Posted by (RESULTS UP!) Survey for my psyc class!

Club Penguin (G1
Seal) (#138839)

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Posted on
2024-03-19 18:11:08

Survey for my Class Project!


Hey all! For a social psychology class i'm taking at my uni we've got to conduct a survey! My survey is about the impacts of toxicity or sexism towards women in competitive gaming communities (specifically Rainbow Six) but any comp game counts, such as CoD, Apex, Valorant, Fortnite, whatever really!

Disclaimers? (i don't know lol)

Obviously you do not have to take this survey, but I would appreciate if you did as it will help me with my project! All answers are anonymous so do not worry!! Also- please do not answer with gibberish or anything incredibly inappropriate, thank you.

or, feel free to answer the following questions in this forum or if you're not comfortable doing so, feel free to send me a DM with answers!

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how frequently do you encounter toxic behavior (e.g., harassment, discrimination) in in-game communication? (1 = Rarely, 5 = Frequently)

2. Have you ever experienced or witnessed sexist language or behavior directed towards female players in the R6 Siege community(or any competitive game)? If yes and you are comfortable doing so, please enter a short explanation.

3.How do you feel in-game communication impacts your gameplay experience?

4. Have you ever felt excluded or marginalized within the R6 Siege community (or any comp game) due to your gender?

Also, I'm aware everyone's gaming experiences are different, if you do not experience any of this, then please still feel free to answer as it gives me more accurate data.

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Edited on 20/03/24 @ 18:18:19 by Club Penguin (G1 Seal) (#138839)

Club Penguin (G1
Seal) (#138839)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 12:32:42
For Question 1:
3 was chosen 5 times, 4 was chosen 9 times.

For Question 2 (DM to remove a response!)

Yes. I am not comfortable elaborating.

Not directly, but I’ve seen and heard so much that I prefer not to openly show myself as female or female presenting in order to avoid the hatred. When I do hear rude/sexist things, it’s usually sexualization and dumbification of women. A lot of the time it’s something along the lines of “she’s a hoe though” or “yea women? Stupid” etc.

no, ive never really played R6 siege but i have encountered it and had it happen to me in other cames (i believe cames is a typo for games)

No but in CoD alot of times yes

Not R6 Specific, but some of the comments that I've encountered during my time playing other comp games, and even non-comp has been very noticeably catered differently. Specific comments directed towards myself and some of my friends that also go by She/Her pronouns have been labeled as Misyognistic, bordering sexual harassment and more.

(Not R6 Specific) just seen a lot of jokes revolving around women + generally sexist language. Also being spoken over a LOT or barely being acknowledged as a whole

A few times. I don't typically talk in-game, but I have been put down just for being woman during some of the times I have used a mic.

I do not play R6 Siege, however I do play competitive on Halo Infinite. I often come across players post-match who message me with sexist language. A few examples of this are: "Go back to the kitchen and stay there" and "make me a sandwich, that's the only thing you're good at". If I choose to respond to these messages, I often receive messages back asking if I'm on my menstrual cycle, as matching their energy in their message is "not lady-like" and "hormonal".

I've been playing FPS games since I was just a kid, and have been playing R6 for a few years now. Growing up I experienced a disgusting amount of remarks being made towards me just because my voice is noticeably feminine. I often get asked for my social media, if i have an OF, and if i'll "send". It is genuinely so disgusting as these remarks started when i was only 13.

I just started playing R6 with my girlfriend and her friends when I play with them no comments are made. However, if I play not only R6 but any game with a voice chat by myself I often am told to "delete the game" or "go back to the kitchen", or just straight ignored when making a call


Yes, I sadly have witnessed sexist behavior towards women in competitive games. I witnessed a party member of mine get yelled at and had some very disgusting remarks thrown at her after she had her mic on to play, and she was a minor.

Yes, I play with my girlfriend and other players constantly belittle her

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Edited on 20/03/24 @ 18:23:12 by Club Penguin (G1 Seal) (#138839)

Club Penguin (G1
Seal) (#138839)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 18:23:42
Question 3 (DM me for removal!):

I feel it negatively impacts my gameplay.

If I experience cruelty on an absurd level, I just won’t play. It’s hard to enjoy a game when it feels like the majority of the players hate you, and it both gets on my nerves and makes me worse because it affects my confidence in my ability.

lots of people don't really pay attention to me as much as others, I usually have to assert myself more than usual

People are sexist and say shit like "oh go back to the kitchen", etc. I seen it happen many times.

Feeling unable to direct communicate with players due to the way that me being AFAB, and very noticeably so in my voice and other mannerisms makes it nearly impossible to properly and accurately gauge how other players will react. Which makes it more of a hassle, and potentially more dangerous to even open that possibility of making chatter with other players in the game.

Feels like you're never going to fit in (with the playerbases usually being predominantly male communities, rather unfriendly at that) and it's like a cycle being perpetuated because by being treated so poorly, less and less women feel like gaming etc not feeling welcome

I enjoy when those I'm playing with are more focused on the game than the gender of their teammates, but usually speaking goes poorly for me.

I have been playing competitive FPS games for around 3 years now, and unfortunately because of my negative experiences in online game chats, I no longer speak to players that I do not know personally. I do no feel comfortable engaging in conversations with other players during the game, as I do not want to experience more negativity in the competitive FPS community than I have to, as a woman, and I prefer to stay in private parties with either my boyfriend or my close friends because of this. I find myself unable to make friends in the competitive FPS anymore, as I continue to receive an influx of sexist and hurtful messages.

I feel that my gameplay is often thrown off when people make sexist comments, I also feel more pressured into doing better just because I'm a girl. A lot of the times pressure makes me perform worse so i feel it has a negative impact. However, I stopped using game chat and now party chats with friends improve my gameplay as we can focus solely on the game.

It makes me feel sad, I just want to play the game but it's not enjoyable when people are acting in sexist ways.

It depends who you talk to, I personally used to not put in pronouns or correct people when they called me a he to avoid drama. Now, if they do something. Block em

When playing a game that involves a team, I feel as if communication greatly impacts the performance of the team and game itself, therefore it makes me a better player when I play said team games.

I feel like it affects me a lot. I enjoy games with social aspects, but games that have this in it are an immediate "i don't want to play this anymore," as I often game with my younger sisters who are minors.

I'm not female but my girlfriend understandably gets upset and stops playing

Question 4:
10 Yes answers. 4 No answers

Note from me: Thank you to everyone who answered, if you'd still like to fill out the survey you can- i still have a week for data collection and the more responses the better but I hit my required amount!! Much love < 3

Also if you'd like to comment on this forum regarding the topic, please feel free- this is a safe space for everyone (as I assume lioden is already)

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Edited on 20/03/24 @ 18:33:52 by Club Penguin (G1 Seal) (#138839)

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