Nole's Den



main account: #117624

pfp art commissioned from luteolye on Toyhouse


Darth - he/him - 24

stamp1.png stamp1.png

I do not accept random friend requests.

My time zone is EST. I am 2-3 hours ahead of LD time. (Depends on daylight savings.)


The green dot is a lie. This account is often frozen and I haven't actually rolled over. PMs should go to my main #117624 please!

Months this account is NEVER frozen during are February and September.


TRADE NOTICE: I am under no moral obligation to return contents of any mispriced trade(s) I buyout, nor to offer refunds of currency or contents if you have offered on or bought out my own trade(s). Any harassment due to such expectations will result in a block.

Leopon OR Overgrown Fur OR Tigon† ➜ Patches/Piebald† ➜ GMO Cow/Lion Meat/Lion Scrotum ➜ Cotton Root Bark ➜ Fertility/Natural Chance ➜ Primal

current project
man idek anymore - everything beyond this point is p outdated

dream goals
[ x ] wine dawn royal rosette
achieved on 10.22.2019!
home of the FIRST Wine/Dawn/Royal/rosette on site!

[ x ] wine double rosette
achieved on 2.13.2020!
home of the FIRST Wine MR+ESR on site!

[ ] wine lethal mutation
[ ] wine tigon
[ ] wine leopon

personal achievements
(account goals)
[ ] win a Special Lioness raffle
[ ] win a Celestial Lioness raffle
[ x ] have a wine king
achieved on 8.22.2019!
[ x ] breed my own heir and king them
achieved on 11.12.2019!
- current king Ipomoea -

- - -
Everything below here are OUTDATED achievements I used to track and now no longer track as hardcore.

ongoing goals
[ x ] wine
first achieved on 9.3.2019!

wine breeding goals
[ x ] ebony soft rosette
first achieved on 10.22.2019!
home of the FIRST Wine ESR on site!

[ ] ebony heavy rosette
[ x ] mottled rosette
first achieved on 2.13.2020!
home of the FIRST Wine MR on site!

[ ] any noctis rosette
[ ] lilac margay

[ x ] dawn eyes
first achieved on 10.22.2019!
[ ] starshine eyes
[ ] celestite eyes
[ x ] draconid eyes
first achieved on 9.3.2019!

[ x ] royal mane shape
first achieved on 9.3.2019!
[ x ] orchid mane
first achieved on 10.22.2019!
[ ] rough ruby mane
[ ] lilac mane

combo bases bred
Citrine - 3, since 8.1.2019

all mutations bred
Folded Ears - achieved 6.??.2019
Any AMP - achieved 6.??.2019
Bobbed Tail - achieved 7.1.2019
Achromia - achieved 7.2.2019
Primal - achieved 6.30.2019
Melanism - achieved 7.7.2019
Patches (Dense) - achieved 7.31.2019
Piebald (Clouded) - achieved 8.19.2019
Piebald (Svelte) - achieved 9.6.2019
Piebald (Daedal) - achieved 9.6.2019
Piebald (Withered) - achieved 10.4.2019
Primal (Smilus) - achieved 10.8.2019
Primal (Felis) - achieved 10.15.2019
Piebald (Light) - achieved 10.22.2019
Primal Fangs - achieved 11.15.2019
Primal (Ferus) - achieved 11.25.2019
Mane Villous - achieved 2.17.2020
Polycaudal - achieved 3.17.2020
Piebald (Slender) - achieved 5.23.2020
Dorsal Fur - achieved 5.27.2020
Patches (Uneven) - achieved 5.28.2020



Nole, the Asshole
Level: 7 Branch: The Merchant
Stats: 221 Territory: 160
Lionesses: 104 Beetle Slots: 0 / 16
Cubs: 61 / 800 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 3 / 6 Subordinate Males: *Newly Claimed Groupie
G1 Wine
project heir 16789
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 5 / 5
There are 7 lions with mutations in Nole's pride.

Nole's Player
Member ID #118396
Darth II [FROZEN 4/27]
Joined: 2017-07-06 21:35:13 Last Active: 2024-05-02 4:32:56

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12 Pregnant Lionesses

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Nole's Recent Allies
Mr. Worldwide
played by Darth [main]
Level 3 - 143 lionesses - 119 cubs
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Nole's Clan Memberships
None Joined

King Dynasty

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