Posted by My Imaginary Friend (Human RP/Open)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-17 14:56:45
Greetings, and welcome to ROTSA. Here at ROTSA we care for the supernatural and learn as much as possible about their special abilities. Not only do we learn about them, but we teach them how to take control of their abilities and use them for good purposes.

1. No powerplaying.
2. 3 Sentences and up.
3. Although your character has weird and otherworldly abilities they are not godly, I will review over the paranormal abilities and choose what is right and what is wrong.
4. No marysues.
5. You can't escape the facility.
6. You may not harm the staff at the facility.
7. Follow all Lioden rules.
8. 4 Character limit.

Facility Layout -


Paranormal Link (Your powers/what makes you supernatural.):
Paranormal Link Appearance(If it has an appearance):
History(Not required, but if you do type a history, type it as if your character is saying it.):
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Family(This is required if your character has family in the facility.):
Room(Where your character sleeps in the facility.):

RP Thread: Clickie

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Edited on 18/02/15 by BritishStalker (#21705)

Zombee (#52056)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-18 16:06:59
Name: Elizabeth Grey. {Prefers full name}
Age: 20.
Gender: Female.

> Calm.
> Relaxed.
> A mornings Person.
> Not a nightowl.
> Adores books.
> Dislikes movies.
> Can be very rude, mean and just hostile.

Paranormal Link (Your powers/what makes you supernatural.): She's a Medium in a way - yet she's able to turn a limb to be like that of a spirits.
> E.G Hand - she could turn it like a spirits and slap them without passing through them.
> She can talk, see dead people.
> Her room-mates one of the first spirits she spoke to.

Paranormal Link Appearance(If it has an appearance):

Her name's Ana short for Anastasia; she died during the war after her families bomb shelter collapsed. She's also Elizabeth's child-hood friend.

History(Not required, but if you do type a history, type it as if your character is saying it.):
She had a fairly normal up bringing up to the age of four years old. Simply because didn't realize others couldn't see the spirits that she noticed daily. Sometimes they were in her room, outside or at the park.
She'd soon ask her mother about it - her mother concerned told her it was merely dreams or her imagination; yet as Elizabeth dropped the subject her mother would notice how she'd suddenly burst out into laughter, conversations would start or she'd somehow be holding a jar that she was far too small to get - even when standing on a stool.
So Elizabeth has seen many doctors through out her life, some she has scared others she just refused to see due to the fact no one believed her. Yet during this time when she was ten she had spoken to a few spirits yet the one she spoke to the most was Ana' forming a relationship like sisters.

Yet as Elizabeth grew and Ana' didn't they didn't really change expect for the fact Elizabeth stopped going to doctors she refused to take medication that didn't help - yet she soon learnt she wasn't crazy thanks to Ana.

One day Elizabeth was requested at the age of 19 to go around to see some new doctors and managed to wind up in this place. Yet her little friend Ana' followed her and they do act like sisters still - Ana helps Elizabeth if she requests something among with others while some are just cruel.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Family(This is required if your character has family in the facility.): No.
Room(Where your character sleeps in the facility.):

Her bedroom's split slightly due to small set of stairs with a black and white theme.

From the view of the stairs.

On the same area as her bed is there's this hanging thing; it's Ana's chair.

Other: TBA

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Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-18 16:18:13
Both accepted.

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-02-18 16:24:13
Anyone wanna rp the warden that's taking angel to the testing area?

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JayyS (#37485)

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Posted on
2015-02-18 17:08:25
Name: Jayy Evens
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Jayy is secluded and tends to keep to him self, doesn't really look forward to seeing other people. He lurks in the shadows with his lanky body, he dosen't like light very much so he prefers being in the dark. He wearing odd items from time to time, fake vampire fangs and even a tail sometimes because he does not care what people think of him. He has slight bad habits he's hooked himself onto and talks to himself. He can be nice and laugh but wont go up to someone and chat unless he recognizes him. He is afraid to show his true eye color because he hates it and so he always wears colored contacts, and he is also slightly Bisexual.

