Posted by Private Dick Grayson & Leilani

Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2014-11-09 15:28:09
So. Dragon riders and anti-dragon riders fighting each other?

My idea is we each have a character or two, who each have a dragon fighting partner. They don't know each other yet, but they get to know each other after they learn they are fighting for the same thing. Most people don't want dragons there, so there is a huge army of anti dragon riders, and only a few dragon riders left. The dragon riders have to fight to stay alive, and convince everyone they don't want to destroy everything.
Set in kind of medieval ages, so swords, bows, and armor. XD
Any other ideas?

Our Character Bios:

Dick Grayson
Name: Lewenna Archer
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Looks: Lithe, 5' 7", 130 Lbs. Fiery, deep red hair with little streaks of black, kind of like embers. Matches her dragon partner. Hazel eyes with a tint of red. She has an extremely fiery and outspoken personality. Will normally say what is on her mind and not afraid of a fight. She will not likely to initiate a conversation, and isn't very good at making friends, but once someone is her friend, she protects them will everything she has. She is very strong and tough, not easy to take down, or keep down, in a fight.
Weapon of choose: Hand to hand combat.
History: RP out

Name: Aloys (a-lo-yis)
Species: Fire
Gender: Male
Looks: Black with dark red, almost black, underwing liners. Eyes look like black holes. Smaller body frame, but is stronger then most others. His underbelly flares to a deep red when he breathes fire/is angry.


Name: Despira Ives (De-spear-a)

Gender: Female

Age: 18 (Turning 19)

Appearance: Wavy dark brown hair which crops off at around her waist. She stands at 5' 6" and sports a thin frame yet muscular build and weighs in at about 115 lbs. Her features are sharp and defined, with freckles that dot across her nose and cheeks. Despira has shockingly bright blue eyes which stand out against her natural and earthy look.

Personality: Passionate in what she believes in. She is quite meticulous to the point of perfectionism, although she may procrastinate Despira is one to get the job done and on time. She takes her responsibilities personally consistently going above and beyond doing everything she can to exceed her peers expectations. Most of the time she takes things directed not necessarily towards her, personally which usually can set her on edge. Her slight shyness and sensitivity shields what lies beneath the surface and due to this she is prone to having bursts of emotion, whether it be from sadness or anger.

Strengths: Supportive, reliable, loyal, and very observant
Weaknesses: Impatient, tends to bottle up her emotions leaving her vulnerable to outbursts

Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow

Background: Her father died before she turned 2 years old. Despira grew up in a humble home along with her bed-ridden, ill mother and uncle who kindly takes care for them both. (Rest RP'd out)

Dragon: Irisal (I-ris-all)

Gender: Female

Species: Light Dragon

Appearance: Her scales are resemblant to shining gold which seem to radiate a kind of luminescence. Medium-sized compared to other dragons, not too big or small. She has glowing blue eyes which have yellow rings encircling the pupil. Irisal Irisal Irisal 2

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Edited on 18/11/14 by Dick Grayson (#34810)

Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2014-12-18 14:03:26
Lewanna smiled gently at Despira. "I'll be here." She sat softly against Irisal, nodding at Despira's last words before she fell asleep. She watched Despira gently, knowing she would do her best to keep her safe, and away from the harsh realities of the world. Her hazel eyes gazed towards the sky, her eyes watching the stars quietly. She was whisked back to old memories, of her doing the same thing for little kids in their camp, and her friends having the same reactions. Or Lewanna herself waking from terror filled nightmares after everyone was killed, their blood on her hands. Running for days before she was so tired she passed out, or wearing herself so raggid she can't do anything. She sighed gently, pulling herself back from the memories. She stood up gently, after double checking to make sure Despira was sleeping sounds. She set the bag with the dragon egg next to Despira before walking over to Aloys, waking James up gently. "I'm going to go do some recon." She said quietly. James nodded, sitting up quietly. "I'll keep watch."

Lewanna nodded her thanks, waking Aloys gently before hooking his saddle up, double checking the straps before climbing on and hooking herself it. He walked a little bit away, to make sure his wind didn't disturb the group before he took off quickly into the air, Lewanna's black cloak once again over her frame, shielding any color she might have on her from vision, the black pair flying silently through the night sky, the perfect spying and recon pair.

