Posted by Endless Plains, an interactive horse arpg!

persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-19 23:49:09
| Welcome to Endless Plains! |

wiping your brow as you peer up at signboard swaying in the breeze, you sigh as you finally reach your destination.

the rustic oak creaks on it's hinges as it swings open and a companionable silence greets you as you step through threshold. glancing around, you spot a solid wood counter, upon it is a litter of paperwork and personal items. it seems that the steward is out at the moment, perhaps they left something in preparation for your arrival?

as you walk around the counter, you sweep your hand along it's grain, admiring the craftsmanship of it. in doing so, a small, inconspicuous card floats to the floor.

as you bend down to pick it up, your attention is grabbed by the drawer just to the right, it looks like it was shut in haste. you shake your head, clearing your thoughts for a brief second, no matter, you can investigate it later.

as your fingers grip the wayward card, you flip it over to read the fine script.
"welcome weary traveler,

apologies if i'm not back to greet you in time, an unexpected situation has called me away urgently. we, the townsfolk, hope you enjoy your stay here and find what your searching for. Gale, the old man who runs the supply store, should be able to help you get started in my absence.

best wishes, traveler
ps. check the right-most compartment!"

your eyes widen as you reach down, hand already gripping the knob before you have processed the words. with a gentle tug, the drawer slides out revealing a; wide-brimmed hat, a pair of butter-smooth leather gloves, a rather heavy jacket and some sturdy hiking shoes exactly in your size. how kind.

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persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-19 23:49:22
gravel crunches under your feet, - these new shoes made the walk here much more efficiently than your previous pair-, as you wander down the beaten bridle-path leading you to your next destination.

creaking stairs flex under you as you take them, two at a time, in a effort to reach the start of your dreams. just as your hand curls to knock, the door is slammed open.

you leap in place as a hand reaches for the area over your heart. despite the shock you just received, your eyes snap to meet Gale's grey ones.

he nods at you, "trav'ler" he rumbles as he steps aside, "i've awaited your arrival." he continues to move inside the dim space. his head tips as he turns back around to stare at you, a small downwards twitch of his lips is the only sign of his annoyance you can gleam off his expression. "well? you comin' in or wha'?"

a few rapids headbobs, "oh uh- yes of course!" you manage to scramble inside before gravity closes the heavy wood with a thud. "the steward directed me to you? said you'd be able to help me get started?"

Gale's gaze flickers towards you, properly this time. his presences quietens and the silence hums as he assesses you. "ve'y well trav'ler, come find your wares for your exploration."

this close you can make out the faint greying at his temples, you wonder how long he has lived here, in the heart of the town. what knowledge he surely holds.

the thick, bulging satchel he pulls out, scratches against his table. it had a touch that seems to speak of its origins, home-made, how interesting.

from inside slips out; a rope, finely made but sturdy, a few organic fruit and vegetables, a slim covering of dirt still on its skin , probably picked fresh from the garden outside, a well worn and annotated map and compass and finally a head-collar and lead-rope.

as you run your fingers along each item, you debate what you'll be needing. just as you think you might need some help, gale's dry cough slices through your thoughts and he slides the map and compass your way; "no need ta stress, i replenish my stocks after each purchase, you can come an' go as needed" before he disappears into a backroom.

| Welcome to the Supply Shop |
here you can purchase any wares needed to bring on your exploration! Gale stocks basic wares, but if you're lucky enough to discover new items out exploring, Gale may stock them in his store!

Gale's wares takes 1100sb:1GB

• 1gb organic good of the day: freshly picked that day, this item boosts your chance of befriending a horse in explore by 20%

• 500sb standard rope; a very average rope, can be used to make a temporary lasso, this item can be used to boost chances an encountered horse in explore staying! (breaks after one use)

• 500sb halter + leadrope; you need something to lead your new friend home, and elsewhere! this item is a one time use but remains on your horse unless otherwise asked, this allows you to take your horse exploring with you!

• 1gb gender change berry: this item allows you to change a horses gender to another, if a cooldown is applicable, then the cooldown will still remain regardless of gender

• 8gb knotted grass token: this token allows for a mare to successfully and safely have twins.