Paranormal Link (Your powers/what makes you supernatural.): {Don't know what to put here so first thing that comes to my mind} He shape shifts, But only into animals. He mostly turns into canids (ex:Wolf) {{Kinda like Beast boy off of teen titians? but more limited}}
Paranormal Link Appearance(If it has an appearance):
The one he mostly turns into is a black wolf with what ever color contacts he has in as eye color, and if his hair is dyed, it has small streaks of color in the fur.

History(Not required, but if you do type a history, type it as if your character is saying it.): TBA
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Family(This is required if your character has family in the facility.):No
Room(Where your character sleeps in the facility.):
((lel, if i need to fix something(or potentially RP), ill do it in the morning..its like 3 AM XD))

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Edited on 19/02/15 by JayyS (#37485)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-18 17:12:29
Accepted. ^^

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2015-02-18 22:19:10
I have changed my spirits appereances. Let me know if they are okay.

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Edited on 19/02/15 by Shy (#51494)

lupus (#50143)

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Posted on
2015-02-19 04:42:06
Name: Lucifer Cage (Luc for short)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: tumblr_inline_nf1xu3cJuw1soqy80.jpg<
Paranormal Link (Your powers/what makes you supernatural.): possessed by a powerful demon
Paranormal Link Appearance(If it has an appearance): images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_HkCdGjly8kYxGVa4RfZ his true form (Don't own)
History(Not required, but if you do type a history, type it as if your character is saying it.):
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Family(This is required if your character has family in the facility.): all dead or missing
Room(Where your character sleeps in the facility.): male-room-with-black-feather-carpet.jpg (dont own)
Other: he also has a pet german shepherd named jasper

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Edited on 19/02/15 by lupus (#50143)

Stevie [🌶#HC🌶] (#37894)

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Posted on
2015-02-19 09:16:27
~Must. Join. RP~
Name: Kyra Zenaida
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: nFrKWRg.jpg?1
Personality: Kyra is a very dark person. She hates just about everything, and is hard to get close to. She treats strangers with suspicion, and isn't one to pity people. She is a lot nicer to friends, and under her armored shell, she does contain feelings.
Paranormal Link (Your powers/what makes you supernatural.): Power mimicking. She can use the same powers as her opponent. She can also store powers she has previously mimicked (I hope this isn't too over-powered)
Paranormal Link Appearance(If it has an appearance): N/A
History(Not required, but if you do type a history, type it as if your character is saying it.): *Secret ~ Shall rp*
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Family(This is required if your character has family in the facility.): Quinn Zenaida *younger sister*
Room(Where your character sleeps in the facility.): 410bkIy.jpg?1
Other: She likes:
~peanut butter
She owns a cat named Smula

Name: Quinn Zenaida
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Quinn is the opposite of her sister. She loves people, creatures, and just about everything. She loves to help others, and volunteers at homeless shelters, animal shelters, food drives, ect. a lot. She is extremely kind and helpful, but she is still human. Warning: Stay away from her when she is angry.
Paranormal Link (Your powers/what makes you supernatural.): She can summon creatures from heaven and hell (I hope this isn't too overpowered)
Paranormal Link Appearance(If it has an appearance): N/A
History(Not required, but if you do type a history, type it as if your character is saying it.): *Secret ~ Shall rp*
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Family(This is required if your character has family in the facility.): Kyra Zenaida *older sister*
Room(Where your character sleeps in the facility.): hCvUWg6.jpg?1
Other: She likes
~ Instagram, snapchat, ect.
~ cheese
~ company
~ birds
She has a ferret named Lupic
She has arachnophobia


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Edited on 21/02/15 by ducksrule101 *NHF*OC*TU* (#37894)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-19 10:16:00
All accepted and they are okay, Shy. c:

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slugzillla (#51715)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-02-19 12:50:04
Name: Matthew Dees (Prefers Matt)

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Male

Matt stands at 5 feet and 5 inches tall and weighs 148 pounds. He is quite thin with olive skin and green eyes, his hair is also green due to his specific set of powers. He usually wears old t-shirts, blue jeans, an odd, round pair of glasses with a pair of sunglasses attached, and his favourite pair of old flipflops. His canine teeth are somewhat sharp which helps with his dietary habits.