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Leilani (#41219)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-19 12:25:58
Despira fell asleep again, despite her mental protests, her physical exhaustion took over. She hadn't noticed that Lewanna had snuck off under Despira's radar, until a sound of dragon's wings beating the air sounded across their small makeshift camp. Her eyes blinked open, but through the darkness she wasn't able to make anything out as Irisal slept her usual brightness dimmed. She yawned lightly, but only then she noticed Lewanna was gone from her side. She put her hands to the ground spinning her head around in search for her friend. Despira glanced towards James and Aloys was gone as well. "Where'd she go?" She asked her voice sounding concerned.

Irisal lifted her head off her feet, her luminescence brightening as she woke. Despira tried to stand leaning over on the dragoness, still mildly tired, having just woken.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2014-12-19 12:59:09
James turned towards Despira gently, a small smile on her face. "She said she's just going some recon. She'll be back soon, don't worry." She said kindly, his muscular frame leaning against a tree a little ways away.

Aloys flew high through the sky, jet black eyes watching carefully as they flew. Lewanna held onto Aloys's harness carefully, her sword strapped to her side, with her quiver across her back and her bow slung over her shoulder. Her bag with the dragon egg lying next to Despira at camp. She flew fairly high, the pair easily blending into the darkness. She spotted a town a little ways to the east, marking it down in her memory to come back to later. She heard a noise from down on the ground, fairly close to where their camp was and her breath caught in her throat. A group of what looked to be at least 50 men where closing in on their camp quickly. Lewanna heaved on Aloys's harness. He took a quick turn, an almost 180 as he sped back towards camp, his speed and training coming into handy. She knew they already knew about the camp by the way they where circling it. She dove down into the camp quickly, turning to James and giving him a quick nod before taking off back into the air.

James saw Lewanna suddenly show up in camp again. He saw her wide eyes and caught her meaning. He rushed over to Despira, speaking quickly and quietly. "Their are dragon hunters right outside this camp. Get on Irisal and leave as fast as you can." He grabbed the bag that held the egg, slinging it quickly over Despira's shoulder before turning and drawing his sword.

Lewanna gave Aloys a motion. He let out a burst of hot fire, lighting the forest in a half circle around the camp. Lewanna ducked as a few arrows flew towards them, a couple wiring right by her as they bounced harmlessly off of Aloys. She turned him, unclipping herself from him when they where a couple feet from the ground. She rolled off, landing and drawing her sword. She caught the attention of the group, since they apparently didn't notice the other in camp, and had only half circled the clearing before Lewanna intervened. She stood her ground, her black cloak shimmering in the fire light as she held her sword in her hand, almost like an anime character before a huge fight scene. She swung her sword, taking down warrior after warrior as she bought James and Despira time to escape. Aloys helped as well, his strong jaws clamping down on flesh of his flames roasting the life out of someone. Lewanna let out a scream of rage as an arrow pierced her bicep. She snapped the end off, yanking it out before continuing fighting, not even noticing as James appeared next to her, sword swinging. Lewanna turned towards Despira, shouting over her shoulder. "GO!!!"

(Sorry about the length! I got a little carried away. XD)

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Leilani (#41219)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-19 14:43:17
She relaxed a bit more, trusting in James' words. She turned away watching him for a bit longer seeing that he seemed quite calm himself. Irisal perked her head to the side noting that Lewanna and Aloys were missing, Despira caught on to the dragon's reaction touching her side gently. "Don't worry girl, they just went to scout for a bit, they'll be back." But before she could say more a gust of wind swirled around sending her braid to her other shoulder. Despira held her hands up, in attempt to shield herself noticing that it was Aloys and atop him, Lewanna looking frantic. Despira felt her heart sinking into her chest as she took off into the sky once again, James rushing to her side. Despira tried to speak back her voice coming out shaky and struggled. "But- I can't.. I can't leave! What about you!" She cried out as James placed the bag which contained the egg over her shoulder, urging her to ride Irisal away. Apprehensively she boarded Irisal, looking down to James who unsheathed his sword. "Be careful." She said her eyes pleading. Irisal growled as a burst of flames lit up in the sky, igniting some of the forest surrounding them. A few men burst out of the shadows followed by Lewanna and Aloys who struck them down as they reached their camp. Despira looked to Lewanna, her adrenaline pumping through her veins. She swallowed hard as she shouted go her seeing James fighting by her side. She didn't object hearing the urgency in her voice. After Despira's sharp whistle the golden dragoness instantly lifted off of the ground in a single leap, her wings beating against the air until she was high above the tree line.

