Posted by CLOSED ARTIST FOUND LF HQ Canine Artist; Paying GB

Immanis (#159633)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-03-03 14:02:24
I don't really play Lioden anymore and I have 41 GB on my account, so I figured I'd spend all of it on some art since I have a friend whose birthday is coming up.

I am looking for a canine wolf bust. Whether I want flat or shaded will depend on your art style. The character isn't very complex.

I am looking to spend ALL 41GB. If your art is very HQ, you are free to pick out some of my lions, too, since- again- I don't really play anymore. Primal Smilus Primal Ferus Vernal Patches

If any of my other lions look any good, I haven't been on enough to remember.

Reply with examples of your art. I don't care about pricing as long as you are willing to take my 41GB and maybe some lions as extra.

I don't log on often but I will try to remember to do so to check in here. If you want a faster reply, DM me on Discord.


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Edited on 09/03/24 @ 13:56:54 by Immanis (#159633)

Lavy (#323535)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-03-03 14:18:21
Sent discord req

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