Posted by -LOCKED - [REJECTED] Better Simulation of Real Life Male Coa

KnifeSmile [Clean
Gen3 1.3k+] (#22523)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-06 06:39:02
Since Lioden is after all meant to be a realistic game, I decided I would bring this up because I've been thinking about it since joining. I love Lioden in many respects, but it doesn't do that great a job of simulating male lion coalitions.

Basically, recent research shows that male lions, rather than ruling specific prides of lionesses the way the game and Lion King have it, band up and form male groups of anywhere from two to four or five, which then patrol between as many female prides (which claim their own specific territories) as they can manage to keep other males and male coalitions from. Solitary male 'kings' DO exist but they are at a disadvantage and can control only one pride of females. It is more common for a male to have at least one other dominant male, often a male littermate but not always even a related male, as an ally and co-leader.

Right now the game sort of approximates this in the following ways - you can have two accounts, and if you want you can pretend like you have a male pair coalition which controls two female prides. But that's as far as you can really get with the idea. Submales add the illusion of a larger coalition, but they are by definition subordinates rather than the (more or less) equal partners as in a real-life coalition.

I don't have any good ideas about better simulation of controlling multiple prides right now but I'm still thinking about that. Here's something that hit me as I was typing this but it's very embryonic.

Given we can currently have way more lionesses than would normally be in a single pride, perhaps we could have an optional 'pride splitting' system so that within our male king's overall territory allotment (which could remain the same as now) we could distribute all the lionesses we own on that account within anywhere from two to five prides, with the number of prides depending on the number of sub-males you have - each submale would allow the whole coalition to control an additional pride. That would also make submales more useful.

I also think submales should be allowed to breed. Perhaps only with lionesses within their coalition's controlled prides and not with lionesses belonging to other prides (players), but being able to breed with the lionesses of their own prides would better simulate how real-life coalitions mate with the females of their prides.

Rather than one male in the coalition being dominant and mating with all the females, the individual males and females have specific favorites, and when the females want to mate, they will go off for a few days alone with the male of their choice, and then when the courtship and mating are done, she returns to her pride and the male returns to his coalition-brothers (who may or may not still be hanging out near that same pride - they might have gone off to visit one of their other prides.)

So in short, real life coalitions are more like traveling 'resident fathers' (that's the term they used RL) than 'kings' of the prides. They move between a small number of female prides, mating with the females as the occasion arises, with no one male necessarily being dominant in that respect. Some females will like Male A, others will like Male B, and so on. And as such there is no realistic reason to bar submales from mating, at least with your own lionesses.

I can see barring submales from being studded out the way kings are - but to be perfectly honest that's totally unrealistic anyway. So if studding of kings can be done why not submales? Still for game balance if nothing else I can understand if you'd want to disallow studding of submales. But I don't see any good reason submales shouldn't be allowed to breed with the lionesses in their own pride(s).

In summation, those are a few ideas I had about making the game feel a bit more realistic in terms of male coalition behavior. Right now the game seems more like it's based on Disney's version of lion behavior than reality.

Don't get me wrong, that isn't entirely a bad thing. TLK was a great movie and the game is full of nods to it for a reason. Obviously we don't want to entirely toss the Lion King vibe because it's fun, but this IS supposed to be a 'realistic' sim and so I'd love it if the lions were more like real lions and less like Lion King lions.

This suggestion has 22 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 06/12/13 by KnifeSmile (#22523)

Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2013-12-06 06:52:39
Not quite supporting this....
The submales should never be able to be bred. It would cause people to abuse the frequent stat gain feature and simply never make them their main males but let them be submales forever and breed them while they gain stats every hour. Cubs with incredible stats would be born and you are playing the main male of the pride, not your submale. The submale is a heir and not a co-leader. The submales simply gain stats to be your future king. This is their use.

The problem with the account idea is that it has a built in vacation mode, which means that if you dont log in, your lions will be frozen. Now if you connect the accounts, you log in with both.... and if you dont have time to take care of both prides... well... tough luck. Some people even use one account as a storage.
Maybe it could be added as optional for those who want it, but dont make it a forced thing.

One has to think of ways to make it more fair, because more males mean more studable lions, more coats to stud and breed, more ways to abuse this system and create super stats.

I see this idea more fit to make allies mean more. maybe they can be meant as a coalition. Add more uses for allies and form coalitions if you trust them enough. because a coalition means not only rights but responsibilities. So i support coalitions between players but not by you playing more than one male and more than one pride per account.

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KnifeSmile [Clean
Gen3 1.3k+] (#22523)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-06 15:37:56
IMO that means there's a problem with how kings gain experience, then, and not a reason submales should never breed. Why exactly do kings get stats so much more slowly than other lions? It makes no sense.