Irisal let out a deafening roar, her scales illuminating even brighter. Despira leaned into her saddle surveying the carnage below until a scream echoed across the landscape, it was Lewanna. She couldn't leave her friends behind! She was no coward, and felt the need to help and not just run or fly away in her case. Despira urged Irisal closer her wings spreading out as she slowed, her claws grazing the treetops below. A peculiar feeling swept over Despira and slowly the hair on her arms began to stand on end, a tangible crackling enveloping the air. It was then that a flash of blue light ignited a bolt of lightening shooting from Irisal's mouth. The voltage shocking a few of the men in front of Lewanna and James. Despira was perplexed her hands gripped tight on the small makeshift saddle. But the feeling was short lived as a shock tremors through her body, the electricity still traveling across Irisal's body tingling Despira's muscles almost sending her into a seizure.

Despira clenched her teeth taking in the pain as she landed Irisal, not as smoothly as she intended a few yards away from the rest of their group. The golden dragoness fumed her wings still outstretched as she breathed heavily. Despira almost collapsed onto the saddle, struggling against her own muscles to help her sit up. "There's too many of them! We won't- we won't hold them off that long before they.. Take us over!" Despira managed to yell across to Lewanna and James her voice weakened slightly. Irisal's body still shone brightly, a beacon through the darkness of the night, her face was held in a snarl and her spiked tail lashed behind her aggressively.

(Haha no worries, it's always fun to have a few long posts here and there x3)

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2014-12-19 15:09:39
Lewanna's head snapped up when she heard Despira say something. At that moment she saw a bolt of lightning slam from Irisal's mouth to the ground. Lewanna's hairs stood on end as she caught the edges of the electric shock, her jaw locking. Aloys's head snapped up at the golden dragoness, black eyes wide before he jumped in-front of Lewanna and James, tail whipping as he set a few more aflame. Lewanna turned to James quickly, her words rushed as she stabbed another guy. "Go make sure she is secure and get her to take off. As soon as she's clear I'll follow. Go!" She yelled. James didn't hesitate, running towards Despira and Irisal as Lewanna branished her sword. If looks could kill, every one of those men would be dead.

Large combat boots skipped to a stop beside Despira and Irisal. He looked the girl over quickly, noting how it looked like she had taken the backlash of the lightning as well. "Hang in there girly. You'll be fine. You gotta take off though, you hear. Lewanna won't leave without you safely away." He said, his voice surprisingly soft. He looked around quickly, grabbing the saddle they had been working on for Despira and a large bundle of rope. He tied the saddle quickly to Irisal. He wrapped the bundle of rope around Irisal, bringing it up and tying it to Despira. He patted Irisal, hoping she understood as he spoke. "Now go!" He gave the dragoness a shove after he made sure Despira was securely latched on, the bag with the egg still over her shoulder. He turned back towards Lewanna just in time to see a sword pierce her side. He let out a scream of rage, charging and killing the swordsman on the stop.

Lewanna looked over to him, her breathing harsh and shallow as he scooped her up, the sword having been removed when he killed the owner. He set Lewanna onto Aloys's back, climbing on after and holding onto the saddle. "Go!" He shouted to Aloys. The dragon let out a roar, lighting a fierce blaze before taking off in the air, his scales deflecting any arrows shot as he sped off towards Irisal and Despira.

(I know right. XD If I have the material to write something huge I do. XD)

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Leilani (#41219)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-20 12:13:58
Despira kept her eyes wide, watching as they continued to fight through the oncoming amount of anti-dragon riders. Her eyes then caught James running towards her yet again. "Okay.." She responded slowly beginning to feel her muscles work again. Her breaths were slightly ragged as she nodded at James in affirmation she understood him. Irisal craned her n eck to look at James strapping and then tying a bundle including her still-in-progress saddle to her body. Irisal snarled lightly in response to the shove, but she understood the urgency in the matter. The golden dragoness didn't wait for Despira's retort in attempt to stay and so she took off from the ground, her wings flapping a few times as she ascended higher into the darkened sky. The adrenaline in her veins still pumped rapidly, still feeling the electric shock she had released, and to her surprise she had actually enjoyed the electricity.

