Posted by A Place I Won't Call Home (DOG POUND RP)

🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-26 11:35:41
Admin of Forms and RP: Buss-Golds-Lion
Mod of RP: ProTinyCat

This isn't a place you would like to call home. Especially not this pound. It's full of killers, thieves and other dogs not worth to be in the open. Will you survive?

NPC Roles are up for grabs!
Bosco (Lunch Monitor - Female - French Bulldog) :

Coach Xrah (Exersize Coach - Male - Great Dane) :

Grah-Grah ( Brittany (Spaniel) - Female - Warden)

Cheif (Dalmatian - Male - Head Warden )

Also: Now you can make WARDENS! 1 Warden per person!


No Swearing. If you need to swear, use it on a small level.

Fade to black mating/Birthing

No more than 2 characters.

No Gore. A bit of blood is okay, no guts.

Any violations of rules will get you insta-kicked. Put "Doggiedogwoof" in OTHER to make sure i know you read rules.


Sign-Up Forum

Why were they captured?: (Crime Related, please. Or if captured because of being a stray, put 'Strayed'.)
The Rooms
Room 1: Drug Crimes / Strayed Captured
Concrete Walls
12 Cells
Room 2: 1-victim Kills
Metal Walls
10 Cells
Room 3: 12-20 Victim Kills / Robberies
Metal Walls
10 Cells
Room 4: For the Psychopaths
Padded Walls
5 Cells

Room Avalibility:

1- Alucard
2- Lion
3- Integra
4- Ace

1- Dixie - inactive
2- Sparta
3- Barbie
4- Ki

1- Jaws
2- Angel - inactive

2- Ogloth -inactive
3- Kuju
4- Tiger -inactive


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Edited on 24/03/15 by Buss-Golds-Lion (#39962)

saffron (#53103)

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Posted on
2015-02-26 12:08:46
Name: Dixie
Nickname?: None
Why were they captured?: Robbery - Violently robbed a home, injuring a child after being threatened with a knife
Gender: Female
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Personality: Strict and commanding, always wanted to get her way. Doesn't have a very obvious good side, though she does help other dogs in danger and loves puppies.
Other: Doggiedogwoof

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Pelmel (#24402)

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Posted on
2015-02-26 14:15:48
Name: Jaws
Nickname?: Scarfie
Why were they captured?: Violent. Born into a dog-fighting ring that got busted, he had been a prized fighter with a high kill count. As a result, he was vicious and undomesticated. At first he was sent to a shelter, but after nearly killing one of the handlers, he was soon sent to the pound. He narrowly avoided being put down, actually, but was saved by a kind human who worked at the shelter that protected him, the same one who gave him his nickname and the scarf that name stems from.
Gender: Male
Looks: giant-schnauzer-dog-side-view-photo.jpg
Breed: Giant Schnauzer
Personality: Suspicious towards strangers and keeps to himself, he always assumes the worst. He is pessimistic, a bit cold, and easily alarmed. He's a fierce fighter, and easily pushed to fight. Scarf's on the silent side, although he's highly perceptive and fairly intelligent. You don't talk to him and leave him alone, you'll have no problem, but if you get in his space, try to pick a fight, or worst of all touch his scarf, then so help you. It takes a lot to earn his trust, let alone friendship. Admittedly, he does have a strange soft spot for other animals, particularly cats, but as a rule hates other dogs or humans. The only human he's ever liked was that kind woman who gave him his plaid scarf.
Other: Doggiedogwoof

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(she/her) (#41009)

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Posted on
2015-02-26 17:40:54
Name: Muuaji

Nickname?: none, unless you want to get torn to shreds

Why were they captured?: Muuaji had been trained to be an assassin when she was a puppy, being born to one of the two top assassins in her gang. Her and her parents were a part of a gang, who murdered important dogs, taking hostages and giving out threats. Muuaji caused a lot of trouble when she helped taking in hostages; she showed their families of her torturing the hostages, telling them that she wouldn't stop until the gang got what they wanted. Muuaji was always the one who tortured the hostages, the others taking care of everything else. Muuaji had caused some of the hostages to go insane, how? She doesn't like to give out her secrets. One night, when her gang had a contract to murder the prime minister, only a few of the assassins were selected to go. And Muuaji was one of them. One of the assassins had accidentally set off the alarms, making lots of police arrive almost instantly, with her staying back to get her gang away from the police in order for them to not get caught. She was asked numerous times who her boss was, and they had actually tried to bribe her to rat her boss out, but she refused the cash and they eventually gave up on her, putting her in here.