EDIT: Also if submales could not be studded out, and could breed only with females on their own account, that would reduce a LOT of the incentive to do what you describe. Most players don't like to inbreed their lions too much or even at all, and while 'old fashioned' studding could be done in that scenario, there are ways to prevent even that or make it such a pain in the butt that it isn't worth doing. For example maybe when a lioness comes to your account through the Trading Center or a direct transfer from another player, it cannot breed with the submales until the SECOND time she comes into heat after being added to that account, with Zebra Hearts not counting? That's such a long wait that most people would seek out a king to stud to instead of bothering studding someone else's submale. But if it was actually your lioness to keep, that's not a huge inconvenience. You could just skip the first heat, or stud her to someone else's King, or breed her to your own King for that first heat. There's other ways to deal with the problem but that's one that occurred to me just now.

I didn't mean literally connecting accounts BTW - I meant in your own mind/imagination. XD Like how I pretend the kings on my two accounts are brothers and in a coalition. Sorry, that was poorly phrased initially.

Also the whole 'having more than one pride on an account' thing would, in OOC practice, amount to nothing more than being able to sort your lionesses in different groups which mean absolutely nothing except... well... they're sorted. XD It's easier to deal with a few small groups than one big group in some ways. So just purely from an OOC standpoint I'd like that feature as well. I'd love to be able to make a "pride" to keep all my Maltese in for example and another to put all my 'special coats' in and a third for my 'normal coats'. They'd all be on one account and, functionally speaking, it'd still be all one "pride" in the current OOC sense of the term, but it'd be a sorting system represented in the game by the concept of the male coalitions controlling multiple prides. Did I explain that better this time? I don't think I said it very well the first time. x.x

I don't think using allies to represent coalitions would work all that well unless they really went out of their way to program lots of new features to tie into that. Like you could make attacking other lions more complex - if both lions are solos, then it'd work just like it does now, but maybe if one or both lions has allies (thus coalition partners) it'd complicate things somehow? Maybe there'd be a puzzle or game both sides would have to compete in (it wouldn't be real time obviously) to see who won the encounter? I dunno. It could be done but I think it'd take more coding work than what I was picturing. That doesn't make it a bad idea though!

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Edited on 06/12/13 by KnifeSmile (#22523)

Zombeh || Clean King (#13715)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-06 15:45:08
I support full heartedly, finally someone who understand collations. I feel my idea with breedable sub males and your idea work wonderfully together. Can we link threads maybe? :3

You have legit no idea /how many times/ I've had to try to explain collations and how they work. Maybe if the two of us help each other out thread/suggestion wise we can get more support c: Which is always a good thing.

The only thing I see maybe being a problem is the males going off on their own with a female to breed- it could make breeding projects tricky. But the idea of giving submales a use like this and allowing them to breed is a good idea. It'd add a whole new playing style to the game that'd give people more options and more things to do.

There's a lot of potential with this idea I feel.

Oh oh idea o: Maybe with multiple males going around to patrol they run into rouge and loner males that they have to fight off and what not. These loner lions or threats would be NPCs, sort of similar to how explore works out. But it'd be a neat way to get certain items maybe or small stats.

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Edited on 06/12/13 by Zombeh ::Upplander:: (#13715)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-06 17:54:46
Please note: Submale is a heir, not a co-leader.

And it is your theory that people wouldnt inbreed. More % of people seem to be okay with that, since it gives them greater stats in return. Have you read the topic where people were asked? They have no problem with that.

And people mainly breed for the market. Studding is also an issue, but many breed cubs on their own accounts for the market. The frequent and very rapid statgain can still be abused. Breed in your own pride, sell the cubs.

The reason why submale breeding would be also a bad idea, because you can actually chase submales. There would be absolutely no customization for GB anymore, since you can just buy a submale with any color for as little as 100SB, breed it for color, then chase it off, then get a new submale, breed for color again, etc etc.

The reason why submales gain more stats is because their only work is to train. They are patrolling, gaining stats to become your future king, so you can reap the fruit of your labor when he becomes king. In this case however as you suggested, people would never put their dear submales as their kings, but they would remain submales, breed and gain stats uncontrollably. This would lead to mega stats, which the devs are trying to slow down.

About the more pride in the accounts, it is clear that all 'prides' would need a lead male. Which in turn gives you more breeding and studding options. There is a limit on studding for a reason. One should not over-do it.

If this is truly brought into consideration by the staff, then can you answer these questions:
1. In the coalition in one account, where you can have more males, which male can be studded out? or all of them?
2. In the coalition which male can be used as in-pride breeding?
3. In the coalition which male gets the right to explore and sharpen his claws?
4. Which of the male lions will have their 'energy bar, impression bar and hunger' displayed?

Because the more males you have, the more studs it means, the more cubs, and the more advantage one can gain by exploring with all males. At least how the idea looks like right now.

If the problem is the sorting, as you said, then why dont you make a suggestion for sorting options and 'folders' for lionesses?

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