Despira felt tears welling in her eyes, but she forcefully brushed them away looking down just in time to see Lewanna get struck in her side by a sword. "No! Lewanna!" SHe cried out trying to urge Irisal down towards them. But Irisal refused knowing that if she brought Despira down there once more, she could meet the same fate. A few arrows whizzed past Despira and she shrunk back in the saddle just in time. The dragoness held in the increased desire to electrify the men down below, but she knew it would harm Despira again. The young woman clenched her teeth circling Irisal around their campsite once more before seeing Aloys fly up with James holding Lewanna fairly securely.

Despira leaned into Irisal as the dragoness increased her speed, noting that the onyx dragon was not too far away. Her hair whipped behind her as she flew through the cloudless sky. Please be okay, don't die.. We need to get far this time. Despira thought as the pair coursed through the air silently.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2014-12-20 16:12:03
Shouts where heard in the fiery flames from Aloys, the noise growing more distant as they flew. Strong black wings beat the air, having to use more strength then normal to haul both Lewanna and James. James was strapped into the saddle, holding Lewanna gently as they flew. He tied her quickly to the saddle, with her torso leaning against his. He grabbed a few rags from the pack, putting pressure on her wound. "Easy Lewanna. You're gonna be okay. Just breath." He spoke softly, the words barely heard through the wind. Lewanna let out a groan, shifting her position a little. "De....Despira." She said softly, a shiver passing through her. James held her just a little closer, pulling her cloak tight around her, but keeping pressure on the side would. He turned his head, seeing Despira and Irisal close by. His trained eyes studied the pair before giving a small nod and turning back to Lewanna. "Shh. She seems to be okay. Her dragon too.'' He said softly, removing pressure on her side would for a moment to tie a bandage around her arrow wound on her bicep. Once finished with that he turned back to Lewanna, putting pressure on her wound. It was moments like this that he remembered she was just a girl. 19 was no age for someone to have been put through so much. So much loss, and pain. And he had caused some of if. He closed his eyes gently, the darkness of the night almost enveloping the three as they flew. He knew dragons where faster then foot soldiers or horse riders. So even though Aloys wasn't going to be able to fly them forever, they would still be at a huge advantage once they had to stop. He turned his head again, motioning for Despira to follow as he turned Aloys to the side. If they veered off course a little it would be harder for the others to find them.

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Leilani (#41219)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-20 16:50:35
Despira turned over her shoulder glancing towards Aloys who held James and Lewanna both. Despira didn't know how long their current situation would last, as even though Aloys was a strong and highly trained dragon he wouldn't be able to go on forever. Her blue eyes caught James' motion for her to follow, so with a mental understanding she allowed Irisal to veer to where James was leading their small group. The golden dragoness shimmered lightly calming her previous nerves so that her scales dimmed more. Despira was still getting over the fact that first of all they had been almost ambushed if it wasn't for Lewanna's heads up they'd be captured an dead for sure. Also that Irisal had released some sort of lightning like shock from her mouth the slightly concentrated beam electrocuting not only the people in the line of fire, but Despira as well. Making a small mental note she made sure, once they were all settled in and Lewanna was feeling better she would make a better electricity conducting saddle so that she wouldn't be shocked again.

Irisal cruised easily, her wings cutting the air as she increased her speed to match Aloys' following just behind the black dragon. Despira placed her hand firmly on the strap which led to the bag containing the valuable contents, the egg. She hoped that it was alright during all the mishaps that had just taken place. She also hoped that Lewanna was okay, Despira hadn't surveyed the wounds damage fully, but from her vantage point it seemed as though James looked concerned which made Despira nervous. A sword had pierced her side, and she knew they were going to need some serious medicine for an injury to that extent.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2014-12-20 17:09:20
Aloys flew hard for hourS, the sun peaking above the horizon. He was getting tired though, and wasn't sure how long he could go like this. It was getting harder and harder to fly with each wing movement, the weight drastically changing his normally lithe and streamlined flying style. His breaths where heavy and hard, his muscles straining with every stroke. James held Lewanna carefully, having stopped the bleeding a little while ago, he had wrapped her waist carefully, though it was pretty hard to do when they where flying. He noticed Aloys was having a harder and harder time flying, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could last. He turned his eyes to the ground, scanning for someplace to land. He spotted a cavelike place on the lower side of a mountain. He turned Aloys towards the opening. Aloys landed softly, dipping low to the ground as James stopped off, picking Lewanna up and off of Aloys. James laid Lewanna gently on the ground, a soft groan coming from her.

