 1 10hs

Pose: Jolly [F]: 1 50hs

Pose: Kind [F]: 1 10hs

Protea Nectar: x4 40hs each

Prune Skin: 1 30hs

Ragdoll Fluff: 1 30hs

Ragdoll Scratch Marks: x2 30hs each

Reindeer Markings: 1 40hs

Rime Markings: x4 20hs each

Scent of Azalea: 1 150hs

Scent of Hibiscus: x3 20hs each

Scent of Protea: 1 100hs

Seer Divination: x2 20hs

Sepulture Body: x3 40hs each

Shard Body: x2, 30 hs each

Shard Stains: x2 40hs each

Shards: Kunzite: x2 80hs each

Shards: Moss Agate: 1 20hs

Shards: Nuummite: 1 20hs

Shards: Rough Ruby: 1 90hs

Shiny Medal: x3 40hs each

Spectre Body: x2 40hs each

Spectre Fur: x2 10hs each

Spicy Ice: x4 120hs each

Sunrise Markings: x4 30hs each

Sunset Markings: x5 40hs each

Supernal Body: x2 40hs each

The Bodyguard: 1 20hs

The Guardian: 1 40hs

The Jacana: x3 30hs each

Token of Anubis: 1 180 hs

Token of Bast: x2 210hs each

Trained Haruspex: x2 50hs each

Vestige of Anubis: 1 190hs

Vestige of Seth: 1 320hs

Victor's Secret: x3 50hs each

Water Hyacinth Nectar: 1 240hs

Wicked Body: 1 60hs

Windfall Body: 1 20hs

Windfall Markings: 1 210hs

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Edited on 29/02/24 @ 13:16:09 by Rumshop | G1 Jelly Mottled pie (#227300)

xbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-02-27 13:41:56
Can I snag the 2x shard bodies for 3gb nd 600sb

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Rumshop | G2 Jelly
Felis (#227300)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-02-29 12:13:45
Sorry xbloody I'm going for hs :)

updating pricing now lmao

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πŸͺπ“‡Ό —
slvttycircus —
𓇼πŸͺ (#453464)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-02-29 17:46:55
Can I get the Hirola markings for a GOP and a honeycomb?

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Rumshop | G2 Jelly
Felis (#227300)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-02-29 18:18:59
Sure i'll set up the trade :)

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πŸͺπ“‡Ό —
slvttycircus —
𓇼πŸͺ (#453464)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-02-29 18:40:41
Sorry! I just looked through my hoard and I already have hirola marks. Is there any way I can trade for ragdoll marks instead?

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Rumshop | G2 Jelly
Felis (#227300)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-02-29 19:45:28
Sure np

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