Gender: female

Looks: Image and video hosting by TinyPic (source and credit in 'other')

Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier

Personality: cold, cruel and murderous. Muuaji had grown up in a terrible environment, with seeing murders every day, so the only emotions she had known were hatred, anger and happiness in the suffering of others. She needs to kill or torture something at least once a week in order for her to not go on a killing rampage. And in this prison, some of her victims are weaker dogs, or the rodents and small animals that were in the prison. Even knowing that there is no escape, she hopes that one day to be reunited with her gang, hoping to get her paws on a hostage to torture. Muuaji actually finds joy in killing other dogs, and you'll often find her smiling or smirking as she flees the scene of the crime. There is almost no way to impress her, as she believed that falling in love is considered as weak and unworthy of being in a gang, unless it's another dog that belongs to a powerful gang.

Other: Doggiedogwoof
Credit and source:

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🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-26 22:19:23
Accepted. Dixie will be in Room 2, Jaws in Room 3, and Muuaji in Room 4.

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q BlazeRed q (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-02-26 22:21:22
Name: Oglroth

Nickname?: Creeper, he's mainly called Creeper by the wardens, because he freaks them out.

Why were they captured?: Oglorth was part of a highly dangerous gang, and he was the the Leader's Second-in-Command. He'd often capture the Leader of another gang, or charm unsuspecting females from the street into a trap, then he'd torture them until he got what he wanted from them. The forms of torture would usually involve tying the other dog to the ground and slowly dripping water on their head, or playing loud, unpleasant screeching and screaming noises right in their ear nonstop until they got money or the information they needed. Even when they got what they needed, they would rip open their belly and leave them to die a slow, painful death. One day his group decided to take a big step and bomb a big building. Only two dogs were chosen for this mission and he was one of them. He had to stand guard while the other dog set the timer for the bomb. It was originally supposed to give them just enough time time to escape, but the other dog didn't set the time properly and it went off before they could escape. He woke up several days in the hospital, and was soon brought into questioning. They asked him where his Leader was, but he gave them twisted and creepy answers that freaked them out, so they quit. After scaring several investigators out of their jobs, they finally gave up on him and put him in the asylum.

Gender: Male

Looks (Credit in 'Other'): rhodesian_ridgeback.jpg"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what others say you cannot do."

Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback

Personality: Flirty, but murderous. Oglorth likes to keep others on the edge of their seats, guessing what he would do next. He is not predictable, and his mood can change at any second. Oglorth enjoys flirting with females just to see their reactions. He is a good liar, and can easily cover up his crimes. He has no shame for the crimes he has committed in the past, in fact, if he ever escapes he plans on returning to his gang to continue striking fear into the hearts of others. Though he understands that there is no escape to this asylum, he still has a little bit of hope that he'll be able to get out somehow. You have to be quite special to impress him, as he has seen almost everything and isn't impressed by much. He knows all the right words to insult or creep somebody out, and it would be wise to stay on his good side.

Other: Picture source. Doggiedogwoof.

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Edited on 27/02/15 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-26 22:22:17
Accepted, Ogloth in Room 4.

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🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-26 22:29:48
Now for my apps, a Warden and a Doctor~

Name: Warden Shepsard
Nickname?: Shep
Gender: Male

Breed: German Shepherd
Personality: Kinda Nice, Bossy when needed
Other: Nope
Name: Doctor Sharlie
Nickname?: Shar
Gender: Female
Breed: Poodle
Personality: Sweet, Kind to all
Other: Nope

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🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-26 22:33:05

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(she/her) (#41009)

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Posted on
2015-02-27 14:20:35
(Is there a RP thread?)

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🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-27 23:18:40
Yes. Look in the bottom of the thread. Its not clickable, but you should be able to copy + paste it into the URL bar.

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Beyond Buttercups (#40383)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-02-28 09:30:11
Name: Kuju
Nickname?: Ku
Why were they captured?: She was so agressive from her family fighting as a pup, so she went on a killing spree.


Breed:Border Collie
Personality: Weird and quiet.
Other: Loves singing. Doggiedogwoof.

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🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-28 09:31:48
Accepted, Kuju goes to room 4.

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2015-02-28 09:40:37
Name: Alucard
Why were they captured?: Strayed
Looks: max_400_pharaoh-hound.jpg
Breed: Pharoh hound
Personality: dark but protective, very friendly once he knows you, caring towards the young-young females especially, tendancy to fly off the handle if cornered
Other: Doggiedogwoof

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Edited on 28/02/15 by Lady Sarabi {FL}{CotC} (#51172)

🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-28 09:43:16
Accepted. Alucard - R1

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KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-03-02 21:09:16
Name: Tiger
Nickname?: Devil
Why were they captured?: (Crime Related, please. Or if captured because of being a stray, put 'Strayed'.) Mass murder, is famous for it and also famous for escaping prisons. Most dogs has heard about her
Gender: Female
Looks:Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Breed: Huskey
Personality: Rude, bold, brave, challenging, fierce, confident, serious, strong, an fierce and hard won opponent, easily angered, not good to get on her bad side
Other: doggiedogwoof

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Edited on 03/03/15 by CatGirl {} (#30064)

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