Aloys stumbled a little ways away, stepping farther into the cave and giving Despira space to land Irisal. He stumbled before laying down gently, his muscles quivering and his breaths harsh as he tried to calm down. He had never felt this tired before, and it kind of freaked him out. He took deep breaths, keeping his eyes on Lewanna as James looked her over.

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Leilani (#41219)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-21 09:35:17
Despira watched closely as James began to descend upon Aloys, her eyes quickly spotted the area where he was going to land and urged Irisal closer to the ground. After James had landed, Irisal stretched her wings out completely, extending her legs out awaiting impact. They landed softly outside the entrance of the cave on the edge of a cliff side, hopefully this would provide them more shelter than in the middle of the woods. Despira swiftly slid off of Irisal's back and rushed towards Lewanna her blue eyes full of worry. She watched as James laid her to the ground gently, and Despira bent down placing a hand on Lewanna her eyes traveling to the bandaged wound. The young woman looked up to James her hand still on Lewanna's arm. "Is she going to be okay?" She asked quietly her eyebrows down turned and her lips forming a small line.

Irisal after landing, walked quickly to Aloys' side noting his exhausted state. The dragoness laid down directly beside the male tilting her head towards him. "You seem tired, you should rest. We were flying for hours." She spoke crossing her feet over each other as she looked into his eyes.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2014-12-21 19:30:19
James' shards hovered over Lewanna, unsure what to do. He was trained in field medical, not this. His eyes turned towards the mouth of the cave as he heard Irisal land. He watched Despira run over, taking a couple breaths himself before answering her question. "I don't know. We've had some pretty serious wounds before, but we had someone who knew a lot about wounds with us. We are all trained in field medicine, not long term care." He went to rub his hands through his hair before stopping, realizing they where covered in blood. He didn't cringe though, the sight very familiar. He tied her shirt up enough so he could easily access her side wound. He pulled the blood-soaked bandages from her side and did a neater and tighter wrap job on the injury. The sword had gone right through her side, but he didn't know if it had hit any organs or anything that he couldn't repair. He re-bandaged her arm wound, glad it seamed like the arrow had gone through the muscle and missed major veins and tendons and such. He walked over to Aloys quickly, pulling a blanket from his pack. He brought it over to Lewanna, laying it over her to keep her from getting chilled, rolling his jacket up and settling it under her head. "I'll do all I can, but it's up to her to fight through it." He said softly. A soft groan came from Lewanna, but nothing more besides a light flutter of her eyes.

Aloys kept his eyes on Lewanna, barely glancing away when Irisal walked over and laid down beside him. Being a fire dragon he was really used to heat, but flying with two people put more strain on his muscles then he would care to think. He sighed gently, finally tearing his gaze from Lewanna after James had covered her with a blanket. "My muscles just didn't like carrying two people. That's all. I'm okay. I'm just really worried about Lewanna." He said softly to Irisal, turning his eyes once again to Lewanna as he evened his breathing out, his muscles shaking gently from the exercise.

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Leilani (#41219)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-23 05:28:04
Despira watched James her eyes brimming with tears. She quickly glanced down to Lewanna after James answered, and she placed her hand on her shoulder. "Lewanna, we're all here were safe, just please be okay.." She spoke softly trying to keep her breathing under control. Despira recoiled lightly when she saw the extent of the wound, after James had bandaged her side. She managed to nod barely when the man spoke again and the muscles in her face contracted, as she forever herself not to burst out in tears, that wouldn't help anything. So instead Despira quickly went to Irisal's side and reached out a small torn piece of cloth and grabbed a water container dousing the rag so that it was mildly damp. She then hurried to Lewanna and James once more, crouching at her side and placing the damp cloth on her forehead, pressing it gingerly. "You'll be okay, just fight through it." She said her voice hushed.

