Posted by Hellbound Clan Thread

Lilhattyjc24 (Bee) (#432179)

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Posted on
2024-02-26 20:07:17

This is an official clan thread for the Hellbound Clan!

Welcome to Hellbound!

This is the spot where members are encouraged to chat with each other and can ask any questions they have about satanism.
Feel free to introduce yourself and talk about things such as hobbies, favorite movies, books, music, etc.

For those looking to learn more about satanism:

The two main types of satanism are theistic and atheistic. Theistic meaning that followers do believe in the existence of a devil or spiritual being, and atheistic meaning that followers don't necessarily believe in a spiritual figure.

The largest and most widely known satanic groups are The Satanic Temple and The Church of Satan, both of which are atheistic.

The most prominent symbols in satanism are Baphomet and the inverted pentagram.

⋆ Keep in mind that Lioden Code of Conduct applies and any member caught being blatantly rude or disrespectful towards others will be booted.

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Edited on 27/02/24 @ 11:06:11 by Lilhattyjc24 (Bee) (#432179)

(side) G1 PENTA Dawn
Withered (#125558)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 08:12:11
Clan Icon is so cute. Would you be able to list some of the key beliefs of atheistic satanism? Id love to learn more about it but surprisingly its quite difficult to research online haha.

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Lilhattyjc24 (Bee) (#432179)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 10:40:46
Thank you, I’m so glad you like it!

To answer your question, key beliefs of atheistic satanism will vary depending on the organization. Most forms of atheistic satanism will have a set of core values (such as The Satanic Temple’s 7 tenets, or The Church of Satan’s 11 satanic rules) and will feature some form of devil as their key symbol.
For most satanic groups, the devil is used as a symbol of rebellion towards an unjust authority.
A lot of satanism is about self love, individuality, and standing up for what you believe in.

The general idea behind a lot of satanism can be summarized as, “do no harm, take no sh/t.”

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Lilhattyjc24 (Bee) (#432179)

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Posted on
2024-03-03 18:13:16
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to introduce myself real quick. I'm the founder of Hellbound, I am a young adult who goes by the nickname Bee, and my pronouns are she/her.
I created this clan so that anyone with an interest in satanism could have a community where they feel comfortable to talk about it openly.
I like animals and learning new facts about them, I love dinosaurs, and I occasionally make digital art in my free time.

I do play on mobile, so regardless of what my account says I may or may not be online at the moment. That being said, I am online pretty frequently, so I should get to any messages fairly quickly.

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Rin Spiritwolf (#20915)

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Posted on
2024-03-05 09:01:19
Interested! ~<3

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Aruru (#476497)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-07-05 14:20:44
*dr.phil voice* open the door or im gonna throw rocks through your window!
(let mi in please)

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dm me pie) (#436051)

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Posted on
2024-07-13 20:36:10
I have 0 idea when i joined this but am here now

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WASHINGTON (#148257)

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Posted on
2024-07-21 22:08:37
Hi, hi!!
I have been questioning on and off whether I would classify as an atheistic satanist and have been wanting to look into it and learn- as of current, I'm not a satanist myself, but my brother is and I do find the belief very fascinating!

I also have a massive fascination in life after death, vulture culture/bone themes, the macabre and horror as a whole! ^^

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