Critter's Den

Confused Critter
Level: 17 Branch: Stuff i stole from my neighbours garden
Stats: 796 Territory: 57
Lionesses: 37 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 20 / 285 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 4 / 4 Subordinate Males: Novah
Frozen Slots: 1 / 3 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 10 lions with mutations in Critter's pride.

Critter's Player
Member ID #66898
Joined: 2015-07-27 07:24:52 Last Active: 2024-07-04 15:49:13

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0 Pregnant Lionesses
View Main Den
LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
4 100 Hyena
14 years, 10 months old
17 434 Near
13 years, 2 months old *
1 137 Newt
The Healer's Best Friend
13 years old
8 178 City
13 years old
1 137 Variety
12 years, 11 months old
1 153 Vanilla Twilight
8 years, 5 months old
9 211 Sowl
8 years, 3 months old
1 132 Kahtet
7 years, 4 months old
1 166 wija
5 years, 7 months old
1 293 Maethu
5 years, 7 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 235 Cub**
1 year, 4 months old
1 208 Cub
1 year, 4 months old
1 147 Talo
1 year old
View The Royals
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 240 Novah
12 years, 2 months old
1 216 Tsyax
Piebald (Withered)
8 years, 6 months old
1 262 Raize
4 years, 6 months old
1 344 Nocah
4 years, 6 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 140 Witcher
15 years, 4 months old
23 1095 Cilly
15 years, 2 months old
1 1503 Prada
14 years, 10 months old
1 177 Upendi
14 years, 1 month old
15 156 💘 Cupid 🌌
13 years, 3 months old
1 334 Fankala
healers gf
13 years, 1 month old
n/a n/a Kaegahnn
1 62 🐰 Queen Wenet 🐰
12 years, 1 month old
1 175 Little Bird
12 years old
21 896 Dogscape
11 years, 8 months old
11 178 ✵ Romany ✵
11 years, 7 months old *
1 231 Saiya
10 years, 8 months old
1 187 Gentle
10 years, 2 months old
1 138 Divi
8 years, 10 months old
1 270 Ahteka
8 years, 7 months old
1 184 Arya
8 years, 5 months old
1 204 Seta
7 years, 3 months old
1 189 Vespertine
6 years, 6 months old
1 193 Wayward
6 years, 2 months old
11 401 Kanalu
4 years, 9 months old
1 201 Cynthia
4 years, 9 months old
1 189 Nevaeh
4 years, 9 months old
1 210 Dream Sweet in Sea Major
pretty primal
3 years, 4 months old
1 206 Memory
2 years, 9 months old
1 101 Adamant
2 years, 9 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 221 Cub
1 year, 6 months old
1 207 Cub
1 year, 2 months old
1 259 Cub
1 year, 2 months old
1 198 Alpine
10 months old
1 166 Cub
8 months old
1 182 Lurk
8 months old
1 198 Cub
7 months old
1 186 Cub
7 months old
1 182 Cub
7 months old
View Unsorted Lions
LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 142 Newly Claimed Lioness
5 years old
1 147 Newly Claimed Lioness
4 years, 8 months old
1 120 Newly Claimed Lioness
3 years, 10 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 200 Cub
1 year, 6 months old
1 219 Cub
11 months old
1 276 Cub
9 months old
1 272 Cub
9 months old
1 227 Cub
9 months old
1 236 Cub
9 months old
1 221 Cub
5 months old
1 193 Cub
5 months old

Empty Cave Slot

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Critter's Recent Allies
Mo Guanshan
played by AMMONIA
Level 5 - 44 lionesses - 29 cubs
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played by Juno
Level 7 - 24 lionesses - 7 cubs
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played by DrFeelGoood
Level 16 - 30 lionesses - 5 cubs
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played by Venom
Level 8 - 15 lionesses - 2 cubs
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Queen Hozier
played by Dogscape
Level 20 - 41 lionesses - 24 cubs
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Kolya Lev
played by Rekillkos
Level 8 - 21 lionesses - 0 cubs
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Critter's Clan Memberships
None Joined

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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