Irisal turned her gaze so that she was watching the girls as well, and she felt a lump in her throat forming. She didn't know what kind of pain Aloys was enduring watching as Lewanna laid almost lifeless. "Okay.." She replied her voice quiet. "Me too, she'll get through this. From what I've seen she's a strong willed girl. And having a spirit such as hers, I don't doubt she won't get better." The dragoness replied trying to offer Aloys some hope in the matter.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2014-12-23 08:39:10
James sat back gently, eyes watching closely as Despira set a damp rag on Lewanna's forehead. "I couldn't protect her again. She always gets hurt because of me. I could of done something. I should of done something." He said quietly, sad eyes never leaving Lewanna. He set his large calloused hand on her small, worn hand, speaking softly. "I'm so sorry." He pulled away gently, looking towards Despira, "I'm going to go wash up. Can you watch her for a moment?" She asked softly. He knew she was taking it hard. He heard the quiver in her voice and the way she bit back tears. He was kind of proud though. Proud Lewanna had found herself a friend who cared. A friend she would protect with her life, like she had so many times before. He stepped back gently, grabbing a canteen of water and a rag. He walked to the mouth of the cave, gently wiping her blood from his hands.

Lewanna's hand twitched a little, a soft groan escaping her. Her eyes fluttered for a moment before gently opening. She body felt pretty numb, her mind hazy as she tried to remember what happened. Her tired, blurry eyes glanced around a little until she spotted Despira beside her. She went to speak but her throat felt really dry. She closed her mouth again, blurry eyes trying to look Despira over and make sure she was alright.

Aloys sighed gently, hoping Irisal's words would be true. He had seen Lewanna injured before, but she was usually more active, trying to fight staying still, always pushing herself to do better. He was truly worried now though. His large black eyes never leaving Lewanna as he lead his head down on his feet, letting his muscles relax and heal.

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Leilani (#41219)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-23 14:40:21
Despira glanced up to James, still pressing the rag to Lewanna's forehead. "You did everything you could. It was an ambush, there's not much someone can do in a moment like that." Despira replied her voice soft, but reassuring. She turned to look at Lewanna again, contemplating James' words, he must truly care for her, they're connection was something real, she thought to herself quietly. Her eyes shifted to James once more when he spoke and she nodded. "Of course." She began to press the damp cloth against her head, patting it from one temple to the other. "Shh, stay still you need to rest.. You took quite the beating." Despira said her voice hushed as she knelt by Lewanna's side, urging her to not speak as it would expend too much energy on her. "Hey I'm alright, we all are. But it's you we need to worry about now." She added seeing the concern etched in the girl's features.

Irisal exhaled briefly keeping her head raised perking her neck so that she could keep on eye on their small party. She cast a side glance towards Aloys, glad that he was relaxing more and allowing himself to rest. The dragoness then let her thoughts travel to when she had surprised herself with the electricity, shocking the anti-dragon riders below, the release had left her form surging with power, something she hadn't felt in her whole lifetime.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2014-12-23 15:05:04
James washed his hands gently, his face still and emotionless. His hands have had blood on them a lot. Being real or metaphorical blood. A lot of deaths where on Lewanna and James's hands, but he hoped with all his heart Lewanna's wouldn't be on his. He finished cleaning his hands, taking the canteen and rag back towards the camp. He glanced outside, noting how it was just about to hit dawn. He laid the rag over a rock to dry, walking over to Aloys. He gave him a soft pat, digging around in his pack. He pulled out a couple rolls, walking back over to Lewanna and Despira softly. He sat down next to them again, holding a roll out to Despira. "Lewanna won't be hungry for a while, but you need to keep your strength up.'' He said softly, hoping she would accept the food.

Aloys took a few deep breaths, glancing up at James when he walked over. He rested his head back against his paws, turning his head slightly towards Irisal. "So, lightning huh.'' He said softly, black orbs gazing at her gently as he thought about her 'power.'

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Edited on 23/12/14 by Dick Grayson (#34810)

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