Welcome to my den!
Alt - Dingleton Flarpison #415385


Nothing is here right now...


Breed goals!
Hexaplex base ( )
Festive base (bought or bred) ( )
Cinnabar base ( )
Hybrid ( )
Double rosette ( )
First bred mut (✔️ )
Any Haliotis marking @ 100 ( )
Cyclopia ( )
Blood moon carving @ more than 75% ( )

--It has been a long few years since you and your small pride's old territory had been plagued with disease-spreading bugs and mammals. The pride has traveled far and even farther to look for a new place to settle in. One of your patrolling lions had found a perfect area to start over - a cold, brittle area with hardy grass and also a waterhole that never seemed to freeze. As you led your lions to the spot and start to make beds, you send your strongest lionesses out to scavenge for food. Because of how far you traveled, you are tired and ultimately decide to take some "you time" and find a place to rest, away from the cubs and other lionesses. As you stop to sit at a few rocks, you notice it started to snow. Small flurries of snow start to dust the hard ground, and you stick your tongue out to catch the little flakes. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a lone lion, trying to fish from YOUR waterhole..--
--You approach the lion cautiously. There could be another pride here and it is most likely that their pride is bigger than yours, leading to the heartbreaking fact that you might have to move again. You start to shiver. Perhaps it was cold, or maybe it was the fact you were scared. Scared for your life and your pride's lives. Observing the lion, it looked weird. Looked like a cat. It was also an unnatural color - blue, most likely due to the fact it was very cold at this waterhole. The lion notices you and smiles. Startled, you hop back. A lion had never been like this to you before. In your old territory, it was either "fight or die"... this lion is probably messed up... too late. The lion puts his paw out, and you cautiously came out of your invisible shell. You exchange a paw-shake with the guy, and after a long, awkward moment of silence, he says something. "Hey. I'm Frostine."--
--You know this lion! At least you think you do. That doesn't matter. The lion waits for a second for you to say something, but after a bit, he says, "I noticed your pride was... in shambles from the look of it, and I have just been begging to ask if you would like to join my pride. We have loads of food and toys, so you would never be in need of anything again." He waits for you to respond. You can't turn down this offer, and you're pretty sure your lions wouldn't either, so you say, excitedly, "Yes!"--

Untitled FR0STINE
Level: 10 Branch: Flarpdiggily Sales Vendor
Stats: 243 Territory: 40
Lionesses: 14 Beetle Slots: 2 / 6
Cubs: 35 / 200 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 2 Subordinate Males: Cubkeep frost
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 10 lions with mutations in FR0STINE's pride.

FR0STINE's Player
Member ID #410091
Joined: 2022-12-15 12:19:25 Last Active: 2024-01-21 12:50:18

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2 Pregnant Lionesses

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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FR0STINE's Recent Allies

played by Charlee
Level 7 - 7 lionesses - 8 cubs
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{Lady Sapphire}
played by Sage
Level 7 - 37 lionesses - 21 cubs
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Ta Dōshō
played by Narnia
Level 14 - 43 lionesses - 4 cubs
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played by King
Level 7 - 5 lionesses - 7 cubs
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FR0STINE's Clan Memberships


Purely Aesthetic

Stud Buds

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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