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Edited on 25/03/24 @ 14:45:17 by persay (#165649)

persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-19 23:49:29
now that you have prepared adequately, you must decide on a destination, at this point there are only a few choices, but new areas can be unlocked by encounters in explore.

| The Endless Plains |
here, an ocean of grass flows, a gentle breeze caress your hair as you stare at it's information. horses here are typically solid in colour and spirit, but not always.
do you dare venture here traveler?
30% chance of finding a horse, 50% chance of finding an item, 20% chance of nothing
>yes (2gb)

| Wooded Acreage |
nestled along the treeline boarding the plains, lies a still forest, even a small branch crackling is enough to alert anything of it's presence, horses here tend to be darker in colour and quiet of spirit.
30% chance of finding a horse, 50% chance of finding an item, 20% chance of finding nothing
>yes (2gb)

Unlocked Zones:

| Frosted Taiga |
almost like its from a winter photo, this area is caked in snow year round. thick pine reach to the sky and it smells distinctly of the holiday season. horses here tend to be lighter in color, occasionally overo patterns are seen here.
50% chance of finding a horse, 30% chance of finding an item, 20% chance of finding nothing.
>yes (4gb)

| Seasalt Isle |
the water glitters under the sunlight, and the sand is perfectly warm. this sandy dune and beach is home to excitable horses, they tend to carry cream genes here, though they arent the only genes in circulation.
60% chance of finding a horse, 25% chance of finding an item, 15% chance of finding nothing
>yes (6gb)

different zones will typically be home to horses of certain colours/genes and have unique personality traits corresponding with each location, these traits can come into play when exploring! a quiet horse may be able to help you get closer to something, a solid horse may be able to bravely get past scary obstacles and so on!

to explore you must fill out a form for Gale to process;

number of explores:
items?: (optional)
horse to bring?: (optional)
rp?: (optional)

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Edited on 25/03/24 @ 17:26:05 by persay (#165649)

persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-19 23:49:40
| Auction House |

you look up at the looming building, its graceful size sprawls across the land. unfortunately its stalls are empty, there are no horses here at the moment, please check back soon!

auctions end within 2 ROs from the first bid, or when AB-ed

premade horses:
none atm
starting bid:
minimum increase:
current bid:

custom horses:
if there is interest pm me!

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Edited on 24/03/24 @ 10:55:50 by persay (#165649)

persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-19 23:49:49
| Life Giving |

so you have a mare and a stallion aye? perhaps you'd like to continue their lineage? here you can breed your own perfect homebred!

in order to ensure your horses get the best treatment, there is a fee of 10gb per breeding, mares will have a cooldown of 10 ROs and stallions have a 2 RO cooldown. foals will be drawn on adult lineart (unless there is interest in foal art) and will "age up" to maturity in 10 ROs, but can start exploring with you at 8 ROs!

any extra items?: (to be discovered in explore)
lineart?: (your choice of 1 of the 3)

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Edited on 23/03/24 @ 18:52:12 by persay (#165649)

persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-19 23:49:56
res - events

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Edited on 20/03/24 @ 00:28:07 by persay (#165649)

persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-19 23:50:02
| inventory |

•| Missy|Gen 4 ice dorsal fur (#191208) | , 1x gender change berry| 11x horses

name: storm
gender: stallion
age: 5 years (25ROs)
phenotype: dapple grey
genotype: Ee Aa GG *always throws grey foals
personality: this stallion is steady, he is less likely to bolt and radiates a calming aura

name: daybreak
gender: mare
age: 4.5 years (22 ROs)
phenotype: red roan
genotype: ee aa NRn
cooldown: 4ROs

name: hickory
gender: mare
age: 7.5 years (33 ROs)
phenotype: seal bay/brown
genotype: EE Ata
personality: this mare is on the skittish side, with a gentle disposition. her nature means she is quick to bolt but moves quietly so can go relatively undetected.

name: sand dollar
gender: stallion
age: 3 years (15 ROs)
phenotype: buckskin overo
genotype: Ee AA Crcr *Oo
personality: this horse is loyal to their person but can take a while to build up a bond. he will bravely face challenges if it means following his chosen person.