Personality: Matt is a generally moody guy. Most of the time though he's rather quite, but despite this he does enjoy social situations. He likes friends and company even if he can be a bit snippy or rude is he's stressed or upset. He knows a lot of useless facts, which he often tells, and is pretty intelligent in academics. He doesn't enjoy exercise or athletic activities but prefers to stay inside reading, napping, or caring for his plethora of plants. He can be pretty apathetic and if something bores him he will outright say it but he gets anxious around small children and people much older than him. He isn't one for physical contact or touching and values his personal space greatly, he hardly lets people in his room either because of this. If someone is in needs he will often try to help them, even if he himself is in trouble or having problems.

Link : He can make plants grow and revive dead ones as well as kill them. It's not super interesting, but hey, he loves what he can do and really likes plants, generally to the point where he won't eat vegetables/fruit/bread (it has wheat) and can survive by only consuming meats. He has vowed to be strictly carnivorous, but doesn't push his views on others.

Paranormal Link Appearance(If it has an appearance): n/a

History: {I'll fill this out soon enough, I'm just a bit busy currently}

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: n/a

Family: n/a

Room(Where your character sleeps in the facility.): (Sorry this image is so big) His room is a bit messy and is filled with various plants and books. 20-unique-bedroom-design-with-a-green-trOther: He carries around his favorite plant, a bonsai ficus, that's about the size of his hand pot and all. He tends to talk to it a lot and has lovingly named it Phil

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Stevie [🌶#HC🌶] (#37894)

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Posted on
2015-02-19 12:52:40
>.< YAS!!!

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NeonCherries4Life (#52623)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-02-19 13:13:07
Name: Maria aka Toxic Valentine.
Age: 18.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Personality: Cheerful, Sweet, Kind, shy, and Agressive when needs too. Loves stuffed animals, games, and sweets including shrimp. Hates being shouted at, getting in water(sometimes), and desperate boys/bad flirts.
Paranormal Link (Your powers/what makes you supernatural.): Can shape shift into a werefox/anthro fox. Sometimes if really angry she turns into a werefox on mistake. Werefox version is her agressive version-similar to a werewolf. And her anthro fox form is her regular paranormal form.
Paranormal Link Appearance(If it has an appearance): Anthrofox: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Werefox: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
History(Not required, but if you do type a history, type it as if your character is saying it.): Ask her.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Family(This is required if your character has family in the facility.): (Brother who was Adopted) Zack Jordan.
Room(Where your character sleeps in the facility.): Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Other: Toxic's pet cat is Neon and pet dog(mostly Zack's) is Jerome.

Neon: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Jerome: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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Edited on 19/02/15 by NeonCherries (#52623)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-19 13:56:04
Both accepted~

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NeonCherries4Life (#52623)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-02-19 13:59:25
Name: Zack Jordan.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Appearance: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Personality: Firm, Formal, Caring to friends and sister, Rarely flirty, and Cunning. Likes to read and sing. Also likes tigers. Hates to fight and shout.
Paranormal Link (Your powers/what makes you supernatural.): Can turn into werewolf.
Paranormal Link Appearance(If it has an appearance): Image and video hosting by TinyPic
History(Not required, but if you do type a history, type it as if your character is saying it.): Rarely tells. If you ask him and your not his friend greatly he'll walk away or change the subject. Otherwise he'll tell you only half of it.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Family(This is required if your character has family in the facility.): Maria Valentine.
Room(Where your character sleeps in the facility.): Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Other: Has a dog named Jerome.

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Edited on 19/02/15 by NeonCherries (#52623)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-19 15:58:20

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