*it is recommended to avoid breeding two overo horses together to avoid lethal white syndrome linked to homozygous OO genes

name: solar
gender: stallion
age: 2.5 (13 ROs)
phenotype: dunskin overo
genotype: ee aa Crcr DD *Oo
personality: quiet but fiercely loyal to all who win his goodwill, this horse has the ability to be courageous and push himself if required of him

*it is recommended to avoid breeding two overo horses together to avoid lethal white syndrome linked to homozygous OO genes

name: red dawn
gender: colt
age: <1 year (8 ROs)
phenotype: red dun roan
genotype: ee aa Dd RnN
parents: solar x daybreak

name: ember
gender: mare
age: 3 years (15 ROs)
phenotype: sooty palomino roan tobiano with grease spots
genotype: ee Aa Crcr Stysty NRn TOTO
cooldown: 10 ROs

name: jasper
gender: stallion
age: 6 years (30 ROs)
phenotype: bay minimal sabino
genotype: Ee AA SB1/N
personality: this horse tends to be indifferent about people but will reconsider when in need. this horse tends to be level headed.
cooldown: 2 ROs

name: sora
gender: mare
age: 8 years (40 ROs)
phenotype: silver dapple smokey black
genotype: EE aa Crcr Zz
personality: this mare tends to be carefree and enjoys a challenge, she's all work hard play hard.

gender: filly
age: <1 year (1RO)
phenotype: sooty buckskin tobiano
genotype: Ee AA Crcr Stysty TOto
parents: jasper x ember
*this horse has white markings fully covering her ears, there is a high likelyhood that this horse is deaf

gender: colt
age: <1 year (1 ROs)
phenotype: sabino bay roan tobiano
genotype: Ee Aa RnSb1 TOto
parents: jasper x ember

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Edited on 31/03/24 @ 00:03:42 by persay (#165649)

persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 00:28:17
this is now open!

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Missy|Gen 4 ice
dorsal fur (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 13:15:39
username/id: missy 191208
location: Endless plains
number of explores: 1
items?: (optional) organic good of the day
horse to bring?: (optional) none
rp?: (optional)

A woman on the shorter side in height looks around in curiosity before grabbing one of the organic goods to head out to explore. A look of excitement filling her eyes at the prospect of finding her own horse friend.

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persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 15:29:22
Gale carefully folds up your form and slides it into a clear folder, he nudges a box with a note attached "please insert 3gb".


as you step foot into the endless plains, you immediately start looking around. tall grass reaches for the sky and bends to the whisper of the wind, it doesnt look like there are any herds around. just as you're about to give up hope you spot a partially trampled path, upon investigating you find evidence of at least one horse in the area recently, just as you go to make your way towards the site, you spot something glinting in the bushes.

do you;
> go towards the glint
> pick a random direction to investigate, in search of a horse?

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Edited on 20/03/24 @ 15:29:39 by persay (#165649)

Missy|Gen 4 ice
dorsal fur (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 15:45:06
She is easily distracted by the shiney glinting object and moves towards it

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persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 16:06:52

as you make your way towards the glinting object, you notice it's caught in a thicket bush. in its thorns, next to a cluster of horse hair, is a shiny silver slip. you pick it up and hold it to the light to see it refract, before carefully tucking it in your pocket.

congratulations! you have found a Free Breeding Ticket, this is a one time use item that allows you to breed any mare and stallion together for no extra cost!

(as you have not encountered a horse, your organic good will remain in your inventory until you do encounter one!)

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persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 16:42:45
our first auction horse is up! she is featured on one of three pre-made lines available (at this point in time!)

she's a sooty palomino roan tobiano with grease spots, meaning she has a chance to throw chestnuts/bays when bred to EE, Ee or ee, but will never throw blacks, she has a 50% chance of throwing a sooty, cream (buckskin/palomino) or roan foal and will always pass tobiano. grease spots aren't currently linked to a gene but have been known to show up more on ee (chestnut/palominos) so they have a slight chance of passing on.

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Missy|Gen 4 ice
dorsal fur (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 16:49:53
username/id: missy 191208
location: Endless plains
number of explores: 1
items?: (optional) organic good of the day
horse to bring?: (optional) none
rp?: (optional)

A woman on the shorter side in height looks around and smiles at gale
" trying again" she looks at the organic good before waving and heading out once again

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persay (#165649)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 17:02:48

on your way out, Gale takes a second to wish you well.


filled with determination you set off once again, backtracking to the area you last left. while the trail is a few hours cold, you manage to track the small band to a pasture bordering a oddly salty smell with thunderous crashing. luckily for you, this noise covers your own as you approach them slowly. barely daring to breathe, you step forwards once more, and one of the band members lifts their gaze towards you. with your heart pounding in your chest you:
>approach the horse, this might be the one
>decide it's too risky and retreat to wait for one to be separated
>investigate this new area

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Missy|Gen 4 ice
dorsal fur (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 17:21:36
She smiles gently at the horse approaching slowly trying to show it she means no harm all but forgetting the food item in her hand.

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